Originally posted by Gerwald
I do not wish to waste anymore time or breath on this subject, Orange.
I do not wish to waste anymore time or breath on this subject, Orange.
I will not venture into OT to play your reindeer games. Not because I am scared, but because I have a life offline. Three kids, a loving wife of ten years, and a highly successful business.
My point is that there is no need for political viewpoints to be plastered like obnoxious billboards on our ID stamps.
This ADC site is for diplomacy games.
You obviously feel that freedom of speech defends your poor taste.
Therefore, you must feel justified to misuse your ID stamp to let everyone else in ADC know your political viewpoints. I will not stoop to your level and force ADC members to see anything on my "avatar & location" except for its intended use. On this subject we will simply have to agree to disagree.
If you don't agree with what my avatar and location have to say, just say you don't agree. The avatar and location field doesn't have an 'intended use', it is used the way I use it everywhere on this site...you can put what you want...and if it's a problem the site owners will do something about it.
Write a formal complaint to Markos if you're so goddamn upset with it, but I've done nothing wrong so don't expect much action.
If you ever feel like actually debating what you so honorably crusade in here on your high horse to defend, please meet me in the OT. I'm itching to wipe the floor with you on Iraq.