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SNESA - SKILORDS Never Ending Stories Apolyton

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  • Britain, you were protecting greece and if you werent I dont like iraq either so no way. BEER, thats crap. OK, you can have a bit more territory in SOuth America than earlier planned (when I finish conquering it).


    • Combine that tech with rocketry, and you have yourself a deal
      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


      • OOC: cool we can say crap, that is so sweet.
        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


        • A member of the U.K. has stationed a new replic gov in U.k and in France in which now so frence a rebelling UK IS HELPING THE NON-REBELLS IN FRANCE TO HELP CONTROL IT TO STATION POLICE AND MEDICAL CENTERS.
          I'm Super Crazy
          My song
          I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • Chians troops in south america return to China. Serious concenrs of British aggression are mounting about the Chinese People.

            To members of the warsaw pact, i am requesting you station any troups you can around the area of Britain. as you have no doubt noticed, they have been trying to recruit nations to thier evil plans. I propose a meeting on this agenda tommmorow at 18:30 in my territory to discuss this agenda. To all countries with no territory around Great Briatain, your troups are welcome to station themselves in my country. I fear another madman.

            Ming Chung


            • you already have rocketry, but sure . America has seized the canal and surrounding region (without hurting BEER's ships!) and advanced further in Central America.
              Attached Files


              • So in Quick Summery we have stationeda new goverment repuplict in which we are taking over france to aid them in there rebellious times
                I'm Super Crazy
                My song
                I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                • european france or free france . Check your spelling and speak more clearly, what's going on???


                  • I'm talking over france clean and simple lol
                    I'm Super Crazy
                    My song
                    I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    • and changing my gov. to republic
                      I'm Super Crazy
                      My song
                      I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • BEER Forces move into France, quelling the rebellion, and declare war upon the United Kingdom. Noting the UK's prior transgressions, it is viewed as completely untrustworthy by BEER.

                        BEER Battleships and Planes bombard all Harbors and coastal defenses of England, and in a combined arms effort capture london and most of southern England. English fleet is hunted down, and BEER begins production on new modern tank units.

                        BEER requests that all civilized nations quell the madman of England before the war becomes nuclear again.

                        BEER is saddened at the necessity of such action against a nation which, until recently, has had a very unique history.
                        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                        • PRESS RELEASE - Juda Hussein approved

                          The Republic of Iraq is not aligned with the U.K.

                          We have asked Egypt for their opinion on U.K.'s request.

                          The Band of Jihad is a Mutual Protection Pact and does not supported aggressive actions against other countries.

                          Any MPP we may start with the U.K. will not be cancelled if the U.K. is determined to have started the hostilities without provocation or as a means for self-defense.

                          Go Woodstock '55!


                          • which france? If it's free france I recommend that the SOuth American powers (me and BEER) stop this and give free france independence or maybe BEER could actually give france in europe independence, you support free france's independence but not france's!


                            • ((OOC: Britain, I outnumber you on land, sea, and air, give up now or be sorry))
                              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                              • China: The USSR will provide you with a nuclear warhead to act as a deterent against aggression against your nation.

                                UK: Any aggression against BEER will be answered in kind. The Warsaw Pact is united against you.

                                BEER: Any opinion on the proposed land deal above? Also we only support the USA in Blueb, fighting the Fascists. We remain your ally against capitalist aggression, should it occur.

