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Imperial Dip 50: Fall 1873 Results

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  • Imperial Dip 50: Fall 1873 Results

    I tried to count up builds but to be honest my brain is so tired from figuring out exactly what happened in the pacific that I kept on losing count whenever I tried. Well check things over for errors and get those Brit retreats in!
    Map-making and SC-counting would also be appreciated.

    GM note: I'm making NMRed countries (Austria and Holland) go into turtle-mode.

    F Ngu H
    F GuManaar-Amn
    F E.Indian S F Mld
    F Mld S F E.Indian
    F Jva H

    A Ruh-Hol
    A Kie S A Ruh-Hol
    A (place west of bavaria whose name I can't make out) S A Kie
    A Rou S A Ruh-Hol (support cut, unit dislodged and destroyed)
    A (french province south of holland whose name I can't make out) S A Rou (support cut)
    A Mar S A VLC (support cut)
    A VLC S A Mar
    A Pie S A Mar
    F Lyo S A VLC
    F W.Med S A Vlc
    F Crs S F W.Med
    F Tyr S F W.Med
    F Nap S F Sic
    F Adr S F Sic
    F Sic S F Adr
    A Glc S A Wrs
    A Wrs S A Mos
    A Mos S A Wrs

    To:CSA, Rednecks! Haven't you learned yet, get your gutrot junks back across the sea where you belong and take limpy **** Mexican with you.
    To:Mexico, I have heard from Longstreet that Mexico is growing too big and are losing control so the CSA is about to take control of the bean country. In the meantime back off of my waters also, or I will sink those Spanish Galleons you sold.
    To:England, way to keep fighting on and I will support you to the end.
    thanks boshkovich for taking over.

    China Defiant
    A-BKH - KHV (move fails)
    A-KSL - BKH (move fails)
    A-KRA - KSL (move fails)
    A-IRK - KRA (move fails)
    A-BRM - HOLD
    A-YUT - HOLD
    A-SIA - HOLD
    A-CCH - HOLD
    F-PHILIPPINE - BISMARK (move fails)
    F-KAM - BERING (move fails)
    A-VLA - KAM (move fails)

    A Sev S A Grg
    A Bku S A Grg
    F Black S A Grg
    A Teh - Khv (move fails)
    A Afg S A Teh - Khv
    A Tbr - Arm
    A Syr - Cai
    F Red C A Mec - Sud
    A Mec - Sud
    F Hdr - Persian
    A Nej - Mec
    F Ionian - Trp
    F Tun S F Ionian - Trp (invalid support)
    F Aeg C A Sof - Trp
    F Ionian C A Sof - Trp
    A Sof - Trp
    A Con H
    F Mrc - Gb (unit dislodged and destroyed)
    F Alg - Mrc (move fails)
    F HoAfrica S F M. Channel - Sey
    F M. Channel - Sey
    A Moz - Trn
    A Ctn - Dml (move fails)
    F Som - Ken (move fails)
    F Ken - Moz (move fails)
    A Gcs - pray for mercy (unit dislodged and destroyed)

    Viva Senor Ruff and his proud CSA!! I am proud to be considered his
    compatriot in arms.

    Turkey for you, turkey for me. I like turkey while watching TV. Gooble it
    up as quick as you can, before the Mexican and Confederate man can.

    Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!! Now, be
    gone silly Englishman or I'll be forced to taunt you again!

    Why do I even bother insulting the Dutch? Because ole wooden shoes is such a

    Q: Whats the difference between a chinese woman and a newspaper?
    A: The newspaper costs 5 cents more.

    1. F Westerlies s CSA F HAW - W. Pacific
    2. F GoCalifornia - E. Pacific
    3. F SW Pacific - A. Pacific
    4. F Drake - A. Atlantic
    5. F FLK - Drake
    6. F CoArgentina holds
    7. F B Current c A RDJ - DML
    8. A OLI - URU
    9. A RDJ - DML (move fails)
    10. A LPA - AMA
    11. A BRA - PRA
    12. F NE Trades s CSA F Sargasso
    13. F M Atlantic s CSA A MDO - GCS (invalid support)
    14. F S Atlantic c A RDJ - DML
    15. F B. Current c A RDJ - DML
    16. F Good Hope - CTN
    17. A BOT s F Good Hope - CTN
    18. A RHO s A CNG - MOZ
    19. A CNG - MOZ
    20. A OKN - CNG
    21. F MAD s F W. Indian
    22. F A. Indian s F W. Indian
    23. F Sunda - SRW
    24. F SE Trades - JAVA
    25. F Timor s F SE Trades - JAVA
    26. F PRT - SE Trades
    27. F Barrier s F PRT - SE Trades
    28. F QUE - NTR
    29. F Coral s CSA F Bismark (invalid support)
    30. F Tasman - QUE
    31. F NZE - Tasman

    F-Hlg > North (move fails)
    F-Skg S F-Hlg > North
    F-Den S F-Hlg > North
    F-Norway > Norweigan (move fails)
    A-Fin S A-Stp
    A-Stp S A-Fin
    F-G.Bot S A-Stp
    A-Grg H
    A-Oma H
    F-Arabian > Mld (move fails)
    F-NE Monsoon S F-Arabian > Mld
    F-Sey S F-NE Monsoon (invalid support, support cut, unit dislodged and destroyed)
    A-Krc S A-Kas
    A-Raj > Mdh
    A-Kas S A-Krc
    A-Mds H
    F-Cmb > Bnk/ec
    A-Mls > Sum (move fails)
    F-Srw H (unit dislodged, can retreat to Bor or disband)
    F-Java C A-Mls > Sum (unit dislodged can retreat to Sum, Bor or disband)


    Viva Mexico! Your sailors are true warriors, and a pleasure to sail with
    unlike the mindless junk bound fools under the Chinese flags, the toothless
    whores wrapped in the Union Jack, the cowardly Dutch Boys, the vermin
    infested mongrels serving the filthy heathen Turk, or the jackbooted thugs of
    the Arch Duck.


    RICHMOND, VIRGINA - October 1, 1873- President Jefferson Ruffhaus VIII
    addressed the Confederate States Legeslature in an move designed to gain a
    declaration of war against the Ottoman Empire and Imperial Austria, as these
    one proud peoples are now but rogue nations have aligning themselves with the
    forces of evil. The resolution was passed with an overwhelming majority by
    the Senate.

    After the cermnonies the Prussian Kaiser in exile attending and an invited
    guest of the President offered his approval and encouragement remarking,
    "It's going to be fun wathcing the Divine Order cower like thedogs their
    Chinese masters devour for supper. "

    A Atlanta - Bahamas
    A Ontario - Greenland
    F Hudson Bay convoys A Ontario - Greenland
    F Greenland - Barents Sea
    F Northern Passage supports F Greenland - Barents Sea
    F Dublin - hold
    F Norwegian Sea supports F North Sea - hold (support cut)
    F Edinburg supports F North Sea - hold
    F London supports F North Sea - hold
    F North Sea supports A Paris - Rouen (support cut)
    F Nantes supports A Paris - Rouen
    A Paris - Rouen
    A Bordeaux - Marseilles (move fails)
    A Toledo - Valencia
    F Gibraltar - Morocco
    F Strait of Gibraltar supports F Gibraltar - Morocco
    F Canary Islands supports F Gibraltar - Morocco
    A Azores Islands - hold
    F North Atlantic Ocean - Bay of Biscay
    F Sargasso Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
    F Eastern Carribean Sea - Sargasso Sea
    A TWR - FZZ
    A TIR - TWR
    A MDO supports A Monrovia - Grain Coast
    A Monrovia - Grain Coast
    F DMK - Ivory Coast
    F Gulf of Guinea supports F DMK - Ivory Coast
    A Washington State - hold
    A Alaska - hold
    F Bering Sea supports Mexican F Westerlies - Kuril Trench (invalid support, support cut)
    F North Pacific Ocean supports F Bering Sea - hold
    F Hawaii - Western Pacific Ocean (move fails)
    F Western Pacific Ocean - Bismark Sea (move fails)
    F Equatorial Countercurrent supports F Western Pacific Ocean - Bismark Sea
    F IJA supports F Western Pacific Ocean - Bismark Sea
    F Bismark Sea - Luzon
    F Luzon - Luzon Strait
    F Mindanao supports F Luzon - Luzon Strait
    F Celebes Sea supports Mexican F Sunda Sea - Sarawak
    Stop Quoting Ben

  • #2
    I know we've had this argument before, but I thought NMRed countries just held rather than support each other, as per the rules? I don't see why Holland should get the benefit of double support because he failed to turn in moves....
    "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


    • #3
      I will have the map up this afternoon, and will attempt some method of accounting of SCs. As for the NMRs my preference has always been to place nations NMRing into civil disorder. Snowfire had another opinion, and Boshko has one too. While I feel strongly about my way, I don't want to offend a GM doing us a favor. In an effort to keep the game going I bit my tongue when the dislodged Dutch units in civil disorder were unexpectedly allowed to retreat. At the same time, Orange_1 has a point in that he expected the Dutch units to hold in place not support. I sure don't have the answer here, and I'm not telling Orange_1 to drop his petition, just offering my objective perspective.
      What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


      • #4
        Kudos to Ruff for not only submitting moves for 3 zillion units, he actually figures out the names of the provinces too...

        As his GM in the CGN Imperial dip game, it does bring some joy to the joyless process of resolving moves

        Ohh, and Kudos to Boshko for GM'ing
        Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


        • #5
          BTW, ruff and orange, I support Boshkos way. I think a PBEM game should be as close to a FTF game as possible, and minimizing the effects of NMR's is one way of doing that...
          Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


          • #6
            it's a bit odd that Austria (after one NMR?) is being put into Civil Disorder
            "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
            You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

            "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


            • #7
              With respect to Austria's NMR, I am not calling for HDS to be replaced, and Austria sent to civil disorder. I meant that my preference is that NMRing nations get stuck with all units hold than random temporary replacement orders or an all units support situation.

              I see the aversion to this, but I just disagree with the notion that random moves make it more fair. It's all depends on who's point of view, and game dynamics.

              Anyway, I'm not lodging a complaint, just offering my opinion to show consistency in a situation were my opinion actually benefits my enemy rather than my nation.
              What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


              • #8
                Here is the Fall 1873 Map. As always please check for accuracy, thanks.

                Also, here are some observations made as I updated the map. Would the GM and players please review these and comment as necessary?

                * Austrian A Metz (is the unnamed unit in France)
                * Austrian A Vienna (unordered)
                * Austrian A Silesia (unordered)
                * Chinese F East China Sea - Phillipine Sea (bounces with Phillipine Sea)
                * CSA A Toledo - Valencia (fails 1v3)
                * English A Georgia (unordered)
                * Turkish A Baghdad (unordered)
                * Turkish F Ionian Sea (ordered twice, convention says unit holds and does nothing)
                * Turkish A Cape Town (dislodged, destroyed)

                Supply Center/Unit Analysis

                Austria: 22 supply centers, 21 units = 1 BUILD
                China: 26 supply centers, 26 units = NO CHANGE
                CSA: 42 supply centers, 39 units = 3 BUILDS
                ENGLAND: 19 supply centers, 20 units = 1 DISBAND (pending retreats)
                HOLLAND: 6 supply centers, 5 units = BUILD 1 (pending retreats)
                MEXICO: 34 supply centers, 31 units = 3 BUILDS
                TURKEY: 22 suply centers, 23 units = 1 DISBAND
                What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                • #9
                  you wanna have a look at that map, cowboy?
                  "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                  You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                  "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                  • #10
                    What's wrong with the map?
                    What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                    • #11
                      Defiant - are you just trying to prove that your the most overrated player at ACS? If so, keep it up! You're doing a flawless job of it
                      "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                      You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                      "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                      • #12
                        Why did my convoy fail?

                        9. A RDJ - DML (move fails)
                        14. F S Atlantic c A RDJ - DML
                        15. F B. Current c A RDJ - DML


                        • #13
                          Well I am lodging a complaint because I wouldn't have made those orders had I known that NMRed countries would be rewarded for not turning in orders. For some reason, I thought we would be following the rules of Diplomacy when playing this game, but obviously I was wrong.

                          I'm not saying I've never NMRed in my life, but I expect to be punished for it when I do because it's my mistake. By signing on to these games, you make a commitment to turn in moves and if you don't, your enemies should benefit. I just don't understand this random moves or "all support each other" stuff. In my eyes, that's just unfair.

                          I'm not saying either that HDS should be replaced after 1 NMR, just that, by NMRing, his units should suffer for not having orders.

                          I like everyone am very grateful that Boshko has taken over the GMing of this game and I'm not trying to make the whole thing harder, I just disagree with this one particular rule.
                          "Life is like a bag of Revells - you're always searching for The Orange One"


                          • #14
                            I would have to agree with the_orange1. An "NMR" translates literally to "no moves recorded". I say the player receives a warning and all units hold, as per the rules of diplomacy. What if he had a "NMR" on his winter turn? Would you have built a unit or units for him? Plus, why did my convoy fail?


                            • #15
                              i agree with Ruff and Gerwald...maybe for future turns?
                              "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                              You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                              "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui

