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  • #31
    For the love of the stars; get online now, David Floyd (ICQ).
    Please Visit:

    And contribute if you can!


    • #32
      ***Secret Transmission***
      To: United Federation of Planets
      From: Romulan Star Empire
      Regarding: Previous Proposal
      Text: The Romulan Star Empire shall not discuss the scrapping of the Treaty of Algeron, which the Federation signed in good faith. Your Starfleet already possesses one vessel with the ability to cloak. One is more than enough.
      ***End Secret Transmission***

      Floyd, just so you know, Akiras, Sovereigns, Steamrunners, Sabres, Norways, and Defiants are not in production at this time. Except for the first Defiant, none of them exist outside the design stage, and there is only one Defiant in Federation service around this time. (I am assuming that this is is about the time that the Dominion ships destroyed the Odyssey. If you place it any earlier, the Defiant won't even be in service.)


      • #33
        I'm going to post my military lists. Tell me if anything is out of wack.

        Armed Forces of the Maquis Rebellion

        First Fleet
        1 Nebula-class starship
        15 Maquis Raiders
        3 Danube-class shuttlecraft (Runabouts)

        Second Fleet
        1 Cardassian Freighter (modified with extra photon torpedo launcher)
        10 Maquis Raiders
        4 Bajoran Impusle Ships

        Third Fleet
        2 Bajoran Assult Vessel
        15 Maquis Raiders

        Ground Forces
        10 units of Colonial Militia

        10 to 15 personnel at Starfleet *secret*

        By the way, the Marquis Raiders are the small Maquis fighters.

        Declaration of Independance

        The colonists in the Demilitarized Zone have seceded from the Federation due to lack of interest in protecting their rights from the Cardassians. On public channels they declared that active resistance to any Cardassian attack is now the prime perogative of the rebels, known as Maquis. Many in Starfleet feel swayed by the Maquis cause and defect.

        Industrialization in the Demilitarized Zone

        Maquis leaders are stepping up production of Raw Materials for ships on their colony worlds. Maquis leaders feel that this will allow the Maquis to defend themselves.

        Maquis Raid Cardassian Outpost

        Citing an poisioning incident believed to be the work of Cardassian agents, Maquis raiders have made a daring attack on a unmanned Cardassian outpost. There is still no news of the outcome. (How do you handle military conflicts?)

        Maquis draws blueprints for new Attack Vessel

        Maquis High Command has recieved a blueprint for a new Attack Ship. Dubbed to Intruder class, these warships will have a size of about half that of a Nebula class starship and are armed with 4 phaser banks and 2 photon torpedo launchers. They are expected to enter service within 2 years.

        **To the Klingon Empire**

        We of the Maquis offer an alliance against your hated enemies the Cardassians. We will offer your warships docking at our Starbases and in turn, expect military support. Please respond...

        **To the Federation**

        We extend ther hand of friendship to our breathren. We have no quarrel with you, our quarrel is with the Caradassians. Please accept our graceous offer.

        **To the Bajoran people** (is this possible?)

        We offer an alliance to counter that actions of our mutual enemy, the Cardassians.

        [edited bold typeface error]
        [This message has been edited by Shadowstrike (edited July 26, 2000).]
        [This message has been edited by Shadowstrike (edited July 26, 2000).]
        [This message has been edited by Shadowstrike (edited July 26, 2000).]
        [This message has been edited by Shadowstrike (edited July 26, 2000).]
        *grumbles about work*


        • #34
          The Continuing Committee of the Romulan Star Empire has approved a new straship construction bill as put forward by the Senate. Praetor Neral was quoted as calling the bill, "ambitious, but feasible."

          The following are to be constructed:

          36 D'Deridex Advanced class warbirds
          12 R'tan class strike cruisers
          72 D'ridren class destroyers
          36 D'renet class scouts


          • #35
            Grr...after I so carefully balanced my fleet, Scott comes along and interferes. Oh well, edited. I still think I should have Akiras at this stage, but I'll concede the point, I at least control the wormhole and good luck getting me to share...
            BTW, Scott, 36 D'Dederidex class ships would be like me building 36 Galaxy class ships. Not complaining, just pointing out...

            After being shut down a few years ago, Project Defiant, the Starfleet project to create a powerful Borg-fighting warship, has been restarted with the goal of beginning mass production of Defiant-class warships within 1 to 1.5 years.

            A team of specialists commissioned to design a new multi-purpose heavy duty cruiser to replace the aging Excelsior today came up with their proposal:
            Name: Valiant Class
            Size: A little larger than Excelsiors
            Armament: 6 phaser banks, 2 streaming phaser banks, 3 torpedo tubes (2 conventional, 1 quantum torpedos)
            Shielding: Double-shielding - when one shield is damaged, a second shield replaces it while the first shield is repaired. Powered by several large fusion reactors.
            Laboratories: 4 Full-scale labs for scientific research of all kinds
            R&D Time: 2 years

            Would the Romulans consider a trade? If you allow the Federation to withdraw from the Treaty of Algeron, we will allow the RSE access to the Gamma Quadrant through a stable wormhole discovered somewhere in our space, along with a safe passage corridor through Federation space.
            ***END MESSAGE***
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            • #36
              The Romulans only have three known warship classes in this period. Warbirds, scouts, and science ships. I only added strike cruisers (warbirds specialized for planetary bombardment) and destroyers (fast, well armed, good at raiding). With the Romulans being so militant, it makes sense to possess a large fleet. Admittedly, a warbird is superior to a Galaxy class ship, but I have little else to go on.


              • #37
                The new group known as the Maquis have created quite a fuss within Starfleet. After a good amount of debate, it has been decided that Starfleet will, from time to time, covertly equip the Maquis with equipment. However, this will only be carried out through third parties, giving Starfleet and the Federation plausible deniability.
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                • #38
                  i.e. Section 31?

                  Maquis Construction

                  Maquis sources tell us that they are building new forces. The following have begun construction:

                  5 Maquis Fighter

                  The Maquis also looking at obtaining ships through the generosity of major powers and other covert (Ferengi) sources.
                  [This message has been edited by Shadowstrike (edited July 26, 2000).]
                  *grumbles about work*


                  • #39
                    Shadowstrike, two points:
                    1)MaQuis, not MaRQuis. Sorry, just getting on my nerves some

                    2)It might take a LITTLE longer for a terrorist organization JUST formed to build an industrial capacity. You'd first need industrial replicators - that's the good news, you can steal those. Then you would need a stable ship construction environment - either open space (which the Badlands is not) or a Starbase of some kind, which would be prohibitively expensive and hard to construct.
                    Follow me on Twitter:
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                    • #40
                      Wasn't this before they were driven out of the DMZ and into the Badlands? I'm assuming that this is the period when they still had the colonies. With a dozen or so colonies, I'd think there would be at least one Starbase. If its after they were driven into the Badlands, I'll change my posts to make sense. Isn't 2370 season II of DS9? If I recall, that was the season when we were introduced to the Maquis, at least in DS9. This was before they werre forced to hide.

                      If I'm wrong (and I might be) then, I'll edit my posts. Polaris, don't drive me to the Badlands yet!

                      As for the spelling, already done.
                      *grumbles about work*


                      • #41
                        On the far side of the wormhole a powerful empire was in existence. Known as the Dominion it was the scourge of the galaxy. The elusive shapeshifters known as the Founders ruled the Dominion with an iron fist. With their legions of Jem'Hadar warriors and Vorta lackeys the Founders ruled most of the Gamma Quadrant. Revered and feared the Founders held "solids" in the lowest of opinion. Now that the Gamma Quadrant had been discovered and the solids from the Alpha Quadrant were moving in, it was time to take action.


                        • #42
                          OOC: DF, yeah I copied SOME of your army. All the numbers have been redone though. Sorry, not much time.


                          V'GER CONTACTS EARTH
                          After centuries of being lost the Voyager Space Probe has returned to Earth. After collecting the mass data of the entire universe the probe actually transcended and became a living being. This was 30 years ago.

                          Since then the transcend known as Akira Prime returned to the planet of machines that had built him the giant space ship capable of gathering the knowledge to transcend. Once arriving at the planet Mechaa the machines realized what had happened to there strange friend and handed power over to him. With a new parliamentary monarchy established he was crowned King of the V'Gers. After all internal problems were settled he prepared another spaceship with the help of his countrybots. An expedition was to be sent to Earth to regain contact with the original creator.

                          Thus an expedition was manned and sent to Earth to regain contact with the Federation.

                          Upon arriving at Jupiter the Galactica was stopped by a Federation Recon Squad.

                          We offered our proposal. A peace treaty, a trade treaty and a informational exchange. We also proposed an alliance. We now await the Federations response.


                          • #43
                            Hey I was wondering if I could take the Voth (Delta Quadrant) or if not the Ferengi?
                            Quoth the Raven, Nevermore.


                            • #44
                              Let's see if this will work.

                              Mao's Marauders

                              4 Nebula Class (Federation)
                              1 D'Deridex Class (Romulan)
                              5 D'Dredar Class (Romulan)
                              10 Fighter Warship Type (Dominion, captured-original crew not piloting the vessel due to great loyalty of Jem'Hadar)
                              3 Galor Class (Cardassian)
                              5 K'vort Class (Klingon)
                              1 Vor'cha Class (Klingon)

                              Is this fleet too big? I'll write a story to back up how these vessels came together if I get approval of this fleet.
                              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                              • #45
                                Raven, either is fine, although you might have more fun with the Ferengi.
                                The Federation welcomes an alliances with the V'Ger civiliazation, in the hopes of fostering better relations in the future.
                                Follow me on Twitter:
                                Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:

