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ADC Player Rankings - December 2000

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  • ADC Player Rankings - December 2000

    ADC Player Ranks, (Score), Last Activity

    Sergeant Major

    Boshko (59) Saxony: Austria to DIAS +8 points

    Master Sergeant

    Victor Galis (45) Saxony: France to DIAS +9 points

    Gunnery Sergeant


    Defiant (29) Silent Dip V: Austria to elimination +3pts.
    Snowfire (29) Saxony: Sweden to DIAS +9 points
    Mao (25) Saxony: Denmark to finish +7 points
    LordStone1(24) Saxony: GM and Mapmaker to completion =15 pts.
    RUFFHAUS8 (23) Alien Dip: NIM to elimination as replacement +2 pts.

    Lance Corporal

    Du_Chateau (17) Saxony: Spain to elimination +5 points
    Gibster (17) Mancunian Dip: France to elimination +3 pts.
    Chazzy (14) 20th Century: NMR Winter 1940 [-1pt.]
    Iain Lindley (14) Silent Dip V: France to solo victory +10 pts.
    Scott F (12) Dip 20: France to elimination as replacement +2 pts.
    Stefu (12) Saxony: Russia to DIAS +9 points
    Bearcat/Barbarossa (11) Silent Dip V: England to elimination +3pts.
    Berzerker (11) Dip 12: CSA to finish as a replacement +4 pts.

    Private First Class

    dan.te (9) Dip 22: Italy to eliminations +3 pts.
    Gerwald (9) Dip 12 Japan to finish as replacement +4 pts.
    Midshipman (9) Silent Dip V: Germany to finish +5 pts.
    Shadowstrike (9) Apprentice Dip: Germany to finish +5 pts.
    Allod (8) Dip 12: Austria-Hungary to draw victory +8 pts.
    Talon (7) Alien Dip: Abandoned Game[-5pts.]
    Komitet (6) Saxony: England to DIAS +8 points
    Kropotkin (5) Dip 20: Turkey to elimination +3 pts.
    HsFB (4) Apprentice Dip: France to finish +5 pts.
    Borodino (3) Saxony: Ottoman Empire to finish +4 points
    Russmunki (2) Dip 22: Engliand to Elimination as replacement +2 pts.


    Bill3000 (0)
    CyberGnu (0)
    Hans (0)
    Reismark (0)


    (Stockade and Hard Labor)

    Polaris (-22) Dip 23 Colonial: Abandoned Game 1880 [-5 pts.]

    (Public Flogging)

    Coug (-15) Alien Dip: Abandoned Game [-5pts.]
    Thucydides (-11) Mancunian Diplomacy: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]

    (Holding Cell)

    Hacksaw (-10) Resigned from Dip 12, 20, 22, 20th for legitimate reasons [-2 pts. each]
    Imran Siddiqui (-8) Saxony: Spain to elimination +5 points
    Jason (-8) Dip 12: NMR Fall 1879 [-1pt]
    Zakhiago (-7) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]
    kent-jo (-6) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Luk (-6) Dip 22 Postmodern: Abandoned Winter 2003 [-5 pts.]
    Monolith (-6) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Napoleon Bonaparte (-3) 20th Century: NMR Spring 1941 [-1pt.]
    Black Dragon (-2) 20th Century Dip: NMR Fall 1941 [-1 pt.]
    Warvoid (-2) Civilization Dip: NMR Spring 3600 [-1 point]
    Dr.Strangelove (-1) Dip 23 Colonial: NMR Fall 1876 [-1 pt.]

    Promotion Scale

    Below 0 pts. Off to the brig with ye!
    0 pts. Recruit1-10 pts. Private First Class
    11-20 pts. Lance Corporal
    21-30 pts. Sergeant
    31-40 pts. Gunnery Sergeant
    41-50 pts. Master Sergeant
    51-70 pts. Sergeant Major
    71-90 pts. 2nd Lieutenant
    91-120 pts. 1st Lieutenant
    121-160 pts. Captain
    161-200 pts. Major
    201-250 pts. Lieutenant Colonel
    251-350 pts. Colonel
    351- 500 pts. Brigadier General
    500 and up Field Marshall

    Levels of Punishment

    -1 to -10 pts. Holding Cell in the Brig
    -11 to -20 pts. Public Flogging (30 Lashes)
    -21 to -30 pts. Stockade and Hard Labor
    -31 to -40 pts. Solitary Confinement
    -41 pts. It's the Gallows for ye, Scumbag!

    How to earn/lose points:

    10 pts. - Diplomacy game played to solo victory
    8 pts. - Diplomacy game played to solo victory as a replacement player
    7 pts. - Diplomacy game played to a draw victory
    6 pts. - Diplomacy game played to a draw victory as a replacement player
    5 pts. - Diplomacy game played from start to finish
    4 pts. - Diplomacy game played to finish as a replacement player
    3 pts. - Diplomacy game played from start to elimination
    2 pts. - Diplomacy game played to elimination as a replacement player
    0 pts. Resigning from a game as GM or mapmaker, but replacing yourself with the good graces of GM (legitimate reasons)
    -1 pt. - NMR of any types (moves, orders, retreats, builds)
    -2 pts. Resigning from Diplomacy game,without replacing yourself with good graces of GM (legitimate reasons)
    -5 pts. Abandoning or being replaced by the GM from Diplomacy game


    10 pts. GM and make maps for a game from start to finish7 pts. GM a game from start to finish
    5 pts. GM a game to completion as replacement
    3 pts. Make maps for a game from start to finish
    2 pts. Make maps for a game to completion as replacement
    0 pts. Resigning from a game as GM or mapmaker, but replacing yourself
    -2 pts. Abandoning a game as a Mapmaker
    -5 pts. Abandoning a game as a GM

    Don't see your name above? Post here to enlist, or e-mail for enrollment. You can also post or contact me to request a credit or deduction of points. Point accumulation start day: June 1, 2000. Updated through December 30, 2000.

    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by RUFFHAUS8 (edited December 30, 2000).]</font>

  • #2
    Okay first off, my apologies for getting December's rankings out in a slightly tardy fashion. Just in time for January to start up too.

    Well the DIAS conclusion of Saxony has brought about the need for several promotions. Congratulations to the many, particularly LordStone1 for all his effort with that game. Just a few gigs here and there. NMRs and the like.

    Of specific note this month. Boshko is really kicking our collective asses. We may have an officer around here before long. We welcome Komitet to the ranks after a lengthy visit in the brig, but will we see him ain another Dip game anytime soon? Imran eared his first club points, which got him released from the stocks and his flogging, though he's still cooling off on the brig.

    There are a few games out there nearing abandonment by their GMS, specifically Civilization, Colonization, Mahem, and Shogun. For the purposes of these rankings all of the above games will be considered abandoned if progress is not made by January 15, 2001. Naturally you should check with your GM for the specifics on the game's status.

    If these game's later resume, then the point deductions assessed will be waived at the appropriate time.


    • #3
      Have you dished out the points yet for Dip 12?
      Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

      (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


      • #4
        Dip 12 points have been incorporated already. In the January report I think I will also include a summary of all the points and gigs, and do that say quarterly from here on.


        • #5
          I think we should try to salvage Civ dip. Colo dip has actually gone through enough turns to really merit a draw, but Civ dip hasn't. We can't just issue full draw points for two three years of game play.
          "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
          -Joan Robinson


          • #6
            Naples, England, and Portugal seem to be the dominant nations in Colonization dip. Maybe Germany too.


            • #7
              Are you still counting off from those games that ended when I got into my accident?
              Please Visit:

              And contribute if you can!


              • #8
                I really think we should try to finish them all, Victor. Unfortunately that is not up to us, it is up to the GMs who have let them deteriorate.

                And just FYI, if points are issued at all to players in these games it will be one point for attempted participation, and nothing more. No one is getting 8 points for a draw victory for playing 4-5 turns of a Dip game.

                Once these games are declared abandoned, the players might seek an alternate GM and restart it, but no players will receive penalties if the choose not to continue any of these games.


                • #9
                  RUFF, Talon and Coug didn't abandon Alien Dip. AFAIK, they instructed Boshko merely to continue playing the same orders... so they are in theory at least still submitting orders. If Boshko feels differently now, then fair enough, but I think that needs clarifying.


                  • #10
                    I think Civ Dip should be salvaged, I don't particularly care for Colo dip, and I'm not in the other one, but if that proves impossible, I will accept the death of Civ Dip. We should, however, decide on some guidelines so that something like this does not happen in the future.
                    "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                    -Joan Robinson


                    • #11
                      As I said in this thread I'll take over Civ Dip to keep it alive.

                      However, somebody will have to take over my spot in the game.
                      *grumbles about work*


                      • #12
                        Shadowstrike, your offer to take over Civilization Dip is a generous one. But it also may prove to be very demanding. Having a good understanding of standard DIp
                        s rules and protocol would help. And this variant has special rules will only add to the difficulty. That said if you are willing, I am still in. Defiant's participation as a mapmaker will probable help. Victor's also in this game. And he's a good analyzer of the adjucations, and helps me keep my Sh!t together, so between us, we should be okay.

                        I say, start a new thread for this. Find out who's still in. Get replacements for those opting out, and start collecting orders...


                        • #13
                          Oh honorable Ruffsnoot,
                          What do you mean probably help, I could adjudicate those moves in my sleep.
                          Lets always remember the passangers on United Flight 93, true heroes in every sense of the word!

                          (Quick! Someone! Anyone! Sava! Come help! )-mrmitchell


                          • #14
                            I updated the Apolyton Dip site a little, removing Saxony and SD V from the games in progress list, and adding domination Dip. I am sure there are several other games missing from this list, and also some sort of summary needs to be made for SD V and Saxony.
                            "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
                            -Joan Robinson


                            • #15
                              I'll do the summary for Saxony. Where's the website, BTW?
                              The honorary duty of a human being
                              is to love, I am human and nothing
                              human can be alien to me.

                              -Maya Angelou

