I sent this stuff to everyone through their email. However, I know some of you check this site more often...
Britain (The Orange One) the_orange1@hotmail.com 109943271
CSA (Ruffhaus8) ruffhaus8@aol.com 63418710
Mexico (Gerwald) CaladbolgFT@aol.com 63688157
France (Du_chateau) du_chateau@yahoo.com 44369275
China (Defiant) defiant@charter.net 46172786
Japan (Riko) rnutt@attcanada.ca
Turkey (Sahib) sa.hi@mailcity.com 43251116
Austria (His Divine Shadow) zeon_archduchy@hotmail.com
Holland (El Awrence) hodad1984@mixmail.com 102139615
Observer (Orange) OrangeSfwr@aol.com 91875872
You have one week to get your orders in to me. That means they're due:
TUESDAY -- JANUARY, 15TH @ 11:59pm.
Any that aren't in at that time NMR. I currently have four sets. Don't forget your insults & compliments.
Britain (The Orange One) the_orange1@hotmail.com 109943271
CSA (Ruffhaus8) ruffhaus8@aol.com 63418710
Mexico (Gerwald) CaladbolgFT@aol.com 63688157
France (Du_chateau) du_chateau@yahoo.com 44369275
China (Defiant) defiant@charter.net 46172786
Japan (Riko) rnutt@attcanada.ca
Turkey (Sahib) sa.hi@mailcity.com 43251116
Austria (His Divine Shadow) zeon_archduchy@hotmail.com
Holland (El Awrence) hodad1984@mixmail.com 102139615
Observer (Orange) OrangeSfwr@aol.com 91875872
You have one week to get your orders in to me. That means they're due:
TUESDAY -- JANUARY, 15TH @ 11:59pm.
Any that aren't in at that time NMR. I currently have four sets. Don't forget your insults & compliments.