but then, a super-duper ray gun destroyed both space ships!
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The World 2010
Originally posted by DarthVeda on 04-15-2000 12:33 AM
OOC: Haha Sigma... nice try. ASAT's can't touch high orbit material and I don't recall you ever establishing that you had Hunter Killer sattelites. Exactly who did you get them from? Russia? I don't think so. They're the only ones that ever developed 'em--BTW HIGH ORBIT is where most military and critical sattelites are located. Otherwise you'd be knocking out telephone, weather, etc. sattelites that about half the developed world use.
I don't recall you ever establishing that you had orbital weapons. Who did you get them from? If you have managed to develope and deploy these while at the same time building more than 10 fleet carriers then its safe to say other nations could have developed hunter killer sats.
In high orbit, Japanese Sattelites continue to annihilate any sattelite that attempted a course correction into a higher orbit. Most of these were UN controlled hunter killers. But the "weapon X" sattelites, developed by 50% of the UN's military funds for 4 years and first put up in 2008, were already in high orbit. Easily distinguished for its massive size and enormous cost, they mounted not railguns but particle accelerators similar to CERN but far far smaller. The XSAT waited until the japanese orbital JSAT had expended its ammunition to aviod being damaged. Knowing it would take one month to resupply it, XSAT began its final power up fully knowing a russian orbital sat would destroy it soon after it firing. The particle accelerator, known only to the UN was different from all the other orbital weapons. It had nearly infinite ammo on board in the form of krypton gas. The gas was stripped of its electrons making it a highly positive ion, then accerated through powerful electro magnets to just below light speed. It took the Xsats solar arrays six months to power up for just one average blast. This time, it had powered for one full year for a full power blast.
Anyone on Mount Fuji would have seen what appeared to be a massive lightning bolt strike the center of Tokyo. The lightning affect was caused by the diffusion of the particle stream into the air. Less than 1/4 of the firing particles ever hit Tokyo, but that was more than enough.
The full power blast had an effect similar to that of a 3 megaton bomb impacting the city center. Toyko was decimated.
But it was a pyhrric victory. All of the UN's majestic HQ that lay above ground was decimated by VX bombs. But only 25% of HQ Unity was above the anarctic ice. The rest was underground, secured from all but nuclear or orbital bombs.
The UN, the worlds peaceful and glorious stabilizing agent, is in its death throes. Never was it expected to take on two of the worlds most powerful nations.
Un's weapon X is expected to be destroyed by russia any day. But Tokyo has come with it. And Japan's JSATs after running out of ammo were overun by UN HK's. The death of the UN may just be the death of the earth.
To Bill: good job Bill, way to ignore my campaign in Korea. Way to go...
Are England France and Spain NPC nations? If so, Scott can control NPC nations just as much as you can and he can say that the NPC nations all just got taken over by Russian-friendly governments and attacked you. Don't bring NPC nations into this.
If they're not NPC, they need to actually confirm they're aiding you in the thread and not just you posting for them.Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!
The DW shuttle pod along with the Argentine pod both decloaked in orbit around Mars. All the destruction caused by the Chinese and UN had made both these pods unoticed. Both pods jumped into warp were they found a new planet nad named it New Hibernia. After a week a fully advanced civilization was up and running. Warships rivaling those of the UN were built and prepared to set out. Consulate Oberfuehrer Brandon Frymire and Consulate Unterfuehrer Carlos Memem boarded the New Hibernian capital ship Jutland and prepared to set out for an interstellar Armageddon with th UN forces.
To Sigma - Wait to unleash the horrible unrealsim which will be Armageddon Alpha Centauri until both forces are in place. Nobody else do anything to us yet. This is gonan be fun
while all leaders around the world (and in outer space) discovered a copy of Jules Verne's Lighthouse at the end of the world.
(or whatever it's its name in english)
Further reports show that, apart from the few Argentine people who left with Bearcat(thanx),the Argentine civilization, along with Paraguayans and Uruguayans, blasted off on three spaceships, all three launched from Tierra del Fuego.
Further away from earth, and following Bearcat's ship, S.S.Libertad, S.S.Independecia and S.S.Prosperidad (Liberty, Independence and Prosperity, respectively) issued a comunicate to every other human spaceship:
Dumb stupid person, the one who started all this. But don't worry, it would have happened anyways, you just had to sit and think to realize this.
You surely have lots of life support systems, but how are you going to build colonies?
One third of each of our ships is loaded with prime materials, ranging from some wood, to oil and through a lot of steel and other metals. We will quickly succeed in building colonies, while all of you (exept Bearcat) will have an extremely slow start.
Oh, by the way, some friends asked us to foward this recording:
Dumb earthmen! look what you have done to your planet! You were lucky to survive, but don't ever come back, or try to land on any other planet in the solar system, or you will be destroyed.
The President of the Solar System
Phobos, Martian System
(it really helps to have martian friends, you know?)
to all:
you really had to screw up didn't you?
and i'm not going back to a thread in which one country can attack another and in two posts cross two Rhine-sized rivers without bridges, quell two revolts and against an army as good as it's own... and 'just because'...
and be in the UN security council.
[This message has been edited by HsFB (edited April 17, 2000).]Indifference is Bliss
God was angry, so he struck down HsFB. The universe has been turned into a giant void with only three planets, earth, Persephone, and that other one which I can't remember the name of, but no matter! I AM GOD!Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!
OOC: Yes, it is. And that is the whole point.
IC: Russians have taken with them the ultimate weapon of the old Socialist regime. That weapon is sinister in its scope and magnificence.
OOC: Wouldn't you all just love to know what it is? Well I'm not going to tell you just yet.
Bill, take this as a hint. WE DONT WANT YOUR STINKING THREADS. If you're going to do something DO IT ORIGINAL. Stop copying off of Big War, which has by the way, outlasted 2 of your mindless threads.
I don't see the logic in changing the rules to better suit you each day. Get it frickin right in the first post. Hell, better yet, don't even post to begin with!
I also don't see the logic in putting a thread 10 years in the future and claiming it will somehow be more realistic.
OOC: I guess I can play too.
The Minbari fleet pulled out of hyperspace in the Sector A Planet Cluster 21 Grouping. They had recieved increaded radio signals for this area. So, in response to tradition they sent out a major battlefleet. The fleet was headed by the Warrior Caste whose tradition is to greet people with gun ports open, these people didn't like that so they fired futily at the Battlegroup. The weak lasers did nothing to the tempered Minbari hulls and the Minbari Heavy Cruisers released their devastating beam weapons upon then followed by pulse and more beam weapons from the other ships. In mere seconds the 'Argentinians' were completely destroyed. Time to move on to the next group.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep