Ok, this was a ***** to figure out and to make. Here we go.
Sweden has a third coast, labeled (wc). Kiel has lost its canal, and now only has a port to the Baltic Sea. Denmark's been split into 2 coasts, with (wc) bordering the North, and (ec) bordering the Baltic. Skagerrak no longer borders Denmark. No travel between Bulgaria and Constantinople is possible. SnowFire and Defiant's orders were declared invalid since application of both orders would split the Ruhr into two. Ok, have fun. 
Austria (Midshipman)
Constantinople and Bulgaria separate, Black and Aegean Seas connect.
England (Ruffhaus)
Skaggerak and Denmark separate, North Sea and Sweden (sc) connect
France (Napoleon)
Helgoland Bight and Kiel separate, Ruhr and Denmark connect
Germany (SnowFire)
Burgundy and Munich separate, Switzerland and Ruhr connect (invalid)
Italy (Defiant)
Munich and Ruhr separate, Kiel and Burgundy connect (invalid)
Russia (Victor Galis)
Rumania and Bulgaria separate, Black Sea and Serbia connect
Turkey (WarVoid)
Rumania and Bulgaria separate, Black Sea and Serbia connect
Map: http://www.geocities.com/lordstone1/...as/weq1901.gif
S1902 moves due Sunday, January 28, 2001

Austria (Midshipman)
Constantinople and Bulgaria separate, Black and Aegean Seas connect.
England (Ruffhaus)
Skaggerak and Denmark separate, North Sea and Sweden (sc) connect
France (Napoleon)
Helgoland Bight and Kiel separate, Ruhr and Denmark connect
Germany (SnowFire)
Burgundy and Munich separate, Switzerland and Ruhr connect (invalid)
Italy (Defiant)
Munich and Ruhr separate, Kiel and Burgundy connect (invalid)
Russia (Victor Galis)
Rumania and Bulgaria separate, Black Sea and Serbia connect
Turkey (WarVoid)
Rumania and Bulgaria separate, Black Sea and Serbia connect
Map: http://www.geocities.com/lordstone1/...as/weq1901.gif
S1902 moves due Sunday, January 28, 2001