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Frontier Imperial Dip 1 Fall 1861 Moves

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  • Frontier Imperial Dip 1 Fall 1861 Moves

    USA (Lionheart) (+ Nol, + Okl, + Bha)

    F E. Seaboard - Bha
    A Atl S F E. Seaboard - Bha
    A Tnn - Nol
    A Chi S A Tnn - Nol
    A Kan S A Nme - Okl
    A Nme - Okl
    F Sfr - W. Coast
    F W. Coast - N. Pacific
    F W. Bay - GoAlaska
    F Chesapeake - E. Seaboard

    CSA (Secretariat)

    A Bha ->Atl (Bounce with USA, Dislodged, Destroyed)
    A NOl supports A Okl (Support Broken, Dislodged, Destroyed)
    A Okl supports A Nol (Support Broken, Dislodged, Destroyed)
    A Coa ->Aus (Bounce with Mexico, Disbanded)

    Mexico (His Divine Shadow) (+ Hai)

    F Pan (SC) holds
    F W. Car to Hai
    F Cub supports F W.Med to Hai
    A Aus supports US A Tnn to Nol (Support Broken)
    A Chi supports Aus

    Brazil (Menius, temporarily filling in for Hacksaw) (+ Lma, + Brc, - Rec)

    f cyn holds
    a pra to rec (Bounce with France)
    a ama to brc
    a qto to lma
    a coh to oli
    f uru to drake
    f coarg hold

    England (El Awrence) (+ Alb, + Mrc, + Aby, + Mds, + Nsw)

    F Alk H
    A Vcn > Bcl
    A Ssk > Alb
    F Qbc S F Nvs
    F Nvs S F Qbc
    F BCurrent S F MAtlantic > Rec
    F Flk H
    F Grn > Barents
    F Norwegian S F Grn > Barents
    A Nor > Fin
    A Swe S A Nor > Fin
    F North S A Rou > Hol
    F Den S A Swe
    F WMed > Mrc
    F Ade > HoAfrica
    F Red > Aby
    F Arabian > Mds
    F Krc H
    A Kas S F Krc
    F Andaman S F Cmb > Bnk
    F SP > Mls
    A Que > Nsw
    F Prt > SETrades

    France (The Orange One) (+ Hol, + Tun, + Vrg, + Rec, + Cmn, + Nze)

    A-Rou > Hol
    A-Met SUPPORTS A-Rou > Hol
    A-Pie HOLD
    F-Tyr > Tunis
    F-Ionian SUPPORTS F-Tyr > Tunis
    F-Canary > Sargasso
    F-Sargasso > Vrg
    F-E.Car SUPPORTS F-Prm
    F-Prm SUPPORTS F-E.Car
    F-Mid Atlantic > Rec
    F-G.Guinea > Okn
    A-Dmk > Cmn
    F-Fiji > Coral
    F-SW Pacific > NZe
    A-Mly > Rng (Bounce with China)
    F-G.Siam > Cmb
    F-Cmb > Bnk (ec) (Bounce with China)
    F-Java HOLD

    Holland (Coug) (- Hol, + Sey, + Mld, + Okn)

    A Trn - Rho (Invalid, Trn does not border Rho)
    F S. Atlantic - Okn
    A Agl S F S.Atlantic - Okn
    F M. Channel - Sey
    F E. Indian - Mld
    F Timor - Ija
    A Srw S Bor
    F Bor S Srw
    F Hol H (Dislodged, retreats to HLG)
    F Ngu H
    F Sum H
    F Jva H

    Prussia (Bearcat)

    A Stu-Bav (Bounce with Austria)
    A Ber S A Stu-Bav
    A Prs H
    A Sil S A Stu-Bav (Support Broken)

    Prussian News

    The Kaiser of Prussia accused the Archduke of Austria of being a liar.

    Austria (Defiant)

    A-VIE > SIL
    A-ROM > BOS
    A-BUD > GLC

    Ottoman (Victor Galis) (+ Gr, + Trp, + Sud, - Sof)

    F Ang[nc]-Bku[wc] (Bounce with Russia)
    A Bos-Gre
    F Aeg-Cre (Bounce)
    F EMed-Cre (Bounce)
    A Tbq-Trp
    F Cai[ec]-Syr[sc?]
    A Asw-Sud
    A Tbr-Teh (Bounce with Russia)
    F Ban-Persian

    Russia (Ubercheesecake) (+ Sof)

    A Irk >> Nmg
    A SK S A Vla
    A Vla S F Fsn >> Seo
    F Fsn >> Seo (Bounce with China)
    F GoA >> Anc
    A Yuk H
    F GoB >> Liv
    F STP(nc) >> Fin(nc) (Bounce with England)
    F Rmn >> Sof
    A Sev >> Rmn
    A Wrs >> Prs (Bounce with Prussia)
    A Mos >> Wrs (Bounce)
    A Tsh >> Bkh
    A Khv >> Teh (Bounce with Ottoman)
    A Grg >> Bku (Bounce with Ottoman)
    A Orn >> Grg (Bounce)

    China (Ruffhaus8)

    A Lanchow - Kirgistan
    A Nei Mongol - Mongolia
    A Manchuria supports A Port Arthur - Seoul
    A Port Arthur - Seoul (Bounce with Russia)
    F Yellow Sea - Sea of Japan
    F East China Sea - South China Sea
    A Hong Kong - hold
    F Canton - Tonkin
    A Yunnan - Burma
    A Siam supports A Rangoon - Bangkok
    A Rangoon - Bangkok (Bounce with France)
    A Yuthia supports A Bengal - Rangoon
    A Bengal - Rangoon (Bounce)

    Japan (MDR) (+ FM)

    A EDO -> SAP

    World News

    The CSA President has reported to going into hiding after the defeat of Nol

    Invasion Report

    The USA made a spectacular invasion of the CSA taking Bha, Nol, and Okl. The USA gets 4 builds.

    Mexico gained Hai netting 3 builds

    Brazil gained Lma and Brc netting 2 Builds

    England got Alb, Mrc, Aby, Mds, and Nsw netting 6 builds

    France went on a rampage and took Hol, Tun, Vrg, Rec, Cmn, and Nze, netting 4 builds

    After an improper order to a A in Africa and evacuating Hol, Holland gained Okn, Mld, Sey, netting 3 builds but only 2 are possible.

    Prussia gained one build

    Austria gained one build

    Ottoman gained Gr, Trp and Sud, netting 2 builds

    Russia gets Sof netting 1 build.

    China nets 2 builds

    Japan took FM to net 3 build. Unfortunately the minister of the army of Japan has been informed that only two places are suitable for builds.

    SC Report

    USA - ORG SFR CHI DET WDC NYO Wsh Nme Rcm Neb Kan Atl Nol Okl Bha - 15
    Mexico - MAZ MXC MER Aus Hon Pan Cub Hai -8
    Brazil - BRA RDJ OLI Lpa Prg Uru Cyn(France) Lma Brc - 9
    England - VNC QBC NVS FLK DUB LON EDI GB ADE DEL BOM SP PRT Vlc Kas Mls Vct Grn Nor Den Krc Que Srg Swe Alb Mrc Aby Mds Nsw - 29
    France - SCT NAN PAR MRS CRS MNV GCS CMB CCH Pie Ivc Prm(Holland) Azo Vrd Sic Fij Hol(Holland) Tun Vrg Rec(Brazil) Cmn Nze - 22
    Holland - TRN CTN CEY SUM JVA BOR Bot Srw Mad Amn Ija Ngu Okn Sey Mld - 15
    Prussia - RUH BER SIL PRS Stu Kie - 6
    Austria - VIE VEN CRT BUD Rom Sr Sal Bav - 8
    Ottoman - CAI CON CYP ANG BAG Ban Cre Bku Gr Sud Trp - 12
    Russia - ANC STP WRS SEV MOS GRG ORN OMS IRK VLA Rmn Khv Sk Tsh Yuk Sof(Ottoman) - 15
    China - MNC PEK SHA CAN WUH CHK SNK Pa(Russia) Tnk Seo Brm Ben Yut Ran Hk(England) - 15
    Japan - SAP EDO KG OKI Luz Crl Mnd Mhl Fm - 9
    Neutral - Haw Glp Bgt Sie Rho Oma Teh Bnk - 8

    Player contacts

    GM- Du_Chateau
    Email -
    ICQ - 44369275

    Britain - El Awrence (Erwin Rommel)
    Email -
    ICQ - 102139615

    France - The Orange One
    Email -
    ICQ - 109943271

    Holland - Coug
    Email -
    ICQ - 21894878

    Prussia - Bearcat
    Email -
    ICQ - 77118793

    Austria - Defiant
    Email -
    ICQ - 46172786

    Russia - Ubercheesecake
    Email -
    ICQ - 120166619

    Ottoman - Victor Galis
    Email -
    ICQ - 47756253

    China - Ruffhaus8
    Email -
    ICQ - 63418710

    Japan - MDR
    Email -
    ICQ - None

    USA - Lionheart (OrangeSwr)
    Email -
    ICQ - 91875872

    Mexico - His Divine Shadow
    Email -
    ICQ - None

    Brazil - Hacksaw
    Email -
    ICQ - NONE
    Temporary Replacement - Menius
    Email -
    ICQ - 18449905


    CSA (Shadowstrike) - Fall 1861

    Retreats are due ASAP
    Builds due Monday at 5:30 PM PDT
    Spring 1862 moves due at 5:30 PM PDT Saturday October 13, 2001

    P.S. Check for Errors
    P.S.S. Press is still voluntary.
    P.S.S.S. Builds are in the invasion report. I decided not to do the battle report any more.

  • #2
    Turkey welcomes the end of the bouncing with England, and hopes this is a sign of peace to come.

    Turkey is very dissappointed in Russia though. Their faithlessness calls for a righteous smiting by the armies of Allah!
    "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
    -Joan Robinson


    • #3
      The United States wishes to put the past behind us, and hopes to reassimilate the Confederate people into the union quickly and painlessly. Reconstruction will begin immediately.
      "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
      You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

      "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


      • #4
        Britain welcomes peace with Constantinople. We are happy to see that the assaults on Karachi by what we are sure were rogue bandits has ended.

        Peace in our time!


        • #5
          also, change my e-mail to


          • #6
            map heir rommel?
            "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
            You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

            "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


            • #7
              I am currently developping a new map of the world. It will reflect the elimination of those dirty rebels (the CSA).
              "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
              -Joan Robinson


              • #8
                F GoSiam-Cmb bounces with F Cmb
                F GoGuinea-Okn bounces 1v2 with the Dutch
                "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                -Joan Robinson


                • #9
                  Hmmm...15 SCs, 10 units on the board, 4 builds.

                  No sir, something just doesn't add up (shouldn't I get 5 builds?)
                  "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                  You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                  "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                  • #10
                    A Bav's support is cut
                    A Vie-Sil fails
                    "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                    -Joan Robinson


                    • #11
                      It's Herr, not heir, you dirty American scumbag!

                      *Afrika Korps storm into the thread and drag an orange away*

                      We shall make juice with you unless you apologize, evil communist degenerate fruit!


                      • #12
                        Bah, one letter difference. Shut your pie hole

                        :clears throat: I mean, yes, we Americans welcome the friendship of the Glorious British Empire
                        "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                        You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                        "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


                        • #13
                          As much as I wish this weren't true: I lose Sofia to the Russian pigs, and Irkutsk-Nei Mongol doesn't fail.

                          "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                          -Joan Robinson


                          • #14
                            Yukon's SC is not colored in, but I'm too lazy to fix it (it's 2:30am)

                            A Sev should be in Rmn, this should be fixed with the retreats map.

                            WMed should not be colored in.
                            "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                            -Joan Robinson


                            • #15
                              I am a shgerman, not zose degenerate british!

