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ADC Player Ranks - September 2001

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  • ADC Player Ranks - September 2001

    ADC Player Ranks, (Score), Last Activity

    Second Lieutenant

    RUFFHAUS8 (84) African Dip: Ivory Coast to solo victory + 10 points
    Defiant (76) African Dip: Saudi Arabia to finish + 5 points
    Boshko (79) Alien Dip: GM/Maps +10 points
    Victor Galis (70) Dip 23 Colonial: France to draw victory +7points

    Sergeant Major

    Snowfire (53) Alien Dip: Laguzans to draw victory +7 points

    Master Sergeant

    LordStone1(43) ADCT Championship: GM/Mapmaker +10 pts.

    Gunnery Sergeant

    Berzerker (39) Dip51 SAS: Bolivia to elimination +3 points
    Iain Lindley (38) African Dip: South Africa to finish + 5 points
    Chazzy (32) Domination Dip: Persia to elimination + 3 points


    Scott F (29) Dip 23 Colonial: Japan to draw victory +7 points
    Mao (27) Dip 1600: Spain to elimination +3 points
    Gibster (26) ADCT Final; Austria to elimination + 3 pts.
    Du_Chateau (24) ADCT B 2001: France to Elimination +3 pts.
    Gerwald (24) African Dip: Zaire to finish + 5 points

    Lance Corporal

    Talon (20) ADCT Championship: Turkey to elimination + 3points
    Shadowstrike (14) Domination Dip: China to elimination +3 points
    Hogfather (13) African Dip: Ethiopia to finish + 5 points
    Stefu (12) Saxony: Russia to DIAS +9 points

    Private First Class

    CyberGnu (10) Grey Dip: Turkey to draw victory +7 points
    The_Orange 1 (10) African Dip: GM and Mapmaker to finish + 10 points
    dan.te (9) Dip 22: Italy to eliminations +3 pts.
    Allod (8) Dip 12: Austria-Hungary to draw victory +8 pts.
    Bearcat/Barbarossa (6) Civilization Dip: Abandoned Game [-5pts.]
    Komitet (6) Saxony: England to DIAS +8 points
    Kropotkin (5) Dip 20: Turkey to elimination +3 pts.
    Midshipman (2) Domination Dip: NMR Fall 1939 [-1 pt.]
    Black Dragon (3) Dip 23: Ottoman Empire to elimination +3 pts.
    Borodino (3) Saxony: Ottoman Empire to finish +4 points
    Midian (3) Hagakure Dip: Takeda to Elimination: +3 points
    Taurus (3) Dip Newbie; England to elimination + 3 points
    Dr. Tzuri (2) ADCT B 2001: NMR -1 pt.
    Kurt Reuter (2) ADCT C: Turkey to elimination as replacement +2 pts.
    Russmunki (2) Dip 22: England to elimination as replacement +2 pts.


    Hans (0)
    His Divine Shadow (0)
    MDR (0)
    Napoleon Bonaparte (0) Dip 50 Imperial: NMR Fall 1861 [-1 pt]
    Sahib (0)
    Siro (0)

    Yoav (0)
    Riko Muerto (0)


    (Solitary Confinement)

    Polaris (-37) Clash of the Titans Dip: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]

    (Stockade and Hard Labor)

    (Public Flogging)

    Coug (-13) ADCT 2001 C: Germany to elimination +3 points
    Hacksaw (-12) ADCT A 2001: NMR Winter 1906 [-1 point]
    Thucydides (-11) Mancunian Diplomacy: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]

    (Holding Cell)

    Eli [Builder] (-10) Domination Dip: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]
    MOBIUS (-9) Newbie Dip: Replaced by GM [-5pts.]
    Jason (-8) Dip 12: NMR Fall 1879 [-1pt]
    Bill3000 (-7) Civilization Dip: Abandoned Game [-5pts.]
    Saro (-7) ADCT D 2001: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Yomama (-7) ADCT B: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Zakhiago (-7) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]
    kent-jo (-6) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Luk (-6) Dip 22 Postmodern: Abandoned Winter 2003 [-5 pts.]
    Monolith (-6) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Connorkimbro (-5) Frontier Imperial Dip: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Imran Siddiqui (-5) Grey Dip; Austria to elimination +3 points
    WarVoid (-4) Alien Dip: UNA to draw victory +7 points
    HsFB (-3) ADCT B 2001: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Reismark (-2) Grey Dip: Russia to elimination +3 points
    Milop Sac Lamb (-1) Civilization Dip: NMR Fall 3000BC [-1pt.]

    Promotion Scale

    Below 0 pts. Off to the brig with ye!
    0 pts. Recruit
    1-10 pts. Private First Class
    11-20 pts. Lance Corporal
    21-30 pts. Sergeant
    31-40 pts. Gunnery Sergeant
    41-50 pts. Master Sergeant
    51-70 pts. Sergeant Major
    71-90 pts. 2nd Lieutenant
    91-120 pts. 1st Lieutenant
    121-160 pts. Captain
    161-200 pts. Major
    201-250 pts. Lieutenant Colonel
    251-350 pts. Colonel
    351- 500 pts. Brigadier General
    500 and up Field Marshall

    Levels of Punishment

    -1 to -10 pts. Holding Cell in the Brig
    -11 to -20 pts. Public Flogging (30 Lashes)
    -21 to -30 pts. Stockade and Hard Labor
    -31 to -40 pts. Solitary Confinement
    -41 pts. It's the Gallows for ye, Scumbag!

    How to earn/lose points:

    10 pts. - Diplomacy game played to solo victory
    8 pts. - Diplomacy game played to solo victory as a replacement player
    7 pts. - Diplomacy game played to a draw victory
    6 pts. - Diplomacy game played to a draw victory as a replacement player
    5 pts. - Diplomacy game played from start to finish
    4 pts. - Diplomacy game played to finish as a replacement player
    3 pts. - Diplomacy game played from start to elimination
    2 pts. - Diplomacy game played to elimination as a replacement player
    0 pts. Resigning from a game as GM or mapmaker, but replacing yourself with the good graces of GM (legitimate reasons)
    -1 pt. - NMR of any types (moves, orders, retreats, builds)
    -2 pts. Resigning from Diplomacy game,without replacing yourself with good graces of GM (legitimate reasons)
    -5 pts. Abandoning or being replaced by the GM from Diplomacy game


    10 pts. GM and make maps for a game from start to finish
    7 pts. GM a game from start to finish
    5 pts. GM a game to completion as replacement
    3 pts. Make maps for a game from start to finish
    2 pts. Make maps for a game to completion as replacement
    0 pts. Resigning from a game as GM or mapmaker, but replacing yourself
    -2 pts. Abandoning a game as a Mapmaker
    -5 pts. Abandoning a game as a GM

    Don't see your name above? Post here to enlist, or e-mail for enrollment. You can also post or contact me to request a credit or deduction of points. Point accumulation start day: June 1, 2000. Rankings updated through September 11, 2001.
    What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.

  • #2
    ADC Ranking Scale History of Scoring


    Dip 12: Austria-Hungary to draw victory +8 pts. November 00

    ADCT Game A: Germany to elimination as replacement +2 pts. August 00
    Silent Dip V: England to elimination +3 pts. September 00
    Alien Dip: Tiara to elimination +3 pts. November 00
    Apprentice Dip: Italy to finish +5 pts. November 00
    Silent Dip V: England to elimination +3pts. November 00


    ADCT Game C: Austria to draw victory +7 pts. July 00
    Dip 12: CSA to finish as a replacement +4 pts. November 00
    20th Century Diplomacy: Persia to finish +5 points January 01
    Dip 20: USA to draw victory +7 pts. January 01
    Dip 22: Germany to solo victory as replacement +8 pts. March 01
    ADCT Championship: Germany to finish +5 points May 01
    Dip51 SAS: Bolivia to elimination +3 points September 01

    Black Dragon
    20th Century Diplomacy: Turkey to finish as replacement +4 points January 01

    Saxony: Ottoman Empire to finish +4 points December 00

    ADCT Game C: GM and mapmaker +10 pts. July 00
    Dip 21: GM and mapmaker +10 pointsAugust 00
    ADCT Game A: England to finish +5 pts. August 00
    Dip 12: India to finish +5 pts November 00
    Apprentic Dip: GM and mapmaker +10 pts. November 00
    Silent Dip V: GM and Mapmaker to finish +10pts. November 00
    Saxony: Austria to DIAS +8 points December 00
    Dip 20: South Africa to draw victory +7 pts. January 01
    Dip 22: Ukraine to finish +5 pts. March 01
    Grey Dip: GM/Maps +10 points May 01
    Alien Dip: GM/Maps +10 points May 01

    Game C: France to draw victory +7 pts. July 00
    Mancunian Dip: England to finish +5 pts. October 00
    Alien Dip: Centurians to elimination +3 pts. November 00
    20th Century Diplomacy: Japan to finish +5 points January 01
    Dip 1600: France to finish +5 pts. April 01
    ADCT Championship: Italy to finish +5 points May 01
    Domination Dip: Persia to elimination + 3 points Semptember01

    Dip 22 Postmodern: Algeria to elimination, +3 pts. June 00
    ADCT Game C: England to finish +5 pts. July 00
    Dip 22 C: Poland to elimination as a replacement +2 pts. August 00
    ADCT C 2001: Germany to elimination +3 points August 01

    Dip 1600: Ottoman Empire to elimination +3 points March 01
    Grey Dip: Turkey to draw victory +7 points May 01

    Dip 21: Russia to draw victory +7 points August 00
    Dip 22: Italy to eliminations +3 pts. October 00

    ADCT Game C: Germany to draw victory +7 pts. July 00
    Dip 21: France to finish +5 pts. August 00
    Silent Dip V, Austria to elimination +3 pts. September 00
    Mancunian Dip: GM and mapmaker to finish as replacement +7 pts. October 00
    Dip 12: USA to finish +5 pts. November 00
    Silent Dip V: Austria to elimination +3pts. November 00
    20th Century Diplomacy: USA to draw victory +7 pts. January 01
    Dip 20: USA to finish +5 points January 01
    Dip 22: Russia to finish +5 pts. March 01
    Dip 1600: Russia to finish +5 pts. April 01
    ADCT Championship: Russia to solo victory +10 points May 01
    Dip 23 Colonial; Russia to finish as replacement +4 points May 01
    Alien Dip: Federation to draw victory + 7 points May 01
    African Dip: Saudi Arabia to finish + 5 points September 01

    Dr. Tzuri
    Hagakure Dip: Mori to Elimination: +3 points September 01

    Dip 22 Postmodern: France to elimination +3 pts. June 00
    ADCT Game B: GM (to finish/shared with SnowFire) +5pts. August 00
    Dip 12: GM to finish as a replacement +5 pts. November 00
    Saxony: Spain to elimination +5 points December 00
    Dip 1600: GM to finish as replacement +5 pts. April 01
    ADCT B 2001: France to Elimination +3 pts. August 01

    Gerwald ADCT Game B: Italy to finish +5pts. August 00
    Dip 12: Japan to finish as a replacement +4 pts. November 00
    20th Century Diplomacy: Brazil to finish +5 points January 01
    Dip 22: Turkey to finish +5 pts. March 01
    African Dip: Zaire to finish + 5 points September 01

    Gibster is the Devil: Russia to Elimination +3 pts July 00
    ADCT B Austria to solo victory +10 pts/Mapmaker +3 pts. August 00
    Dip 12 Holland to elimination as replacement +2 pts. August 00
    Mancunian Dip: France to elimination +3 pts. October 00
    ADCT Final: NMR Fall 1901 [- 1pt.] January 01
    Dip 20: Austria to draw victory +7 pts.January 01
    ADCT Final; Austria to elimination + 3 pts. March 01

    Dip 21 Spain to finish +5 pts. August 00
    ADCT Game A: Austria to elimination +3 pts. August 00

    Dip 50 Imperial3: Prussia to elimination +3 pts. May 01
    Dip 23 Colonial: China to elimination +3 pts. May 01
    Domination Dip: Brazil to elimination + 3 points August 01
    African Dip: Ethiopia to finish + 5 points September 01

    Apprentice Dip: France to finish +5 pts. November 00

    Iain Lindley
    ADCT Game B: England to finish +5pts. August 00
    Gibster is the Devil: Italy to finish +5 pts. August 00
    Silent Dip V: France to solo victory +10 pts. November 00
    Grey Dip: England to draw victory +7 points May 01
    ADCT Championship: Italy to finish +5 points May 01
    Alien Dip: Aquaticans to draw victory +7 points May 01
    African Dip: South Africa to finish + 5 points September 01

    Imran Siddiqui
    Saxony: Spain to elimination +5 points December 00
    Grey Dip; Austria to elimination +3 points May 01

    Saxony: England to DIAS +8 points December 00

    ADCT Game B: Turkey to elimination +3 pts. June 00
    Dip 20: Brazil to elimination +3 pts. August 00

    Kurt Reuter
    ADCT C: Turkey to elimination as replacement +2 pts. September 01

    ADCT Game A: Russia to finish +5 pts. August 00
    ADCT Game A: Mapmaker +2 pts.(shared with RUFFHAUS8) August 00
    Dip 22: Iran to elimination as a replacement +2 pts September 00
    Saxony: GM and Mapmaker to completion =15 pts December 00
    Dip 20: Australia to draw victory +7 pts. January 01
    Dip 20: Mapmaker +3 pts. January 01
    ADCT Championship: GM/Mapmaker +10 pts. May 01

    ADCT Game B: Russia to elimination +3 pts. June 00
    Dip 21: Germany to finish +5 pts. August 00
    Gibster is the Devil: Turkey to finish +5 pts. August 00
    Alien Dip: Hodadian Federation to Elimination +3 pts. October 00
    Silent Dip V: Turkey to finish +5 pts. November 00
    Saxony: Denmark to finish +7 points December 00
    ip 1600: Spain to elimination +3 points March 01

    Alien Dip: Foundation to Elimination +3 pts. October 00
    Apprentice Dip: England to Elimination +3 pts. October 00
    Silent Dip V: Germany to finish +5 pts. November 00
    Dip 23 Colonial: England to elimination +3pts. April 01

    Hagakure Dip: Takeda to Elimination: +3 points September 01

    Napoleon ADCT
    Game A: France to finish as replacement +4 pts. August 00
    20th Century Diplomacy: France to finish +5 points January 01

    The_Orange 1
    African Dip: GM and Mapmaker to finish + 10 points September 01


    Grey Dip: Russia to elimination +3 points May 01

    ADCT Game A: Turkey to solo victory +10 pts. August 00
    ADCT Game A: partial mapmaker +1 pt. (Shared with lordStone1) August 00
    Mancunian Dip: Austria to elimination as replacement +2 pts. September 00
    Dip 12: Ottoman Empire to draw victory as replacement +6 pts. November 00
    Dip 12: Mapmaker to finish as replacement +2 pts. November 00
    Alien Dip: NIM to elimination as replacement +2 pts. December 00
    20th Century Diplomacy: England to draw victory +7 pts. January 01
    Dip 20: India to finish +5 points January 01
    Dip 22 Postmodern: GM/mapmaker to finish (R) +8 pts. March 01
    Dip 1600: Poland to solo victory +10 pts. April 01
    Dip 1600: Mapmaker (R) +2 pts. April 01
    ADCT Championship: England to finish +5 points May 01
    Grey Dip: France to draw victory as replacement +6 points May 01
    Dip 23 Colonial: GM/Maps as replacement + 8 points May 01
    African Dip: Ivory Coast to solo victory + 10 points September 01

    Dip 22: Engliand to Elimination as replacement +2 pts. August 00

    Scott F
    Apprentice Dip: Russia to solo victory +10 pts. November 00
    Dip 20: France to elimination as replacement +2 pts. December 00
    20th Century Diplomacy: Germany to finish +5 points January 00
    Dip 1600: England to finish +5 pts. April 01
    Dip 23 Colonial: Japan to draw victory +7 points May 01

    Mancunian Dip: Turkey to elimination as replacement +2 pts. September 00

    20th Century: China to elimination as replacement +2 pts. October 00
    Apprentice Dip: Germany to finish +5 pts. November 00
    Dip 22: Spain to elimination as replacement +2 pts. January 01
    Domination Dip: China to elimination +3 points April 01

    Dip 20: England to elimination as replacement +2 pts. June 00
    Creation of ADC Tutorial for New Players +3 pts. August 00
    ADCT Game B: GM (to finish/shared with Du_Chateau) +2pts. August 00
    ADCT Game A: Italy to finish +5 pts. August 00
    Mancunian Dip: Italy to finish +5 pts. October 00
    Silent Dip V: Russia to finish +5 pts. November 00
    Saxony: Sweden to DIAS +9 points December 00
    San Andreas Dip: Germany to elimination +3 points April 01
    Grey Dip: Italy to draw victory +7 points May 01
    Dip 23 Colonial: Holland to draw victory +7 pointsMay 01
    Alien Dip: Laguzans to draw victory +7 points May 01

    20th Century: Russia to elimination +3 points September 00
    Saxony: Russia to DIAS +9 points December 00

    ADCT Game C Italy to finish +5 pts. July 00
    Dip 22 Postmodern: Egypt to elimination +3 pts. July 00
    Dip 21: Ukraine to finish +5 pts. August 00
    20th Century Diplomacy: Italy to finish +5 points January 01
    Dip 20: Germany to finish +5 points January 01
    Domination Dip: Mexico to elimination +3 points April 01
    ADCT Championship: Turkey to elimination + 3points May 01

    Dip Newbie: England to elimination + 3 points August 01

    ADCT C 2001: Turkey to elimination + 3 points September 01

    Victor Galis
    Gibster is the Devil: Austria to elimination +3 pts. June 00
    ADCT Game C: Turkey to elimination +3 pts. July 00
    ADCT Game A: GM to finish +7 pts. August 00
    Gibster is the Devil: England to solo victory as replacement +8 pts. August 00
    Mancunian Dip: Russia to solo victory +10 pts. October 00
    Silent Dip V: Italy to finish +5 pts. November 00
    Saxony: France to DIAS +9 points December 00
    20th Century Diplomacy: Columbia to finish as replacement +4 points January 01
    Dip 22: Nigeria to finish as a replacement +4 pts. March 01
    Dip 1600: Sweden to elimination +3 points April 01
    Dip 23 Colonial: France to draw victory +7points May 01
    Alien Dip: Protectors to draw victory +7points May 01

    Alien Dip: UNA to draw victory +7 points May 01
    What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.


    • #3
      Just to make the something clear, I didn't finish my ADCT game (I just left it when I have gone abroad), I had someone (don't remember who) replacing me for about 3 turns (I think it was 3).
      "There's room at the top they are telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile as you kill, if you want to be like the folks on the hill" - John Lennon

      "Life is wasted on the living."
      -Douglas Adams


      • #4
        I was eliminated in ADCT B 2001 dip.


        • #5
          What I also forgot to mension is that there is a game I did finish which is Newbie dip (I got eliminate just as I left abroad).
          "There's room at the top they are telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile as you kill, if you want to be like the folks on the hill" - John Lennon

          "Life is wasted on the living."
          -Douglas Adams


          • #6
            I played Brazil in Domination to elimination.


            • #7
              Connorkimbro (-5) Frontier Imperial Dip: Abandoned Game [-5 points]

              Please remove me from the rankings, as i do not play dip at apolyton, i play at the frontier.
              "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."



              • #8
                I played Japan in Dip 23 Colonial, not Holland.


                • #9
                  Reality check, there is no Frontier, or at least a stable one, kind of like your playing habits. And since Frontier Imperial is being played at Apolyton and Frontier, more like Apolyton cause Frontier isn't coming up, you are subjected to the rules here, don't like, then don't quit games or join them if you have no intention of finishing them.
                  Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

                  (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


                  • #10
                    Reality check, there is no Frontier, or at least a stable one, kind of like your playing habits. And since Frontier Imperial is being played at Apolyton and Frontier, more like Apolyton cause Frontier isn't coming up, you are subjected to the rules here, don't like, then don't quit games or join them if you have no intention of finishing them.

                    Fine, forget I mentioned it then. Pretend the Frontier doesn't exist.

                    I don't play dip games at Apolyton, so I'd like to be removed from the list please.

                    FYI, I never signed up for the imperial game HERE, i signed up for it at the frontier. In order to facilitate players from apolyton, it was cross posted. In any case, I'm not interested in arguing about it, or debating it, or whatever. I'm not asking you to reset my points. I quite frankly don't care about the points. I asked for my name to be taken off the list, that's all.

                    or at least a stable one, kind of like your playing habits.

                    If it were true, i wouldn't care that you say this, but quite frankly, it's not true. My playing habits are QUITE stable, so long as i'm properly informed of WHERE a game is being played, when moves come out, and a host of other things. Out of the 5 or so games that were going on at the Frontier before it crashed, I'm the only person to GM and mapmake for a game to completion. I was also involved in two other games (one modern, and one standard) and there was never a time that i was in any way delinquent.
                    "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."



                    • #11
                      In fairness, I think that joining the ADC should be at least somewhat voluntary. I know nothing about Frontier Imperial Dip, but it does have Frontier in the title, and I assume it was at least somewhat run at the Frontier.

                      If joining a single game which (to my best knowledge) made no claims about being an ADC game automatically gets you into the club... well, what about Kurt, the friend of mine who subbed in for Game C for Taurus? He played in a very ADC sponsered game. Why isn't he on the list? (I'm not asking that he be added of course, just pointing out that playing in a game doesn't neccesarily mean you should be enlisted).

                      Now again, I don't run these rankings, so it's RUFFHAUS's decision as to what to do. And what I said about Frontier Imperial Dip was nothing more than assumptions, I wasn't around for its founding and might be completely wrong about it and maybe it was almost completely run at Apolyton. But on the face of it, ck's request seems reasonable. Especially since he claims he has no interest in playing on Apolyton in the future.
                      All syllogisms have three parts.
                      Therefore this is not a syllogism.


                      • #12
                        Thanks SnowFire.

                        Again, i want to point out that its not like I'm mad about anything or anyone. No fault to anyone, but the game wasn't being run like i feel a dip game should be run. Maybe everyone is happy with it, that's fine, but i no longer wanted to be part of it, that's all.

                        But it was a Frontier dip game, not an ADC dip game. . it was only cross posted at apolyton, as i said, to make it easier for the players that were actually from apolyton. When i moved only to apolyton, perhaps that made it an ADC game. . but when i actually found OUT that it moved to only apolyton, (several days/weeks? later) then i decided to pull out. (based on that and other things)
                        "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."



                        • #13
                          I frankly don't give a damn if you are in or out, but my only other experience with you was in Dip 22 when you were Germany and you pulled out of there with no person to sub and with Frontier Dip at the beginning Du said he was posting at both places, if you didn't like it, shouldn't have joined.

                          See ya at Frontier if it ever gets up.

                          BTW, I have GM'd many games and Du is fine GM, at least he finishes the games he starts.
                          Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

                          (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


                          • #14
                            I frankly don't give a damn if you are in or out, but my only other experience with you was in Dip 22 when you were Germany and you pulled out of there with no person to sub

                            Granted, there was that. I was in over my head at the time, i didn't even know how to play dip, and i really didn't have the time for it at the time anyway. That was my fault, sure, I agree.

                            and with Frontier Dip at the beginning Du said he was posting at both places, if you didn't like it, shouldn't have joined.

                            I must disagree here. It was a frontier game, that was being posted at apolyton for convenience of some of the players only.

                            BTW, I have GM'd many games and Du is fine GM, at least he finishes the games he starts.

                            I won't get into to why i personally wasn't happy with him as GM this game, but If you like him, great. As far as the second part, I think I've outlined my dip history well enough. Apart from dip22 (which i admit, was my fault) and this one (which you may say is my fault, if you like, but i see it differently) there hasn't been a game that i havn't finished.

                            Anyway, i didn't really MEAN to get into any kind of debate or argument about this, but i guess i had one coming to me. whatever. see ya around.
                            "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."



                            • #15
                              The game is a Frontier game. It only gets crossposted here.

                              Defiant, Frontier's been up for almost a week now, I send you an URL.

