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Grey Dip Spring 1908 Results

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  • Grey Dip Spring 1908 Results

    this is winding down get in orders ASAP

    F Tun-Ion (move fails)
    F MAO-WMe
    F Spa S French F Por-Mao
    A Mar H

    F Nwg-Bar
    F Nao-Nwg
    A Lon-Pic
    A Bel S A Lon-Pic
    F ENG C A Lon-Pic
    A Bur-Par (move fails)
    A Ruh S (German) A Mun H
    F Ber H
    F Kie S F Ber H
    A Nwy H

    A Mos S F StP (support cut)
    F Stp H

    A Rom H (unit disloged, retreats to Nap)

    A Mun H

    A Bre S A Pic-Par
    A Pic - Par
    F Por-Mao

    F Ion - Tyn
    F Gre - Ion
    F Aeg S F Gre - Ion
    F Alb - Adr
    A Apu - Rom
    A Ven S A Apu - Rom
    A Tyr - Mun (move fails)
    A Sil S A Tyr - Mun
    A War - Pru
    A Sev - Mos (move fails)
    A Rum - Gal
    A Con - Bul
    A Smy - Arm

    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Zhu Yuanzhang (edited April 18, 2001).]</font>
    Stop Quoting Ben

  • #2
    Argh! England! Look, the French kindly offered us his SC's IF NEEDED. Don't know if you've noticed yet, but your front is pretty well full with units, you don't need anymore. I on the other hand am about to suffer a disband this turn and my forces are being much more directly helpful against Turkey.

    Now, I might need Portugal this turn, but we also need France's fleet in MAO to come down south to help me out eventually. France might not be interested in giving me Portugal if he has to keep his useless armies in the north guarding against you. Your SC count is irrelevant if another guy solos- in fact, it's pretty well irrelevant if there's a draw too. So can you call off your dogs against France and either help defend or take Munich instead (along with Mar, which may soon come under attack too, which I will need your help on).
    While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


    • #3
      Okay England, a Turkish solo is your pleasure? So be it! Italy has been and honorable man. But England has been an opportunistic and selfish fool bent on getting one more center while the Turk runs away with the game.

      Italy, I thank you for your support into the MAO, but the English stupidly decided to convoy the armies he needs in Russia to Picardy. If you can spare A MAR to cut support in BUR it would be appreciated, but I know you really need that on the boot.

      If it wasn't for Italy, I would probably suicide against England to help Turkey. But for the benefit of the brave Italians, I'll suffer this indignity and back the greens to the end. If you are gonna kill me you better do it fast. This game means nothing to me. I didn't put France in this position. All I tried to do was help stop a solo. If England doesn't care, why should I?
      While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


      • #4
        Well, I had to land it somewhere, where the hell else do you suggest? If you just sit tight you will see that I have every intention of boosting the stalemate line - which, as you seem not to have noticed, is inpenetrable where my units are in charge.

        I shall be moving to Gas to help support Mar, unless one of you should object. If you really want to help the cause, France, you should forget worrying about me and instead convoy the Brest army to NAf. As you have rightly pointed out, there is nothing for me to gain by an extra build. So why would I take it? It also means that you can build a fleet should the opportunity arise.

        Oh, and please don't block Pic-Bur - that is giving the game away.
        While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


        • #5
          Of course we bloody well object to you moving your damn army to Gascony! Marseilles needs no support. That's a bull**** excuse. England, your motives are clear. You intend to pillage the French supply centers and then come after Italy's remaining centers. I suppose you think that you'll be getting a two way draw out of this? Good luck.

          Stalemate lines? Please... nothing is inpenetrable Stalemate lines are for losers. If that's your plan then bugger off. I won't help you. If you want to attack Turkey then get the F#(k out of France and move east!

          Where do I suggest that you go? Put a fleet in the Baltic Sea. Put an A in Kiel. You sit there and preach stalemate line nonsnese and you are about to lose Munich to the Turks. Do you really know what you are doing?
          While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


          • #6
            Actually he does have a point, whether the fourth poster is France or not. I will have a difficult time blocking a fleet move to Gulf of Lyon without possibly opening up the Western Med, and if Burgundy supports Marseilles, then there won't be enough support for Munich.

            Now the reason that we're suspicious is because the optimal solution would have been to get an army in Kiel and a fleet in the Baltic, that way Berlin could be held from the fleet in the Baltic, and Munich wouldn't need to rely on Army Burgundy for support. But there would be some logistics problems in that.

            Tell you what. I won't order A Mar-Bur if you start getting your useless fleet in the Norwegian down to the Baltic since you waited too long to do the same with the Kiel fleet. Get the fleet in the English Channel into the North as well. If you DON'T do this, then I will do all in my power to throw the game to Turkey, since if I don't you'll just kill both France and myself anyway.

            While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


            • #7
              Thankyou. I shall proceed as I outlined above and we'll have to take it from there.
              While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


              • #8
                Somehow I doubt you are the real France, but anyway...

                F ENG-NTH
                A Pic-Bur
                A Bur-Gas

                Or in other words, LESS units surrounding French SCs. Marseilles will need support soon. I can't put an army in Kiel UNTIL I get my fleet across from ENG to BAL. When I can, I will. Plus, as long as there are supporting units in Bur and Ruh then Munich is 100% SAFE.


                You sit there and preach stalemate line nonsnese and you are about to lose Munich to the Turks. Do you really know what you are doing?

                You tell me how I'm going to lose Munich UNLESS you cut my support for it.
                While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...

