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ADC Player Ranks - May 2001

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  • ADC Player Ranks - May 2001

    ADC Player Ranks, (Score), Last Activity

    Second Lieutenant

    Boshko (79) Alien Dip: GM/Maps +10 points
    RUFFHAUS8 (74) Dip 23 Colonial: GM/Maps as replacement + 8 points
    Defiant (71) Alien Dip: Federation to draw victory + 7 points
    Victor Galis (70) Dip 23 Colonial: France to draw victory +7points

    Sergeant Major

    Snowfire (53) Alien Dip: Laguzans to draw victory +7 points

    Master Sergeant

    LordStone1(43) ADCT Championship: GM/Mapmaker +10 pts.

    Gunnery Sergeant

    Berzerker (36) ADCT Championship: Germany to finish +5 points
    Iain Lindley (33) Alien Dip: Aquaticans to draw victory +7 points


    Chazzy (29) ADCT Championship: Italy to finish +5 points
    Scott F (29) Dip 23 Colonial: Holland to draw victory +7 points
    Mao (27) Dip 1600: Spain to elimination +3 points
    Gibster (26) ADCT Final; Austria to elimination + 3 pts.
    Du_Chateau (21) Dip 1600: GM to finish as replacement +5 pts.

    Lance Corporal

    Talon (20) ADCT Championship: Turkey to elimination + 3points
    Gerwald (19) Dip 22: Turkey to finish +5 pts.
    Shadowstrike (14) Domination Dip: China to elimination +3 points
    Stefu (12) Saxony: Russia to DIAS +9 points

    Private First Class

    CyberGnu (10) Grey Dip: Turkey to draw victory +7 points
    dan.te (9) Dip 22: Italy to eliminations +3 pts.
    Allod (8) Dip 12: Austria-Hungary to draw victory +8 pts.
    Bearcat/Barbarossa (6) Civilization Dip: Abandoned Game [-5pts.]
    Komitet (6) Saxony: England to DIAS +8 points
    Hogfather (5) Dip 23 Colonial: China to elimination +3 pts.
    Kropotkin (5) Dip 20: Turkey to elimination +3 pts.
    HsFB (4) Apprentice Dip: France to finish +5 pts.
    Midshipman (2) Domination Dip: NMR Fall 1939 [-1 pt.]
    Black Dragon (3) Dip 23: Ottoman Empire to elimination +3 pts.
    Borodino (3) Saxony: Ottoman Empire to finish +4 points
    Reismark Grey Dip: Russia to elimination +3 points
    Russmunki (2) Dip 22: Engliand to Elimination as replacement +2 pts.


    Hans (0)
    His Divine Shadow (0)
    MDR (0)
    Napoleon Bonaparte (0) Dip 50 Imperial: NMR Fall 1861 [-1 pt]
    The_Orange (0)
    Sahib (0)
    Sirov (0)
    Taurus (0)
    Yoav (0)
    Riko Muerto (0)


    (Solitary Confinement)

    Polaris (-32) San Andreas Dip: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]

    (Stockade and Hard Labor)

    (Public Flogging)

    Coug (-15) Alien Dip: Abandoned Game [-5pts.]
    Thucydides (-11) Mancunian Diplomacy: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]

    (Holding Cell)

    Eli [Builder] (-10) Domination Dip: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]
    Hacksaw (-10) Resigned from Dip 12, 20, 22, 20th for legitimate reasons [-2 pts. each]
    MOBIUS (-9) Newbie Dip: Replaced by GM [-5pts.]
    Jason (-8) Dip 12: NMR Fall 1879 [-1pt]
    Bill3000 (-7) Civilization Dip: Abandoned Game [-5pts.]
    Zakhiago (-7) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]
    kent-jo (-6) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Luk (-6) Dip 22 Postmodern: Abandoned Winter 2003 [-5 pts.]
    Monolith (-6) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Imran Siddiqui (-5) Grey Dip; Austria to elimination +3 points
    Reismark (-5) Civilization Dip: Abandoned Game as GM [-5 pts.]
    WarVoid (-4) Alien Dip: UNA to draw victory +7 points
    Milop Sac Lamb (-1) Civilization Dip: NMR Fall 3000BC [-1pt.]

    Promotion Scale

    Below 0 pts. Off to the brig with ye!
    0 pts. Recruit
    1-10 pts. Private First Class
    11-20 pts. Lance Corporal
    21-30 pts. Sergeant
    31-40 pts. Gunnery Sergeant
    41-50 pts. Master Sergeant
    51-70 pts. Sergeant Major
    71-90 pts. 2nd Lieutenant
    91-120 pts. 1st Lieutenant
    121-160 pts. Captain
    161-200 pts. Major
    201-250 pts. Lieutenant Colonel
    251-350 pts. Colonel
    351- 500 pts. Brigadier General
    500 and up Field Marshall

    Levels of Punishment

    -1 to -10 pts. Holding Cell in the Brig
    -11 to -20 pts. Public Flogging (30 Lashes)
    -21 to -30 pts. Stockade and Hard Labor
    -31 to -40 pts. Solitary Confinement-41 pts. It's the Gallows for ye, Scumbag!

    How to earn/lose points:

    10 pts. - Diplomacy game played to solo victory
    8 pts. - Diplomacy game played to solo victory as a replacement player
    7 pts. - Diplomacy game played to a draw victory
    6 pts. - Diplomacy game played to a draw victory as a replacement player
    5 pts. - Diplomacy game played from start to finish
    4 pts. - Diplomacy game played to finish as a replacement player
    3 pts. - Diplomacy game played from start to elimination
    2 pts. - Diplomacy game played to elimination as a replacement player
    0 pts. Resigning from a game as GM or mapmaker, but replacing yourself with the good graces of GM (legitimate reasons)
    -1 pt. - NMR of any types (moves, orders, retreats, builds)
    -2 pts. Resigning from Diplomacy game,without replacing yourself with good graces of GM (legitimate reasons)
    -5 pts. Abandoning or being replaced by the GM from Diplomacy game


    10 pts. GM and make maps for a game from start to finish
    7 pts. GM a game from start to finish
    5 pts. GM a game to completion as replacement
    3 pts. Make maps for a game from start to finish
    2 pts. Make maps for a game to completion as replacement
    0 pts. Resigning from a game as GM or mapmaker, but replacing yourself
    -2 pts. Abandoning a game as a Mapmaker
    -5 pts. Abandoning a game as a GM

    Don't see your name above? Post here to enlist, or e-mail for enrollment. You can also post or contact me to request a credit or deduction of points. Point accumulation start day: June 1, 2000. Rankings updated through May 13, 2001.

    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by RUFFHAUS 8 (edited May 13, 2001).]</font>
    What is best in life? Crush your enemy! See him driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of his women.

  • #2
    I'm missing something here...

    how did Defiant gain 21 points? I see +7 for Alien, +5 for Dip23, but where do the other 9 come from? I mean, I'm rather shocked at being passed by a few players, but I noticed grey dip ended, which explains a few things, but Defiant wasn't in it, was he?
    "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
    -Joan Robinson


    • #3
      Defiant won 10 points for winning ADCT.
      The honorary duty of a human being
      is to love, I am human and nothing
      human can be alien to me.

      -Maya Angelou


      • #4
        That ended in the last two weeks too?, lots of games ending now before the summer.
        "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
        -Joan Robinson

