Dip 62: Not So Newbie Diplomacy Autumn 1906 Results
- Italy Unified Under French Flag - Frog Leg Ravioli All The Rage In Rome
- Russia Under Pressure In North But Making Gains In South
- Turkish Naval Blunder Has Disastrous Consequences
- Austrians Begin "Long March", final destination: Iceland
FRANCE - November Adam
F-Bre > Mao (ok)
A-Mun > Boh (ok)
A-Bur > Mun (ok)
A-Ven S F-Nap > Apu (ok)
A-Pie S A-Ven (ok)
A-Tyr S A-Mun > Boh (ok)
F-Nap > Apu (ok)
F-Rom > Nap (ok)
F-Tys > Ion (*bounce with TF-Adr*)
BRITAIN - Defiant
A-Edi > Den (ok)
A-Bel H (ok)
A-Hol > Kie (ok)
F-Ber H (ok)
F-Nor C A-Edi > Den (ok)
F-Nwg S F-Nwy (ok)
F-Nwy S F-Swe (*support cut*)
F-Swe S A-Edi > Den (*support cut*)
F-Bal S F-Swe (ok)
RUSSIA - End Is Forever
F-Ska > Swe (*bounce with BF-Swe*)
F-Fin S F-Ska > Swe (ok)
A-Stp > Nwy (*bounce with BF-Nwy*)
F-Rum > Bla (ok)
F-Sev S F-Rum > Bla (ok)
A-Bud > Rum (ok)
A-Ank > Con (*bounce with TA-Con*)
F-Adr > Ion (*bounce with FF-Tys*)
A-Tri S A Ser > Bud (ok)
A-Vie S A-Ser > Bud (ok)
A-Ser > Bud (ok)
F-Bla S F-Bul > Rum (*invalid, no such move - fleet is on sc; dislodged, retreat to Arm, OTB*)
F-Bul > Rum (*invalid move*)
F-Con > Ank (*bounce with RA-Ank*)
AUSTRIA - Victor Galis
A-Gal > War (ok)
ITALY - Civil Disorder (formerly Taurus) EOG
A-Apu H (*dislodged, DESTROYED*
Eliminated 1905
Total SCs: 36
SCs needed for solo: 18
10 SCs [PAR, BRE, MAR, Spa, Por, Tun, Mun (G), Rom (I), Ven (I), Nap (I)]
2 builds
10 SCs [LON, EDI, LPL, Nor, Bel, Hol, Swe, Den, Kie (G), Ber (G)]
1 build
8 SCs [CON, SMY, Gre, Bul, Ser, Tri (A), Vie (A), Bud (A)]
1 build
5 SCs [MOS, STP, SEV, Rum, Ank (T)]
2 disbands
1 SC [War (R)]
No change
Builds/disbands in by Monday 1 April at 2359GMT please.
1) FRANCE - Easily the strongest power on the board after a swift dissection of Italy, developments elsewhere have been incredibly helpful to France. The bitter struggle for the Balkans has left Russia and Turkey tied up, while Britain has a rockier road to success in the north. Crucially, the stalemate line was crossed this turn and France has naval superiority in the Med
2) BRITAIN - Looking good too, but Russia is proving a harder opponent than Italy was for the French. This has forced a concentration on fleet builds, which leaves Britain a bit weak on the continent. Still expanding, but further SCs will be difficult to grab from a stalwart Russia.
3) TURKEY - Even on 8 SCs, Turkey does not look solid enough. Progress against Austria has been impressive, with all the Balkans now under the Sultan's flag. But the ongoing conflict with Russia has forced Turkey to halt its westwards momentum, allowing France to gain the initiative in the Med. Much will depend on relations with Russia now.
4) RUSSIA - A couple of turns ago, Russia was looking very powerful in the north and the south, but a well-planned counter-attack by Britain and a solid defence by Turkey has wiped out most of Russia's early gains. Now, the choices are bleak and difficult, with the Western powers marching on relentlessly every turn.
5) AUSTRIA - A grand alliance seems the only way the other powers can stop Austria marching to victory. Enough said.
- Italy Unified Under French Flag - Frog Leg Ravioli All The Rage In Rome
- Russia Under Pressure In North But Making Gains In South
- Turkish Naval Blunder Has Disastrous Consequences
- Austrians Begin "Long March", final destination: Iceland
FRANCE - November Adam
F-Bre > Mao (ok)
A-Mun > Boh (ok)
A-Bur > Mun (ok)
A-Ven S F-Nap > Apu (ok)
A-Pie S A-Ven (ok)
A-Tyr S A-Mun > Boh (ok)
F-Nap > Apu (ok)
F-Rom > Nap (ok)
F-Tys > Ion (*bounce with TF-Adr*)
BRITAIN - Defiant
A-Edi > Den (ok)
A-Bel H (ok)
A-Hol > Kie (ok)
F-Ber H (ok)
F-Nor C A-Edi > Den (ok)
F-Nwg S F-Nwy (ok)
F-Nwy S F-Swe (*support cut*)
F-Swe S A-Edi > Den (*support cut*)
F-Bal S F-Swe (ok)
RUSSIA - End Is Forever
F-Ska > Swe (*bounce with BF-Swe*)
F-Fin S F-Ska > Swe (ok)
A-Stp > Nwy (*bounce with BF-Nwy*)
F-Rum > Bla (ok)
F-Sev S F-Rum > Bla (ok)
A-Bud > Rum (ok)
A-Ank > Con (*bounce with TA-Con*)
F-Adr > Ion (*bounce with FF-Tys*)
A-Tri S A Ser > Bud (ok)
A-Vie S A-Ser > Bud (ok)
A-Ser > Bud (ok)
F-Bla S F-Bul > Rum (*invalid, no such move - fleet is on sc; dislodged, retreat to Arm, OTB*)
F-Bul > Rum (*invalid move*)
F-Con > Ank (*bounce with RA-Ank*)
AUSTRIA - Victor Galis
A-Gal > War (ok)
ITALY - Civil Disorder (formerly Taurus) EOG
A-Apu H (*dislodged, DESTROYED*
Eliminated 1905
Total SCs: 36
SCs needed for solo: 18
10 SCs [PAR, BRE, MAR, Spa, Por, Tun, Mun (G), Rom (I), Ven (I), Nap (I)]
2 builds
10 SCs [LON, EDI, LPL, Nor, Bel, Hol, Swe, Den, Kie (G), Ber (G)]
1 build
8 SCs [CON, SMY, Gre, Bul, Ser, Tri (A), Vie (A), Bud (A)]
1 build
5 SCs [MOS, STP, SEV, Rum, Ank (T)]
2 disbands
1 SC [War (R)]
No change
Builds/disbands in by Monday 1 April at 2359GMT please.
1) FRANCE - Easily the strongest power on the board after a swift dissection of Italy, developments elsewhere have been incredibly helpful to France. The bitter struggle for the Balkans has left Russia and Turkey tied up, while Britain has a rockier road to success in the north. Crucially, the stalemate line was crossed this turn and France has naval superiority in the Med
2) BRITAIN - Looking good too, but Russia is proving a harder opponent than Italy was for the French. This has forced a concentration on fleet builds, which leaves Britain a bit weak on the continent. Still expanding, but further SCs will be difficult to grab from a stalwart Russia.
3) TURKEY - Even on 8 SCs, Turkey does not look solid enough. Progress against Austria has been impressive, with all the Balkans now under the Sultan's flag. But the ongoing conflict with Russia has forced Turkey to halt its westwards momentum, allowing France to gain the initiative in the Med. Much will depend on relations with Russia now.
4) RUSSIA - A couple of turns ago, Russia was looking very powerful in the north and the south, but a well-planned counter-attack by Britain and a solid defence by Turkey has wiped out most of Russia's early gains. Now, the choices are bleak and difficult, with the Western powers marching on relentlessly every turn.
5) AUSTRIA - A grand alliance seems the only way the other powers can stop Austria marching to victory. Enough said.