Fall Orders Due Saturday at Midnight http://www.geocities.com/dboshko/aliens2003.GIF
mistake on map: Victor G's fleet should be in WMed, not Tun
Hodanian Federation (Mao)
A Gor S A StP-Mos
A StP-Mos
NIM Republic (Imran)
A(Ruh)-Hol (move fails)
A(Ham) S A(Ruh)-Hol (support cut)
A(Ber) C Fra
Rap’tor (Talon)
A Kha-Brainwash Local Population
A Ros-Don (move fails)
Tar Egladilnai (Coug)
A Fin - Stp
A Stp S A Fin - Stp
A Lap - Fin
A Den - Ham (move fails)
Centurians (Chaz)
BOR colonizes BRI (move fails)
PAR colonizes PIC (move fails)
A-HOL S A-BEL (support cut)
Aquaticans (Iain Lindley)
A Aus-Mil
A Swi S A Aus-Mil
A Cze-Sax
A Mun S A Cze-Sax
A Hun COL Slo
A Cro S A Hun
Universe of Allied Nations (WarVoid)
A Gib > Orb
A Orb > Bri
F Eng S A Orb-Bri
A Orb-Bri
A Orb > Pic
A Lon > Orb
Foundation (Midshipman)
A Alb -> Col Alb
A Pod -> Col Pod
F Ion -> Adr
A Ser -> Orb
A Rum -> Col Mol
A ode -> sev (move fails)
A Sev -> Don (move fails)
Protectors (Victor)
A ORB-Lat (move fails)
A Lyo S A Mar-Auv
A Mar-Auv
A Mor COL Mor
F WMed-GoL
F Tun-WMed
F Rom-Lig
Federation (Defiant)
A-Gda > Lit
A-Bie > Kie
A-Mos COL Vol (unit dislodged, can retreat to Crp or ORB)
A-War > Bie
A-Lat S A-Mos (support cut)
Tiara (Barbarossa)
A Nav H
A Mad-And
A Por-Mad
A Sve H
Laguzans (SnowFire)
A Ale->Orb
F Cai->EME
A Isr COL Syr
A Irn COL Irk
A Sau COL Jor
F Izm COL Ana
A Ank->Geo
A Geo->Cau
A Ada->Ank
A Orb->Vol
Power Ranking
1. SnowFire: Still in a dominat position. Looks like he’s heading weak looking for easy prey
rather then taking on the large nations that line the Med.
2. Victor G.: Should be able to pick up a SC off of Chaz, which should give him enough
fleets to pick on one of his other neighbors.
3. Iain Lindley: Has a very good shot at straddling the continent. Beware of getting
4. WarVoid: Nice Normandy landing, Chaz should die soon and with those builds WarVoid
should be able to build enough fleets to dominate the Atlantic.
5. Midshipman: Could make some good gains to the north, the only reason Midshipman’s
this low is becose he’s surrounded by formitable neighbors (except Talon
6. Barbarossa: Looks like he’ll be finally able to claim all of Iberia, but it doesn’t look like he
has any outlets for growth beyond that...
7. Still in a good defensive position, but with Victor helping the embattled Hodads to the
north and SnowFire moving north, things could get ugly.
8. Coug: Yay, finally a new SC!
9. Imran: Just when it looks like Imran will be able to make some gains against Chaz armies
gather to his south....
10. Mao: The poor Hodads finally make some progress in the south only to lose an SC in the
11. Chaz. It looks like a three-front war, ouch.
12. Talon: with three seperate nations converging on your territory things look pretty grim.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited August 10, 2000).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited August 10, 2000).]</font>
mistake on map: Victor G's fleet should be in WMed, not Tun
Hodanian Federation (Mao)
A Gor S A StP-Mos
A StP-Mos
NIM Republic (Imran)
A(Ruh)-Hol (move fails)
A(Ham) S A(Ruh)-Hol (support cut)
A(Ber) C Fra
Rap’tor (Talon)
A Kha-Brainwash Local Population
A Ros-Don (move fails)
Tar Egladilnai (Coug)
A Fin - Stp
A Stp S A Fin - Stp
A Lap - Fin
A Den - Ham (move fails)
Centurians (Chaz)
BOR colonizes BRI (move fails)
PAR colonizes PIC (move fails)
A-HOL S A-BEL (support cut)
Aquaticans (Iain Lindley)
A Aus-Mil
A Swi S A Aus-Mil
A Cze-Sax
A Mun S A Cze-Sax
A Hun COL Slo
A Cro S A Hun
Universe of Allied Nations (WarVoid)
A Gib > Orb
A Orb > Bri
F Eng S A Orb-Bri
A Orb-Bri
A Orb > Pic
A Lon > Orb
Foundation (Midshipman)
A Alb -> Col Alb
A Pod -> Col Pod
F Ion -> Adr
A Ser -> Orb
A Rum -> Col Mol
A ode -> sev (move fails)
A Sev -> Don (move fails)
Protectors (Victor)
A ORB-Lat (move fails)
A Lyo S A Mar-Auv
A Mar-Auv
A Mor COL Mor
F WMed-GoL
F Tun-WMed
F Rom-Lig
Federation (Defiant)
A-Gda > Lit
A-Bie > Kie
A-Mos COL Vol (unit dislodged, can retreat to Crp or ORB)
A-War > Bie
A-Lat S A-Mos (support cut)
Tiara (Barbarossa)
A Nav H
A Mad-And
A Por-Mad
A Sve H
Laguzans (SnowFire)
A Ale->Orb
F Cai->EME
A Isr COL Syr
A Irn COL Irk
A Sau COL Jor
F Izm COL Ana
A Ank->Geo
A Geo->Cau
A Ada->Ank
A Orb->Vol
Power Ranking
1. SnowFire: Still in a dominat position. Looks like he’s heading weak looking for easy prey
rather then taking on the large nations that line the Med.
2. Victor G.: Should be able to pick up a SC off of Chaz, which should give him enough
fleets to pick on one of his other neighbors.
3. Iain Lindley: Has a very good shot at straddling the continent. Beware of getting
4. WarVoid: Nice Normandy landing, Chaz should die soon and with those builds WarVoid
should be able to build enough fleets to dominate the Atlantic.
5. Midshipman: Could make some good gains to the north, the only reason Midshipman’s
this low is becose he’s surrounded by formitable neighbors (except Talon

6. Barbarossa: Looks like he’ll be finally able to claim all of Iberia, but it doesn’t look like he
has any outlets for growth beyond that...
7. Still in a good defensive position, but with Victor helping the embattled Hodads to the
north and SnowFire moving north, things could get ugly.
8. Coug: Yay, finally a new SC!

9. Imran: Just when it looks like Imran will be able to make some gains against Chaz armies
gather to his south....
10. Mao: The poor Hodads finally make some progress in the south only to lose an SC in the
11. Chaz. It looks like a three-front war, ouch.
12. Talon: with three seperate nations converging on your territory things look pretty grim.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited August 10, 2000).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Boshko (edited August 10, 2000).]</font>