Spring orders due tuesday
Coug builds
F Swe
disband orb
Defiant builds
Iain Lindley
Retreats to Slo
Disband A Vol
Disband A Orb
SnowFire builds
F Ank
F Isr
Victor G. builds
A Mar
Power Ranking
#1 SnowFire: Good stab of poor Midshipman, should be able to roll into the Balkans fairly
#2 Victor G.: Caught Barbarossa off-guard, but fighting his way into the Spanish interior could
take a while.
#3 Iain Lindely: With SnowFire’s stab, Iain should be able to pick off some SCs from
#4 WarVoid: Once he breaks through Chaz’s defenses the builds’ll start rolling in. His lack of
fleets could be a problem is someone else starts getting fleets into the atlantic...
#5 Defiant: If Victor G. would jsut stop pestering him, Defiant could get up a dominant position in
eastern europe...
#6 Coug: Finally making some progress in the east...
#7 Imran: With Chaz on the verge of destruction, Imran can finally get a bit of peace...
#8 Midshipman: Looks like it’s gang bang time for Midshipman
#9 Barbarossa: Time to beg Victor G. for mercy
#10 Chaz: Ouch!
#11 Talon: Ouch ouch!
#12 Mao: Ouch ouch ouch!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited August 19, 2000).]</font>
Coug builds
F Swe
disband orb
Defiant builds
Iain Lindley
Retreats to Slo
Disband A Vol
Disband A Orb
SnowFire builds
F Ank
F Isr
Victor G. builds
A Mar
Power Ranking
#1 SnowFire: Good stab of poor Midshipman, should be able to roll into the Balkans fairly
#2 Victor G.: Caught Barbarossa off-guard, but fighting his way into the Spanish interior could
take a while.
#3 Iain Lindely: With SnowFire’s stab, Iain should be able to pick off some SCs from
#4 WarVoid: Once he breaks through Chaz’s defenses the builds’ll start rolling in. His lack of
fleets could be a problem is someone else starts getting fleets into the atlantic...
#5 Defiant: If Victor G. would jsut stop pestering him, Defiant could get up a dominant position in
eastern europe...
#6 Coug: Finally making some progress in the east...
#7 Imran: With Chaz on the verge of destruction, Imran can finally get a bit of peace...
#8 Midshipman: Looks like it’s gang bang time for Midshipman

#9 Barbarossa: Time to beg Victor G. for mercy

#10 Chaz: Ouch!
#11 Talon: Ouch ouch!
#12 Mao: Ouch ouch ouch!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited August 19, 2000).]</font>