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Blitzen Dip (Colonial Gunboat) - Fall 1875

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  • Blitzen Dip (Colonial Gunboat) - Fall 1875

    Blitzen Dip (Colonial Gunboat) - Fall 1875



    BRITAIN (orange)

    A Syria S A Baghdad - Armenia
    A Baghdad - Armenia
    F Mediterranean Sea H
    A Mecca - Saudi Arabia
    A Tabriz S A Baghdad - Armenia
    F Persian Gulf - Arabian Sea
    A Rajputana - Punjab
    F Mysore - West Indian Ocean
    F Ceylon S F Mysore - West Indian Ocean
    F Gulf of Manaar - Andaman Sea
    (F Bangkok - Malaya) bounce with Singapore
    (F Rangoon S F Gulf of Manaar - Andaman Sea) unit ordered twice, second order used
    (F Singapore - Malaya) bounce with Bangkok
    F Gulf of Siam S F South China Sea - Annam
    F Tongking S F South China Sea - Annam
    F South China Sea - Annam
    A Assam S A (Chinese) Sinkiang
    A Tibet S A (Chinese) Sinkiang
    A Kashmir S A Tibet
    A Upper Burma S A (Chinese) Mandalay
    F Rangoon S F Gulf of Manaar - Andaman Sea
    F Canton H
    F Persia - hold*


    CHINA (The Orange_1, replacing Taurus)

    A-Mandalay Hold
    A-Chungking S A-Sinkiang
    A-Sinkiang S A-Chungking
    (A-Urumchi S A-Sinkiang) support cut, dislodged, may retreat to Semipalatinsk, Kirghiz, or OTB
    A-Kashgar S A-Sinkiang

    FRANCE (SnowFire)

    (F Annam S F Cochin) dislodged destroyed
    F Cochin S F Annam
    (F Manilla S Japanese F MPO) dislodged destroyed

    HOLLAND (Chazzy)

    F-Cebu S F-Davao
    F-Davao S F-Cebu
    (F-LowPac Ocean>MidPacOcean) bounce 1v1 with Upper Pacific Ocean
    A-Sara H
    F-Sumatra S F-So.IndOcean>East IndOcean
    F-SoIndOcean>East IndOcean
    (F-Java Sea>Singapore) bounce 1v1 with Singapore

    JAPAN (El Awrence)

    A Krasnoyarsk SUPPORT A Mongolia > Urumchi
    A Mongolia > Urumchi
    A Irkutsk > Mongolia
    A Manchuria > Peking
    A Lanchow SUPPORT A Irkutsk > Mongolia
    A Shanghai > Nanchung
    F Nanchung > South China Sea
    F Middle Pacific Ocean > Manila
    F Luzon Strait SUPPORT F Middle Pacific Ocean > Manila
    F Formosa SUPPORT F Nanchung > South China Sea
    F East China Sea SUPPORT F Nanchung > South China Sea
    (F Upper Pacific Ocean > Middle Pacific Ocean) bounce 1v1 with Lower Pacific Ocean
    F Yellow Sea H

    RUSSIA (Defiant)

    F Odessa - hold
    A Omsk - hold
    A Bokhara - hold
    A Tashkent - hold

    TURKEY (Gerwald)

    F RUM s F CON
    F CON s A ANG
    A ANG s F CON


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    Congratulations to Britain, who cruises to a solo victory in just six years! Nice job. Any guesses on who the strategic genius is? Feel free to e-mail me or even post in the thread if you want to. I'll announce the palyer list in 24 hours or so, just incase there's an error, protest, etc. At that time EOG statements are welcomed. I generally refrain from making judgements on the way players play the game, but it is great to hear why they did thing they way they did. And one exception in this case goes out to France, who in my opinion deserves a lot of credit for hanging in there to the bitter end, taking it from all sides. Making it worse was the fact that this guys was trying to work WITH so many of you if you'd only read the orders!

    ANyway, thank you to everyone for making this a relatively smooth and succesful game! I'm considering another hoasting another fast paced gunboat game. Please E-MAIL me if you are interested, with map suggestions, preferences, etc.

    Please check for accuracy, thanks!

    ADJUSTMENTS DUE (not really due, but just for the record)

    BRITAIN - Build 2
    CHINA - Disband 1
    FRANCE - No Change
    HOLLAND - No Change
    JAPAN - Build 2
    RUSSIA - No Change
    TURKEY - No Change


    Home Supply centers listed in CAPS. Occupied home supply centers listed with (original owner) in parenthesis. Note: A solo victory requires ownership of 24 supply centers.

    BRITAIN (24)
    Bengal, Egypt, Karachi, Malaya, Ceylon, Sudan, Persia, Bangkok, Upper Burma,
    Canton (C), Rangoon, Assam, Baghdad (T), Shiraz, Kashmir, Tongking (F), Annam (F), Tabriz

    JAPAN (15)
    Formosa, Pusan, Sakhalin, Seoul, Vladivostok (R), Manchuria (C), Port Arthur (R), Shanghai (C), Mongolia, Manila, Peking (C)

    HOLLAND (7)
    Sarawak, New Guinea, Davao, Cebu

    CHINA (4)
    Chungking, Mandalay, Kashgar

    RUSSIA (4)

    TURKEY (3)

    FRANCE (1)
    What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.

  • #2
    A nice and quick French EOG. I stuck Britain at the top of my list of preferences precisely because Britain has the ability to be everywhere and split the opposition. After that, I wanted to try France, which is nice because it has a rock-solid base in SE Asia that can be very hard to dislodge once set-up. However, France's weakness is its slow start- it has merely 3 SCs, enemies everywhere, and way too many SC's to grab at once.

    I decided that the number one priority would be Britain. Two small outposts nearby had to be crushed before they could interfere with my plans, and that would simplify things greatly. I knew I was going to clash with Britain over SE Asia, so why not?

    China I simply needed an alliance with. It was as simple as that. China could easily ruin all my plans by moving south. I hoped this would be easy because he would have Japan & Russia to worry about and therefore be distracted. I also made the support offer into Hong Kong, to hopefully be used later.

    Holland was a more long-term prospect. Hopefully he would agree with me that Britain was a threat and needed to be eliminated. I expected to probably stab him before China, but that was down the road.

    Why is this EOG short? Because all this planning didn't matter a darn. China decided to make a quick thrust south, which I don't blame him for- it's a legitimate strategy- and decided to keep on going after seeing my initial offer of support, although needless to say I would have been more than willing to kiss and make up. I was happy to see Britain netting 6 builds because I figured that would unite the world against him, but it didn't. And, well, the rest was history. The Dutch diddled around a bit too much and didn't expand fast enough to matter much, the Chinese were my enemies (although I supported them against the British whenever I could), and the Japanese were the indirect allies of the Brits. I tried to hold a stalemate in the Phillipines to convince the Dutch to look elsewhere- like maybe Singapore & India- for expansion. Russia decided to massively press the Ottomans, and the Ottomans responded, but as a result, when the Russians stopped the war, the Ottoman armies were all in position to continue the war against Russia but not so much to stop the Brits. Still, 'twas a heroic resistance put up by the Turks. Armed (sorta) with their Chinese allies and Dutch non-combatants, I was slowly crushed, and got to do my standard "from hell's heart I stab at thee" resistance.

    Good game all, and congratulations to Britain.
    All syllogisms have three parts.
    Therefore this is not a syllogism.


    • #3
      Well, so much for waiting 24 hours.... Three of you were itching to know, and I knew the suspense was killing you. Nationalities edited onto the thread.

      E-mail me if you want in on the next game....
      What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


      • #4
        Japan EOG.

        First of all at Britain. Dammit! Six builds wasn't enough the first turn, but you needed 5 halfway through the game.

        And now my congratulations.

        Anyway, as Japan, I tried to go for a few builds the first year. I figured that Russia and China were going at each other hard and I'd have no trouble taking out whatever remained of them in the end. Which went well, until I saw in the first fall that Britain had 6 builds. How the hell does that happen in a gunboat game except sheer luck one wonders. At that point I figured that I needed to grow, in hopes of forcing a draw sometime, before Britain got too strong. the Russo-Chinese conflicts was going wonderfully for Japan () and I soon had a foothold. I was growing slowly as planned and it was going well, and I banked that there would be a sort of anti-Britain "alliance" somewhere in the continent so that I could eat away slowly at the bellies of China and Russia. But then Britain got another striking five builds and it was all over as a gunboat game. I just wanted to hoard scs after that.


        • #5
          Originally posted by El Awrence
          How the hell does that happen in a gunboat game except sheer luck one wonders.
          All skill
          "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
          You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

          "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


          • #6
            ORANGE YOU SON OF A B!TCH!

            *goes off into carpet-chewing mode*


            • #7
              Britain EOG

              First of all, let me thank the players and especially the GM for a fair and relatively efficient game. This was my first game of gunboat, and I rather enjoyed it, especially the speed at which it was played

              I was very surprised that, in a game where my country preference was “whatever’s left” I ended up with Britain, but I’m glad that I got it

              My original idea for Britain was a peace with China and Russia, and an immediate invasion of the Ottoman Empire and French Indochina. I planned to play Holland and Japan as they treated me. I was more than happy to discover China’s peace towards me when dealing with France and in allowing me entrance into Kashmir, as well as Ottoman hostility towards Russia early on. Twelve centers and six builds for year 2 was a blessing, and I think it’s what really gave me the ability to win in the end. I must say I was very confused by China’s turn on me when I had spent most of the game supporting his units and offering support against France through my orders. It was as if another player had taken over, his moves changed almost completely (this was written BEFORE figuring out that China was replaced!). This set me back a bit, and allowed Japan to extend its power in Asia, which frightened me. Holland similarly became hostile after what I had viewed to be a peace. I would have assisted Holland against Japan in the Philippines and stayed out of his territory completely had he sent his fleets north and east. However, he fought Japan and France to a stalemate which he never really recovered from. Russia seemed screwed from the start, but he probably could have prospered he if had taken a more active role against the Ottoman Empire. I’m glad for whatever reason that he chose not to invade me or support China against me, and I hope that it was out of respect for the fact that I had supported his units and acted peacefully with him. I suppose that in gunboat, once one power gets a near monopoly on centers, it’s hard to stay peaceful with him regardless of how they’ve treated you in the past.

              I look forward to playing in another gunboat game
              "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
              You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

              "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


              • #8
                RUFFHAUS: Oops. I read your statement as referring to who Britain's player was, so I figured that I wouldn't be spoiling anything, not being the British player.

                Congrats orange!
                Next time, Gadget...
                All syllogisms have three parts.
                Therefore this is not a syllogism.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SnowFire
                  RUFFHAUS: Oops. I read your statement as referring to who Britain's player was, so I figured that I wouldn't be spoiling anything, not being the British player.

                  Congrats orange!
                  Next time, Gadget...
                  "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                  You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                  "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                  • #10
                    Darn you! Too quick on the quote button you were for me... evil mumblings are meant to be small and hard to read, not large!
                    All syllogisms have three parts.
                    Therefore this is not a syllogism.


                    • #11
                      Is that more to your liking?
                      "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                      You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                      "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                      • #12
                        No problem, SnowFire. Some of the others were nagging me too, and I think everyone had all but conceeded the game a while ago. I was just being careful initially, but when Larry was nagging me, I figured that he was the only one still in it to offer a "wait just a minute!"
                        What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


                        • #13
                          I didn't nag you at all for it.


                          • #14
                            yeah, it's impossible to nag while chewing carpet
                            "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                            You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                            "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                            • #15
                              Russian EOG

                              First off, congratualtions Orange. I believe you are not a virgin anymore, I will have to take a look but I think this is your first ADC points and a solo at that, well done. Just remember you didn't have to go directly against me in this game to achieve your solo, that would have been a different story.

                              What a country to have to play in this one, can't remember if I asked for it or not. This is a brutal country in this game to play gunboat, first you have to decide which end you are going to sacrafice because you can't protect both, impossible I believe but I am sure there are better players out there that maybe can do better, I was happy to just survive. Problem is with PA and that stupid damn island off of the Eastern coast is but all wiped out by China and Japan because I am not able to get cooperation from one or the other, just too easy of SC's for them to take, especially with Hoggy playing Japan. Since that side was the hardest to protect I thought I wouldn't throw much energy at it and concentrate on Turkey for rapid growth, well he had the same ideas and stalemated me there and let Britain gain valuable SC's, but in his defense what could he do. let me surge or Britain, he couldn't protect both coasts either.

                              From there on it was just picking up what I could trying to block off those ugly Chinese hordes.

                              Good Game, but I don't want Russia again.
                              Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

                              (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell

