Apologies for the tardiness. It's tough being both sick and behind on the books... You can all thank the good Doctor for the prodding that got me to finish these.
Map: http://www.civgaming.net/graphics/di...psping1610.gif
Reismark [Game Master] (reismark@civgaming.net) 16775847
Midshipman [France] (scox@cpinternet.com) 76234340
Victor Galis [Portugal] (victorg@aol.com) 47756253
SnowFire [Holland] (peter.ingraham@oberlin.edu) 35476699
Vacant [Piedmont]
Mao [Naples] (chapman85@aol.com) 37860136
The Hogfather [German Confederation] (m_carreras@hotmail.com) None
Scott F [England] (sfluhr@indiana.edu) 25802937
Defiant [Spain] (defiant@coredcs.com) 46172786
A Los Angeles HOLD
A Dakota-Colorado
A Bogota-Col (Bounces with Portugal)
A Cameroon-Chad (Bounces with Naples)
F North Biscay-Bilbao
A Paris-Bordeaux (Move fails; dislodged & destroyed)
F Lombardia-Lyon
A Pyrenees-Barcelona
F Louisiana-Gulf of Mexico
F Venezuela-Col (Bounces with natives)
A Con-Mauritania
F Nigeria H
F Azores-Middle Atlantic
F South Biscay SUPPORT F Azores-Middle Atlantic
A North Portugal SUPPORT F Spain
F Spain SUPPORT French A Pyrenees-Barcelona
F Cuba-Haiti (Bounces with England)
A Venice HOLD (Dislodged & destroyed)
Piedmont dies Spring 1610
F Northeast Trades HOLD
A Algeria HOLD
F Morocco-South Lyon (Bounces with Spain)
A Bzi-Tripoli
A Sudan-Chad (Bounces with natives)
F West Ionian SUPPORT F Sardinia
F Sardinia SUPPORT F West Ionian
F Adriatic-Venice
F Rome SUPPORT F Adriatic-Venice
German Confederation:
A Belgium-Paris
A Bordeaux SUPPORT A Belgium-Paris
A Munich-Elb
A Hamburg-Ruhr
F North Sea 2-Sea of Holland
F Berlin-Hamburg
F Ontario-Quebec
F Quebec-Gulf of St. Lawrence
A St Louis HOLD
F Nova Scotia HOLD
F Sargasso-Haiti (Bounces with Holland)
F Chesapeake-Florida Channel
F North Atlantic-North Biscay
F English Channel SUPPORT F North Atlantic-North Biscay
F North Sea 1 SUPPORT F English Channel
F North Lyon-South Lyon (Move fails)
F South Lyon-Algeria (Move fails)
Since it's pretty much a given that both Holland and Spain are dead on the fall turn no matter what they do, I'll completely understand if I don't receive orders from SnowFire and Defiant this time around. If you choose not to submit orders, gentlemen, I would appreciate EOG's instead.
Fall orders due on Thursday evening. Attacking in Europe still active.
reismark@civgaming.net | AIM: scallops25
President & Demi-God of the Civilization Gaming Network - Visit Our Forums
This week's sign of the Apocalypse: The possibility of Jedi becoming an official religion
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by reismark (edited March 10, 2001).]</font>
Map: http://www.civgaming.net/graphics/di...psping1610.gif
Reismark [Game Master] (reismark@civgaming.net) 16775847
Midshipman [France] (scox@cpinternet.com) 76234340
Victor Galis [Portugal] (victorg@aol.com) 47756253
SnowFire [Holland] (peter.ingraham@oberlin.edu) 35476699
Vacant [Piedmont]
Mao [Naples] (chapman85@aol.com) 37860136
The Hogfather [German Confederation] (m_carreras@hotmail.com) None
Scott F [England] (sfluhr@indiana.edu) 25802937
Defiant [Spain] (defiant@coredcs.com) 46172786
A Los Angeles HOLD
A Dakota-Colorado
A Bogota-Col (Bounces with Portugal)
A Cameroon-Chad (Bounces with Naples)
F North Biscay-Bilbao
A Paris-Bordeaux (Move fails; dislodged & destroyed)
F Lombardia-Lyon
A Pyrenees-Barcelona
F Louisiana-Gulf of Mexico
F Venezuela-Col (Bounces with natives)
A Con-Mauritania
F Nigeria H
F Azores-Middle Atlantic
F South Biscay SUPPORT F Azores-Middle Atlantic
A North Portugal SUPPORT F Spain
F Spain SUPPORT French A Pyrenees-Barcelona
F Cuba-Haiti (Bounces with England)
A Venice HOLD (Dislodged & destroyed)
Piedmont dies Spring 1610
F Northeast Trades HOLD
A Algeria HOLD
F Morocco-South Lyon (Bounces with Spain)
A Bzi-Tripoli
A Sudan-Chad (Bounces with natives)
F West Ionian SUPPORT F Sardinia
F Sardinia SUPPORT F West Ionian
F Adriatic-Venice
F Rome SUPPORT F Adriatic-Venice
German Confederation:
A Belgium-Paris
A Bordeaux SUPPORT A Belgium-Paris
A Munich-Elb
A Hamburg-Ruhr
F North Sea 2-Sea of Holland
F Berlin-Hamburg
F Ontario-Quebec
F Quebec-Gulf of St. Lawrence
A St Louis HOLD
F Nova Scotia HOLD
F Sargasso-Haiti (Bounces with Holland)
F Chesapeake-Florida Channel
F North Atlantic-North Biscay
F English Channel SUPPORT F North Atlantic-North Biscay
F North Sea 1 SUPPORT F English Channel
F North Lyon-South Lyon (Move fails)
F South Lyon-Algeria (Move fails)
Since it's pretty much a given that both Holland and Spain are dead on the fall turn no matter what they do, I'll completely understand if I don't receive orders from SnowFire and Defiant this time around. If you choose not to submit orders, gentlemen, I would appreciate EOG's instead.
Fall orders due on Thursday evening. Attacking in Europe still active.
reismark@civgaming.net | AIM: scallops25
President & Demi-God of the Civilization Gaming Network - Visit Our Forums
This week's sign of the Apocalypse: The possibility of Jedi becoming an official religion
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by reismark (edited March 10, 2001).]</font>