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Grey Dip Fall 1904 Results

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  • Grey Dip Fall 1904 Results

    Builds/disbands due sunday

    Russia (0 builds)
    A Nor-StP(nc) (move fails)
    A Mos S A Nor-StP(nc)
    A War S A Mos

    Austria (0 builds)
    A Bud-Ser (move fails)
    A Tri S A Bud-Ser
    A Vie-Bud (move fails)
    F Gre-Alb (move fails, unit dislodged and destroyed)

    Italy (1 build)
    A Bur-Mun
    A Gas-Bur
    F Spa(sc) S F Mao
    F Mao H
    F Tyn S F Ion
    F Ion S Austrian F Gre (invalid support)

    England (0 builds)
    F Iri-Mao (move fails)
    F Nao S F Iri-Mao
    F Eng S F Iri-Mao
    A Hol S A Bel
    A Bel S A Hol (support cut)
    F Swe-Den (move fails)
    A StP-Nwy (move fails)
    F Nth S A StP-Nwy

    France (0 builds)
    A Bre H
    A Pic - Bel (move fails)
    F Por S F Mao

    Germany (1 disband)
    A Ber - Kie
    A Ruh S A Ber - Kie
    F Hel - Den (move fails)

    Turkey (1 build)
    F Aeg-Gre
    F Eme-Ion
    F Con-Aeg
    A Bul S F Aeg-Gre
    A Alb-Ser (move fails)
    A Rum S A Alb- Ser
    A Sev S A War-Mos

  • #2
    Dear Mr. Italy:

    Thanks! You have support for MAO as long as you want. Please advise. Nice move to MUN. The build will come in handy against Turkey. Any other requests for next turn?

    Mr. France (the real one)
    While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


    • #3
      Dear Mr. Germany:
      My apologies! I really desperately needed a build this turn to stop the Turks from overwhelming the Ionian. So I had to take Munich. I won't take anything more from you, don't worry; in fact, I'll submit any support orders you want (to help Kiel hold or whatever).

      Dear Mr. France:
      Thanks. I think it's best to maintain the holding action though. I'd like to take back Belgium, but I've analyzed the moves, and while it's possible for it to work with complete cooperation, I'd prefer not to try right now.

      To the loyal citizens of Naples:
      Construct a fleet immediately! We shall need it to help us in the upcoming battle of the Ionian Sea.

      -Mr. Italy (the real one)
      While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


      • #4
        England, the German Chancellor expected to be included in the triple entene against you, but apparently that is not so.

        How about burying the hatchet and work together.

        To put it simply: If you fight the four of us, you will loose.

        If only one of us works with you, we have a pretty decent shot of beating the other three, and Germany is the logical partner here. There is no way I can threaten you, and there is no way for me to survive without you.

        What do you think?

        The Chancellor of all Germany (minus the outlying parts)

        While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


        • #5
          Dieses ist der Kanzellor der Deutschen - der wahresten Kanzellor.

          England, it seems as if there is an array of powers against both me and you. If I cna have but one SC - Den, I can hold of enemies to your south. If you can allow me into there next turn...
          While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


          • #6
            Yeah right!

            Du bist ein imposter!

            England, I don't want Denmark. An army in denmark is a deathtrap for me, and not doing you any good compareed to having one of your own armies there.

            My best chance of survival is moving to Berlin and Kiel, and from there try to oust Italy. Anything else is suicide... And if you allow me my two armies, I can use them as an advance shield for you. Think about it, this way you'd get two armies on the continent immediately, without having to convoy anything.

            BTW, I think we should keep Sed speaking english. There has been grey games on Cat23 where obscure languages have been horribly abused. Not that I think we would sink that low, right?
            While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


            • #7
              I was just trying to demonstrate my true command of German, unlike this person who has been writing himself off as me.

              Du bist ein imposter?

              Now that's crappy German

              Seriously, I need that third SC. Together, we can turn back the enemy forces, and together, we can rule Europe

              While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


              • #8
                Hey, I never claimed to know German Then again, what are the odds that Turkey actually knows turkish, or Russia knows russian?

                England, are you reading this? I'd like a response before I decided what to disband...
                While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


                • #9
                  I would have no intention of disrupting Ruh-Kie and Kie-Ber, and if F Hel were to be disbanded I would be much more sympathetic. The German home SCs are not high on my priority list and I guarantee they will be left alone should the above orders be carried out.
                  While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


                  • #10
                    A warning to Britain: a German alliance may not be all you think it is. If the Germans really do want Denmark, that's one less SC for you; furthermore, the French and Italians are really no threat to you right now. They but fight a holding action. Let's say your alliance succeeds with Germany; who will gain? Germany might get Munich back, but then the Italians will be forced to disband their troops holding back the Turks, and you won't gain against France any time soon. Meanwhile, the Turks will continue sweeping the East, and you'll actually help them a lot more than you'll help yourself... your gains against France will only come when Italy really starts to fall apart from the Turks, and by then, we'll all have to worry about a Turkish solo.
                    While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


                    • #11
                      I never said anything about Denmark!
                      While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


                      • #12
                        I am always a threat to England. What are you talking about, the French are no threat?
                        [This message has been edited by Midshipman (edited February 25, 2001).]
                        But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
                        If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
                        He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
                        But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


                        • #13
                          While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


                          • #14
                            Impressive. Three moves to turn in, and yet two days behind deadline...
                            While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...

