STABS STABS STABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FRANCE AT 17 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, a proposal for a draw has been extendet, a DIAS (Turkey, France, Russia, Italy) draw that is. I want your votes on the draw with your winter 1911 adjustments. The vote will only pass if ALL
players vote "yes"
RUSSIA (Ruffhaus the Great)
F North Sea - hold
A Moscow supports French A Warsaw - hold
A Livonia supports French A Warsaw - hold
A St. Petersburg supports A Moscow - hold
ITALY (Orange the Truehearted)
A-Munich SUPPORTS French A-Berlin > Silesia
(F-Tyrrhenian Sea HOLD) dislodged by TF Rom, destroyed
A-Spain HOLD) dislodged by FF WMed, retreat OTB as wished by Italy
FRANCE (Yoav the Mysterious)
A Lpl to Edi
F Bal to Swe
(A Bur to Mun) bounce IA Mun
A Ruh to Kie
A Ber sup A Bur to Mun
(F GoL sup F WMe to Spa) cut by TF Tus)
F WMe to Spa (sc)
A Mar sup F WMe to Spa
F NAf to WMe
F Tun sup F NAf to WMe
(A War sup Turkish A Ukr to Mos) no such move
F MAO to Por
TURKEY (Siro the Invincible)
(A Pie s Italian Spa - Mar) no such move
(F Tus - GoL) bounce FF GoL
(F Ion s Italian Tyrr - Tun) no such move
F Nap s F Rom - Tyrr
F Rom - Tyrr
A Ven - Rom
A Ukr s Gal - War
(A Gal - War) bounce FA War
A Sil - Pru
A Boh - Sil
A Tyr s Italian A Mun
(A Sev - Mos) bounce RA Mos
A Bul - Rum
F Aeg c A Smy - Gre
A Smy - Gre
only one retreat (IA Spa). Italy confirmed it to be OTB
France gains Spa, Por, Swe, Edi, War
Italy loses Spa, Por
Russia loses, Edi, Swe,
Turkey loses War
France: 5 builds
Russia: 2 disbands
Italy: no change
Turkey: 1 disband
Retreat due thursday, 30th, 6pm GMT
Winter 1911 due friday, 31st, 6pm GMT
spring 1912 due monday, 3rd, 6 pm GMT
FRANCE AT 17 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, a proposal for a draw has been extendet, a DIAS (Turkey, France, Russia, Italy) draw that is. I want your votes on the draw with your winter 1911 adjustments. The vote will only pass if ALL
players vote "yes"
RUSSIA (Ruffhaus the Great)
F North Sea - hold
A Moscow supports French A Warsaw - hold
A Livonia supports French A Warsaw - hold
A St. Petersburg supports A Moscow - hold
ITALY (Orange the Truehearted)
A-Munich SUPPORTS French A-Berlin > Silesia
(F-Tyrrhenian Sea HOLD) dislodged by TF Rom, destroyed
A-Spain HOLD) dislodged by FF WMed, retreat OTB as wished by Italy
FRANCE (Yoav the Mysterious)
A Lpl to Edi
F Bal to Swe
(A Bur to Mun) bounce IA Mun
A Ruh to Kie
A Ber sup A Bur to Mun
(F GoL sup F WMe to Spa) cut by TF Tus)
F WMe to Spa (sc)
A Mar sup F WMe to Spa
F NAf to WMe
F Tun sup F NAf to WMe
(A War sup Turkish A Ukr to Mos) no such move
F MAO to Por
TURKEY (Siro the Invincible)
(A Pie s Italian Spa - Mar) no such move
(F Tus - GoL) bounce FF GoL
(F Ion s Italian Tyrr - Tun) no such move
F Nap s F Rom - Tyrr
F Rom - Tyrr
A Ven - Rom
A Ukr s Gal - War
(A Gal - War) bounce FA War
A Sil - Pru
A Boh - Sil
A Tyr s Italian A Mun
(A Sev - Mos) bounce RA Mos
A Bul - Rum
F Aeg c A Smy - Gre
A Smy - Gre
only one retreat (IA Spa). Italy confirmed it to be OTB
France gains Spa, Por, Swe, Edi, War
Italy loses Spa, Por
Russia loses, Edi, Swe,
Turkey loses War
France: 5 builds
Russia: 2 disbands
Italy: no change
Turkey: 1 disband
Retreat due thursday, 30th, 6pm GMT
Winter 1911 due friday, 31st, 6pm GMT
spring 1912 due monday, 3rd, 6 pm GMT