Austria (Midshipman)
A Ser-Bul (fail; dislodged, retreat to Alb)
F Gre S A Ser-Bul
A Bud-Ser (fail)
A Vie-Tyr
F Tri S A Vie-Tyr
England (Ruffhaus)
A Edi H
F Lon-Nth
F Nwy S F Lon-Nth (broken)
F Nth-Hel
France (Napoleon)
A Bel S (English) F Nth-Hol (invalid)
A Par-Bur
A Mar H
A Spa H
F Bre-Gas
Germany (SnowFire)
A Ruh-Mun
A Den-Ruh
F Kie-Den
F Ska-Nwy (fail)
Italy (Defiant)
F Nap-Apu
F Tun-Ion
A Tyr-Pie
A Ven S A Tyr-Pie
Russia (Victor Galis)
A StP-Liv
F Swe (ec) H
A War S A Ukr-Gal
A Ukr-Gal
A Sev S F Rum
F Rum S (Turkish) A Bul-Ser
Turkey (WarVoid)
A Bul-Ser
F Bla S A Bul-Ser
A Con H
F Smy-Aeg
Let's see more action in the west and north, ok?
SPRING 1902 SEISMIC ORDERS (one per person!) due Wednesday, January 31st 2001.
A Ser-Bul (fail; dislodged, retreat to Alb)
F Gre S A Ser-Bul
A Bud-Ser (fail)
A Vie-Tyr
F Tri S A Vie-Tyr
England (Ruffhaus)
A Edi H
F Lon-Nth
F Nwy S F Lon-Nth (broken)
F Nth-Hel
France (Napoleon)
A Bel S (English) F Nth-Hol (invalid)
A Par-Bur
A Mar H
A Spa H
F Bre-Gas
Germany (SnowFire)
A Ruh-Mun
A Den-Ruh
F Kie-Den
F Ska-Nwy (fail)
Italy (Defiant)
F Nap-Apu
F Tun-Ion
A Tyr-Pie
A Ven S A Tyr-Pie
Russia (Victor Galis)
A StP-Liv
F Swe (ec) H
A War S A Ukr-Gal
A Ukr-Gal
A Sev S F Rum
F Rum S (Turkish) A Bul-Ser
Turkey (WarVoid)
A Bul-Ser
F Bla S A Bul-Ser
A Con H
F Smy-Aeg
Let's see more action in the west and north, ok?

SPRING 1902 SEISMIC ORDERS (one per person!) due Wednesday, January 31st 2001.