new map:
now Italy and France get one build each and Russia gets three. Sorry for the ****-up...
Austria (0 builds)
F Adr-Ion (move fails)
Russia (2 builds)
F GoB-Swe
A Mos-Sev
A Gal-Vie (move fails)
A Bud S A Gal-Vie
A Rum-Bul (move fails)
F Bla-Ank (move fails)
England (2 disbands, England dies)
F Bre S Turkish F Eng-Mao (invalid support, unit dislodged and destroyed)
A Pic H
Italy (2 builds)
A Ser S A Ven-Tri
A Tri-Vie (move fails)
A Tyl S A Tri-Ven
A Tri-Ven (move fails)
A Apu-Ven (move fails)
F Nth-Lon (move fails)
Turkey (1 build)
F Eng-Lon (move fails)
A Arm-Ank (move fails)
A Con S A Bul
A Bul S A Con (support cut)
F Aeg-Ion (move fails)
France (2 builds, 0 usable
F Mao-Bre
A Par S F Mao-Bre
A Mar-Bur
Germany (2 builds)
F Gre-Bul (move fails)
A Hol-Bel
A Kie-Den
A Mun-Ruh
"As you begin your journey into the land of markets, it would be understandable if you are somewhat anxious. But take heart. The fact is that we envy you, the beginning student, as you set out to explore the exciting world of economics for the first time. This is a trill that, alas, you can experience only once in a lifetime. So, as you embark, we wish you bon voyage!"
Boshko's Econ Text
"It is easy to train an economist; teach a parrot to say 'Demand' and 'Supply'"
Thomas Carlyle
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited September 16, 2000).]</font>
now Italy and France get one build each and Russia gets three. Sorry for the ****-up...
Austria (0 builds)
F Adr-Ion (move fails)
Russia (2 builds)
F GoB-Swe
A Mos-Sev
A Gal-Vie (move fails)
A Bud S A Gal-Vie
A Rum-Bul (move fails)
F Bla-Ank (move fails)
England (2 disbands, England dies)
F Bre S Turkish F Eng-Mao (invalid support, unit dislodged and destroyed)
A Pic H
Italy (2 builds)
A Ser S A Ven-Tri
A Tri-Vie (move fails)
A Tyl S A Tri-Ven
A Tri-Ven (move fails)
A Apu-Ven (move fails)
F Nth-Lon (move fails)
Turkey (1 build)
F Eng-Lon (move fails)
A Arm-Ank (move fails)
A Con S A Bul
A Bul S A Con (support cut)
F Aeg-Ion (move fails)
France (2 builds, 0 usable

F Mao-Bre
A Par S F Mao-Bre
A Mar-Bur
Germany (2 builds)
F Gre-Bul (move fails)
A Hol-Bel
A Kie-Den
A Mun-Ruh
"As you begin your journey into the land of markets, it would be understandable if you are somewhat anxious. But take heart. The fact is that we envy you, the beginning student, as you set out to explore the exciting world of economics for the first time. This is a trill that, alas, you can experience only once in a lifetime. So, as you embark, we wish you bon voyage!"
Boshko's Econ Text
"It is easy to train an economist; teach a parrot to say 'Demand' and 'Supply'"
Thomas Carlyle
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited September 16, 2000).]</font>