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Dip 50 Please Read!

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  • #16
    Here's a link to the map provided by MDR in his e-mail with the Fall 1868 adjudication. I'll post it to the official thread when he creates one.

    What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


    • #17
      Sahib, I am sorry to see you go. Why turns have been bogged down like this is not becuase I've been waiting for players to get their moves in on time, however. It's due to lack of time. I set the deadlines up for the days I'm most likely to have the two plus hours it takes to adjudicate around 200 units and edit the map. Right now, I am trying to graduate college, finish a major project (both for college and trying to find a job), work my part time job, find a new job so that I can pay for what's left of college, and still find time to sleep and eat. Diplomacy and other games get stuck somewhere in the middle.
      "I kick a$$ for the Lord!"
      -- Father McGruder, Peter Jackson's _Dead Alive_


      • #18
        Originally posted by Gerwald

        Therefore, I propose a 4-way draw: CSA, Mexico, England and China. You ask why I excluded Holland and France?
        Actually, the Divine Order could give a rat's ass about Holland and France and whether or not they're included on the list. We do, however, protest the lack of Austria's name in consideration of the Final Four.

        No groin-kicking please.
        His Divine Shadow

        "Do you know what 'nemesis' means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified, in this case, by a horrible c**t: me." - Bricktop, _Snatch_


        • #19
          Who do you think you are to be included in the FINAL FOUR, DUKE!
          Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

          (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


          • #20
            A tougher nut to crack than thou, eunuch.
            His Divine Shadow

            "Do you know what 'nemesis' means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified, in this case, by a horrible c**t: me." - Bricktop, _Snatch_

