builds/disbands/retreats due wendesday
Federation (Defiant) (1 build)
A-Lit > GDA
A-Kra > War
A-Lat S A-Bie > Mos (support cut)
A-Kie > COL
A-CRP S A-Bie > Mos
A-Bie > Mos
Rap’tor (Talon) (1 disband)
A ROs H (unit dislodged, retreats to ORB)
A Kha->Vol
Foundation (Midshipman) (0 builds)
A Orb - Bos
F Adr - Cro (move fails)
A Alb - Serb (move fails)
A Ode - Mol
A Rum S A Pod-Hun
A Pod - Hun
A Sev - Don
Centurians (Chaz) (0 builds)
A-BOR S A-PAR (support cut)
A-BEL>PIC (move fails)
A-HOL S A-BEL (support cut)
Tiara (Barbarossa) (0 builds)
A Sve-Gib
A And S Sve-Gib
A Mad H
A Nav-Bor (move fails)
NIM Republic (Imran) (0 builds)
A(Ham)-Hol (move fails)
A(Ber) S A(Ruh)-Fra
Universe of Allied Nations (WarVoid) (1 disband (in case you’re wondering WarVoid you can
disbadn that army in ORB))
F Eng Col Bri
A Bri > Par (move fails)
A Pic S A Bri > Par (support cut)
A Orb > Als
Aquaticans (Iain Lindley) (0 builds if retreating unit retreat, 1 build if it disbands)
A Sax-Aus
A Mil COL Mil
A Swi H
A Hun-Ser (move fails, unit dislodged, can retreat to Slo or ORB or disband)
A Cro S A Hun-Ser (support cut)
A Mun COL Als (colonization effort fails)
Hodadian Federation (Mao) (1 disband)
A Mos-StP (move fails, unit dislodged, retreats to ORB)
A Gor S Mos-StP
Laguzans (SnowFire) (2 builds)
F EME->Ion
F Izm->Aeg
A Ank->Ist
A Geo COL Ank
A Vol->Ros
A Cau S A Vol->Ros
A Isr->Orb
A Sau COL Sau
A Irn COL Arm
A Orb->Izm
Protectors (Victor G.) (2 builds)
A Lyo Col Lyo
F GoL S A Auv-Bar
A Auv-Bar
F WMed S A Auv-Bar
F Lig Col Pie
A Mor-Orb
A Orb-Lat
A Orb-Pru
A Orb-Ven
Tar Egladilnai (Coug) (1 build)
A Fin Col Mur
A Mur - Gor (move fails)
A A Stp S A Mur - Gor (support cut)
A Den - Ham
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited August 15, 2000).]</font>
Federation (Defiant) (1 build)
A-Lit > GDA
A-Kra > War
A-Lat S A-Bie > Mos (support cut)
A-Kie > COL
A-CRP S A-Bie > Mos
A-Bie > Mos
Rap’tor (Talon) (1 disband)
A ROs H (unit dislodged, retreats to ORB)
A Kha->Vol
Foundation (Midshipman) (0 builds)
A Orb - Bos
F Adr - Cro (move fails)
A Alb - Serb (move fails)
A Ode - Mol
A Rum S A Pod-Hun
A Pod - Hun
A Sev - Don
Centurians (Chaz) (0 builds)
A-BOR S A-PAR (support cut)
A-BEL>PIC (move fails)
A-HOL S A-BEL (support cut)
Tiara (Barbarossa) (0 builds)
A Sve-Gib
A And S Sve-Gib
A Mad H
A Nav-Bor (move fails)
NIM Republic (Imran) (0 builds)
A(Ham)-Hol (move fails)
A(Ber) S A(Ruh)-Fra
Universe of Allied Nations (WarVoid) (1 disband (in case you’re wondering WarVoid you can
disbadn that army in ORB))
F Eng Col Bri
A Bri > Par (move fails)
A Pic S A Bri > Par (support cut)
A Orb > Als
Aquaticans (Iain Lindley) (0 builds if retreating unit retreat, 1 build if it disbands)
A Sax-Aus
A Mil COL Mil
A Swi H
A Hun-Ser (move fails, unit dislodged, can retreat to Slo or ORB or disband)
A Cro S A Hun-Ser (support cut)
A Mun COL Als (colonization effort fails)
Hodadian Federation (Mao) (1 disband)
A Mos-StP (move fails, unit dislodged, retreats to ORB)
A Gor S Mos-StP
Laguzans (SnowFire) (2 builds)
F EME->Ion
F Izm->Aeg
A Ank->Ist
A Geo COL Ank
A Vol->Ros
A Cau S A Vol->Ros
A Isr->Orb
A Sau COL Sau
A Irn COL Arm
A Orb->Izm
Protectors (Victor G.) (2 builds)
A Lyo Col Lyo
F GoL S A Auv-Bar
A Auv-Bar
F WMed S A Auv-Bar
F Lig Col Pie
A Mor-Orb
A Orb-Lat
A Orb-Pru
A Orb-Ven
Tar Egladilnai (Coug) (1 build)
A Fin Col Mur
A Mur - Gor (move fails)
A A Stp S A Mur - Gor (support cut)
A Den - Ham
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited August 15, 2000).]</font>