Dip 23 Colonial 1882 Orders
BRITAIN (Midshipman)
A Punjab - Delhi
A Kashgar - Sinkiang (move fails 1v1, dislodged, retreat to Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tashkent, Kirgistan, Urumchi, or OTB)
F Gulf of Siam - Cochin (bounce 1v1 with Cochin)
F Canton - Nanchung (bounce 1v1 with Nanchung, dislodged, destroyed)
A Hong Kong - Canton (move fails 1v3, bounce 1v1 with Nanchung, and with Canton)
F Gulf of Manaar - Bay of Bengal
F Shiraz - Baghdad
F Arabian Sea - Gulf of Aden
F Red Sea - Mecca
F Sudan - hold
CHINA (Hodad/Dr. Strangelove/Hogfather)
A Tibet - Kashgar
A Sinkinag supports A Tibet - Kashgar
A Bengal - Lucknow
A Upper Burma - Bengal
A Nanchung - Canton (moves fails 1v3, bounce 1v1 with Canton, and 1v1 with Hong Kong)
A Mongolia - Irkutsk (move fails 1v1)
A Peking - Manchuria
FRANCE (Victor Galis)
F Luzon Strait - South China Sea
F South China Sea - Canton
A Tonkin supports F South China Sea - Canton
A Mandalay supports F South China Sea - Canton
A Bangkok supports A Mandalay - hold
F Cochin - Gulf of Siam (bounce 1v1 with Gulf of Siam)
A Annam supports A Mandalay - hold
HOLLAND (SnowFire)
F East Indian Ocean - Gulf of Manaar
F Andaman Sea supports F East Indian Ocean - Gulf of Manaar
F Ceylon supports F West Indian Ocean - hold
F West Indian Ocean supports F East Indian Ocean - Gulf of Manaar
F Java Sea - Sunda Sea
F Malaya supports F Java Sea - Sunda Sea
F Borneo - Sarawak
F Lower Pacific Ocean supports F Cebu - Middle Pacific Ocean
F Cebu - Middle Pacific Ocean (move fails 2v2)
A Davao - Cebu (bounce with Cebu)
JAPAN (Scott F)
F Sea of Japan - Vladivostok
F Okhotsk Sea supports F Sea of Japan - Vladivostok
F Fuson - Seoul (move fails 2v2)
F Yellow Sea supports F Fuson - Seoul
F Middle Pacific supports F Formosa - hold
F Formosa supports F Middle Pacific Ocean - hold
A Shanghai supports Chinese A Peking - Manchuria
RUSSIA (Defiant replacing Polaris)
A Rumania supports F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Baku - Armenia
A Odessa - Baku
F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Irkutsk supports F Vladivostok - hold (support cut)
F Vladivostok supports A Seoul - hold (support cut, dislodged, destroyed)
F Port Arthur supports A Seoul - hold
A Seoul supports F Vladivostok - hold (support cut)
TURKEY (Black Dragon)
F Constantinople supports F Angora - Black Sea (support cut, dislodged, destroyed)
F Angora - Black Sea
A Tabriz supports F Persia - Shiraz
F Persia - Shiraz
F Karachi - hold
A Egypt - hold
F Medterrranean Sea supports A Egypt - hold
Well, well, that was bloody! As Bill Murray would say, "I guess we're playing for keeps now..."
The 1882 (Summer) retreats will be due due on Thursday January 11, Midnight EST. Midshipman, since you are the only one with a retreat, you can post it here please? The orders for 1884 (Fall) will be due Monday January 15, Midnight EST.
As always, please check for accuracy. Thank you.
ICQ: 63418710
E-mail: RUFFHAUS8@aol.com
BRITAIN (Midshipman)
No 76234340
E-mail: scox@cpinternet.com
CHINA (Hodad aka Dr_Strangelove aka Hogfather)
ICQ: 102139615
E-mail: m_carreras@hotmail.com
FRANCE (Victor Galis)
ICQ: 47756253
E-mail: VictorG@aol.com
HOLLAND (SnowFire)
ICQ: 35476699
E-mail: peter.ingraham@oberlin.edu
JAPAN (Scott F)
ICQ: 25802937
E-mail: sfluhr@indiana.edu
ICQ: 67599531
RUSSIA (Defiant)
ICQ: 46172786
E-mail: vlholtz@charter.net or seanc@coredcs.com
BRITAIN (Midshipman)
A Punjab - Delhi
A Kashgar - Sinkiang (move fails 1v1, dislodged, retreat to Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tashkent, Kirgistan, Urumchi, or OTB)
F Gulf of Siam - Cochin (bounce 1v1 with Cochin)
F Canton - Nanchung (bounce 1v1 with Nanchung, dislodged, destroyed)
A Hong Kong - Canton (move fails 1v3, bounce 1v1 with Nanchung, and with Canton)
F Gulf of Manaar - Bay of Bengal
F Shiraz - Baghdad
F Arabian Sea - Gulf of Aden
F Red Sea - Mecca
F Sudan - hold
CHINA (Hodad/Dr. Strangelove/Hogfather)
A Tibet - Kashgar
A Sinkinag supports A Tibet - Kashgar
A Bengal - Lucknow
A Upper Burma - Bengal
A Nanchung - Canton (moves fails 1v3, bounce 1v1 with Canton, and 1v1 with Hong Kong)
A Mongolia - Irkutsk (move fails 1v1)
A Peking - Manchuria
FRANCE (Victor Galis)
F Luzon Strait - South China Sea
F South China Sea - Canton
A Tonkin supports F South China Sea - Canton
A Mandalay supports F South China Sea - Canton
A Bangkok supports A Mandalay - hold
F Cochin - Gulf of Siam (bounce 1v1 with Gulf of Siam)
A Annam supports A Mandalay - hold
HOLLAND (SnowFire)
F East Indian Ocean - Gulf of Manaar
F Andaman Sea supports F East Indian Ocean - Gulf of Manaar
F Ceylon supports F West Indian Ocean - hold
F West Indian Ocean supports F East Indian Ocean - Gulf of Manaar
F Java Sea - Sunda Sea
F Malaya supports F Java Sea - Sunda Sea
F Borneo - Sarawak
F Lower Pacific Ocean supports F Cebu - Middle Pacific Ocean
F Cebu - Middle Pacific Ocean (move fails 2v2)
A Davao - Cebu (bounce with Cebu)
JAPAN (Scott F)
F Sea of Japan - Vladivostok
F Okhotsk Sea supports F Sea of Japan - Vladivostok
F Fuson - Seoul (move fails 2v2)
F Yellow Sea supports F Fuson - Seoul
F Middle Pacific supports F Formosa - hold
F Formosa supports F Middle Pacific Ocean - hold
A Shanghai supports Chinese A Peking - Manchuria
RUSSIA (Defiant replacing Polaris)
A Rumania supports F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Baku - Armenia
A Odessa - Baku
F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Irkutsk supports F Vladivostok - hold (support cut)
F Vladivostok supports A Seoul - hold (support cut, dislodged, destroyed)
F Port Arthur supports A Seoul - hold
A Seoul supports F Vladivostok - hold (support cut)
TURKEY (Black Dragon)
F Constantinople supports F Angora - Black Sea (support cut, dislodged, destroyed)
F Angora - Black Sea
A Tabriz supports F Persia - Shiraz
F Persia - Shiraz
F Karachi - hold
A Egypt - hold
F Medterrranean Sea supports A Egypt - hold
Well, well, that was bloody! As Bill Murray would say, "I guess we're playing for keeps now..."
The 1882 (Summer) retreats will be due due on Thursday January 11, Midnight EST. Midshipman, since you are the only one with a retreat, you can post it here please? The orders for 1884 (Fall) will be due Monday January 15, Midnight EST.
As always, please check for accuracy. Thank you.
ICQ: 63418710
E-mail: RUFFHAUS8@aol.com
BRITAIN (Midshipman)
No 76234340
E-mail: scox@cpinternet.com
CHINA (Hodad aka Dr_Strangelove aka Hogfather)
ICQ: 102139615
E-mail: m_carreras@hotmail.com
FRANCE (Victor Galis)
ICQ: 47756253
E-mail: VictorG@aol.com
HOLLAND (SnowFire)
ICQ: 35476699
E-mail: peter.ingraham@oberlin.edu
JAPAN (Scott F)
ICQ: 25802937
E-mail: sfluhr@indiana.edu
ICQ: 67599531
RUSSIA (Defiant)
ICQ: 46172786
E-mail: vlholtz@charter.net or seanc@coredcs.com