TURKEY SOLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congartulations to Sirotnikov. Alex, great game! And thanks to everybody for playing. I really enjoyed GMing for you guys. And I hope you keep on playing Dip, you have what it takes. And thanks once again to Ruffy, for helping taming you wirl kids

the moves:
France (Yoav)
F Nor to Swe
F Nth to Nor
A Ber sup Mun
A Mun sup Ber
A Kie sup A Ber
A Ruh sup A Mun
A Bur sup A Mun
(F GoL sup F Mar to Pie) cut by TF Tus
F Mar to Pie bounce TF Pie 1x3
F WMe sup F NAf to Tun
(F NAf to Tun) bounce 2x2
A Spa Hold
A Gas Hold
A Bre Hold
F Por to MAO
F Ech sup F Por to MAO
A Yor Hold
Turkey (Siro)
A Fin s Lvn - Stp
A Lvn - Stp
A Pru s Sil
A Sil s Pru
A Boh s sil
A Tyr s Pie
A Ven s Pie
Pie hold
F Nap s Tyrrh
F Tus - GoL
(F Tyrr s Tus) illegal, Tus ordered movement
A Tun hold
F Ion s Tun
A Alb - Tri
F Gre - Alb
A con - Bul
Russia (Ruff)
(F Mid Atlantic Ocean gives France the finger) - succeeds, but is still dislodged. retreat to NAO / OTB
Congartulations to Sirotnikov. Alex, great game! And thanks to everybody for playing. I really enjoyed GMing for you guys. And I hope you keep on playing Dip, you have what it takes. And thanks once again to Ruffy, for helping taming you wirl kids

the moves:
France (Yoav)
F Nor to Swe
F Nth to Nor
A Ber sup Mun
A Mun sup Ber
A Kie sup A Ber
A Ruh sup A Mun
A Bur sup A Mun
(F GoL sup F Mar to Pie) cut by TF Tus
F Mar to Pie bounce TF Pie 1x3
F WMe sup F NAf to Tun
(F NAf to Tun) bounce 2x2
A Spa Hold
A Gas Hold
A Bre Hold
F Por to MAO
F Ech sup F Por to MAO
A Yor Hold
Turkey (Siro)
A Fin s Lvn - Stp
A Lvn - Stp
A Pru s Sil
A Sil s Pru
A Boh s sil
A Tyr s Pie
A Ven s Pie
Pie hold
F Nap s Tyrrh
F Tus - GoL
(F Tyrr s Tus) illegal, Tus ordered movement
A Tun hold
F Ion s Tun
A Alb - Tri
F Gre - Alb
A con - Bul
Russia (Ruff)
(F Mid Atlantic Ocean gives France the finger) - succeeds, but is still dislodged. retreat to NAO / OTB