Seeing how the world is banding together to destroy the United Demesosian States of America, Iraniaq agrees to send over 3 corps. of battle-hardened troops to aide in the war. Shabaz hopes this will hasten UDSA's destruction, and eliminate a possible spark that would ignite World War 3.
No announcement yet.
The Big Huge Modern War Thread: Part VII - The Fall of France
*Public Statement*
To: All Nations
From: German Empire
Re: Scandinavian Airspace and Surrounding Waters
Text: The airspace over the whole of Scandinavia and Iceland is now to be considered a no-fly zone. All aircraft that are not controlled or authorized by the German or Russian militaries will be shot down without warning. Civilian traffic to Scandinavian airports shall be continued through special Lufthansa commuter aircraft operating out of Copenhagen. All vessels entering a zone within 100 miles of the Scandinavian coastline or attempting to enter the Baltic Sea shall be boarded and searched. Those ships which refuse to be searched will be sunk. To prevent any aircraft or ship from slipping through and to detect and stop covert foreign assistance, several (more than three) satellites have been placed in geostationary orbits over Scandinavia.
*End Public Statement*
Headlines in Der Spiegel:
German troops slow offensive against the NSF, begin to consolidate gains:
The German General Staff has announced that the German offensive in France so as to consolidate existing German gains and to end the siege of Paris. The First Army Group under General Luttichau has driven the NSF from Brittany and has pushed the western front to the south. The General Staff plans to consolidate German gains and regroup for the final offensive. Air attacks continue and the continuous aerial bombing and artillery bombardment of Paris has begun. The Parisian defenders are not expected to hold out much longer.
-Air and sea blockade of Scandinavia begins.
-Germany to permit China passage in Africa.
-Government of Zaire protests rumored German armament of local rebels in Zaire (OOC: China and Germany are taking Zaire. The rest of you stay out.)
Stuff that you do not know about:
-First of many shipments of planes from the CW arrives. The rest are to be delivered over time as CW production permits.
-Two of Germany's new Oscar submarines enter refit to improve onboard technology and increase quieting.
-The other three Oscars, with some quick modifications, have put to sea for unknown destinations.
-The six German submarines which put to sea earlier have taken up positions at unknown locations.
Foreign Office Dispatches:
To Britain:
A nation such as yours has a rich history and culture. It would be a terrible pity to see such a culture destroyed. Halt your attacks on Ireland.
To Ireland:
You will find a considerable quantity of infantry weapons, including shoulder SAMs to down those nasty British warplanes, in cases buried near Galway, Dublin, and Cork. These were left behind while German forces were involved in actions against the LMF in Ireland. Exact locations will be relayed by the German military liason in Dublin.
To Russia:
We will send observers to you conference. The KPD (the German Communist Party) will be sending delegates. Our compliments on the submarines. Our engineers will have suggestions on how to improve several features on the Oscars. We will relay these to you, once we have completed refitting them to our new ships.
We will are willing to cease hostilities once you are ready to sign our treaty.
To China:
Your troops are welcome to land in German Africa.
To Canada:
Welcome to the global community. We agree.
Count us in. We will send two divisions to join your worthy crusade.
To UDSA, Chile, and Argentina:
The sheer perversions of what you call democracy sicken the German people.
To all nations:
German agents in Chile and Argentina have discovered significant evidence of electoral fraud in these nations recent elections. We invite you to join us in restoring true democracy in Chile and Argentina. In addition, Germany and China petition a referendum for taking over Zaire. We have also observed electoral fraud in the Liberian referendum to join Demesos.
Map posted to new thread page:
I need to update the map for African colonies. Please relay your exact claims to me by ICQ, email, or the OOC thread. Do not repost them here.
Recall that all African colonies must be acquired by Mao's referendum plan or by conquest.
OOC: You guys don't know this stuff...
Hawk's Claw has set sail after two weeks of intensive training and briefing. The senior officers (Imperial Marshal Chin's staff and the Joint Chiefs of the Empire) are the only ones that know their true destination while the troops were trained at a tactical level. Hawk's Claw has sailed with an escort westward. Destination is will unknown. The High Command of the Imperial Army and Imperial Marshal Chin's staff are very busy making last minute changes and making sure everything will work. They are trying to contact the CRME and Iraniaq to syncrinize attacks on an unknown target...
Elections in Korea are expected to be held in one month. Candidates are still campaigning strong from Sinuiji to Mokpo.
Secret Communique to Germany, Iraniaq and CRME
Please contact us via ICQ or e-mail @ to make a war council.
[This message has been edited by Mao (edited March 26, 2000).]Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!
CW News June 1-15 2001
CW coerced to participate in UDSA annihilation...war threatened if not involved...CW military refuses to fight citing Pan American Alliance...Navy and Air Force to participate!!
CW Military sundered...Navy and Air Force to attack allies along with world, Army stays demobilized...refuse to attack American Citizens per the posse comitatus act.
Air Force and Cruise Missiles davastate UDSA cities...New England in flames, cities bombed, highways left reasonably intact
Navy to loan China landing craft for Atlantic operations...Atlantic High Seas Fleet refuses to participate...sets sail for England to help in Irish Crisis.
President Rossi grieves for nation torn apart...offers refugee aid for UDSA citizens...orders military to stand down
June 10, 2001
Elements of the CW High Seas Fleet arrived in the Irish Sea today to enforce its open waters policy. Any hostile attack will be met with deadly overkill force to ensure extermination. Furthermore, the CW 1st Shock Army has arrived in Liverpool to aid the UK in its suppression of domestic terrorists. The unit is under the command of British officers and will be trained in anti-terrorist warfare for future use.
TO UDSA: We wish you the best of luck in your new fight...we were forced to do this on threat of war by most world nations...furthermore, we are facing a severe civil crisis because of this and we fear for our stable future.
To Canada: Seeing that the now endangered UDSA returned its holdings to you, we formally return the province of Quebec to your nation and also we guarantee you food shipments from the plains states which are overproducing food as we speak...the shipments will be without charge for 5 years until your economy gets off its feet. Also we would like to keep the CW armies in place to protect your smaller and vulnerable nation in this world of Titans. And we give you the 2 Frigates, 4 Destroyers and 6 Patrol Boats which were to constitute our Great Lakes Navy as a final payment on our war reparations. This should cement our alliance in stone and put your nation ahead of where it currently is. Note that the Great Lakes Navy is fully seaworthy, the ships are newly completed and seeing that the hostile powers along the shores no longer exist, we have no need for such a force. We hope these gifts lead your nation to greatness!!
To UK: Operation Patricia is fully underway. Our High Seas Fleet Main Battle Line is en route to keep the Irish Sea safe from Irish terrorism and our 1st Shock Army is in Liverpool awaiting orders from your officers!!
To AntiUDSA League: We have granted our land as a forward base to you on your terms but do not abuse it...our citizens do not take kindly to invaders!!
OOC: The deal for Germany was to build the war material for him, not sell my own..i need it myself!!We all know what Sodomy is, but does anyone actually know what Gomorrahmy is? I heard that bible thumpers are nazi hillbillies from Arkansas who crossbred with Martha Stewart and are also the gay lovechildren of Andy Warhol and Godzilla...but i cant remember where...oh wait Satan told me that at my Satan Church "Brainwash Children to be Homosexuals" Convention!
Mod Stuff: On the matter of Chilean and Argentinian oil: Perhaps I was misunderstood in my past posts. Argentina and Chile make enough oil to supply themselves with oil during peacetime. Should these nations go to war, they do not have sufficient oil production capacity to supply their militaries (tanks, jeeps, and ships) and still have enough oil for heating fuel, civilian gasoline, and industry.
Chile and Argentina should keep this in mind before going to war.
Also, in real life, Argentina has contracts to sell two thirds of its oil exports to Brazil. Argentina cannot supply both Brazil and Chile, and I bet that Napoleon will be rather mad if he does not get that oil.
In the night...
Hawk's Claw disembarks from their tankers and transport ships in an undisclosed location and then re-embarks on CW amphibious vessels. The vessels depart for open sea with their escorts. They meet up with German submarines in the Atlantic Ocean.Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!
Peruvian troops and equipment have moved into a pocket of space near the Peruvian-Brazilian-Argentine-Chilean border. It is unsure what the purpose is but the Junta has been strangely silent. Also today General Lopez issued a stern warning to the governemnt of Ireland. Part of the below excerpt was quoted from the General
Only yellow bellied cowards would resort to such brutal terrorism. We can't pretend to know what the British put the Irish people through however we have ideas. The Spanish did the same and likely worse to our glorious Inca ancestors, but we do not butcher their civilains and ruin their cities like cowardly dogs! Cease this at once!
To UK - We sympathize with you and your people. We are willing to send Red Cross workers and architectual engineers to help your injured and rebuild your cities.
To Brazil - We are set to go!!
To Ireland - As our leader said cease this cowardly terrorism. What will you accomplish to your nation? You do not bring them peace and prosperity but war and pestilence!
[This message has been edited by Bearcat (edited March 26, 2000).]
Polynesian Coalition Official Report
The Coalition joins the anti-UDSA campaign by sending 75 Thoracopterus amphibious fighter/bombers! We request that they may use any carriers enroute the the UDSA.
Secondly, we would like to join the EADG to better secure our future in eastern Asia.Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.
2 aircraft of the task force flew to Douglas, in the Isle of man. They new that British aircraft were coming right away, but the desire for vengeance surpassed the desire to live.
They opened fire on the harbour with vigour. Shells tore into buildings, dinghies and pleasure boats. A JDAMS bomb was dropped on a hotel, and then they started firing on the streets.
When the pilots heard the sound of an approaching RAF Gr8, they ejected. The two pilots were captured by Manx authorities, and presumably detained or executed.
The terror campaign in London has escalated. Through the numerous security holes caused by Britain's surrender of N.I., and the violence-plagued loyalist "refugee" camps.
Bombs exploding all the time, London is now subjected to humiliation - troops patroling the streets all the time, looking for anyone suspicious. The people of London are beginning to resent this.
In Ireland, James Bond, had a brief affaire with Andrea Corr, unable to resist any woman, and after a brief adventure was turned over to a military internment camp. Knowing that James Bond can never be killed, they castrated him, cut off the nerves to his legs, brainwashed him and send him back to the UK.
[This message has been edited by stodlum (edited March 26, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by stodlum (edited March 26, 2000).]
500,000 well-trained men were awoken by a saxon at 6 AM. They were given rations and materials that would be needed for a 2 week trek, standard supply for an army to go to war. The men were joined by Peru's finest(Bearcat: How many are you commiting?). After a 2 hour preparation period the men were given a treat, a speech by Napoleon himself.
'Ladies and Gentlemen of the South American Liberation Force, you have come here, persons from two different nations, to scourge South America of an infestation caused by our Southern friends. The nations of Argentina and Chile has made the world frown when South America is said. These nations, nay, they are not nations, these Chickens have caused many people great pains. This campaign has been planned for every nation setting foot in South America, even our friends and allies Peru and Germany should there be the extreme need. I am sure the Peruvian leaders have prepared similar plans. These plans will now be used on a common foe, on an enemy that threatens our way of life. As you go into battle today, remember what it is you fight for. A soldier who fights for his values is a man that wins the war. Go now, and scourge our enemies!!'
The almost million man force hooted and hollered. The noise was amazing, so loud the enemy could surely hear it.
The Argentinian captain knew something was going on, he could hear screaming and cheering from the Brazilian-Peruvian side. But why? Surely an invasion force would not be so loud. Ah, he was probably just being paranoid. So he continued to prepare to leave the border station, knowing well that the next shift will here in 30 minutes.
The Brazilian men struck out toward Buenos Aires, a short ride from Uraguay. As they left so did the Peruvians, setting out toward their goal. It will take the Brazilians almost 2 days to go West to seize Sante Fe and Rosario, the two cities that will serve as a HQ for the invasion. As they marched through a sleeping border guard sector, a fire fight ensued.
The Captain woke up hearing gun fire. WTF! THE BRAZILIANS WERE MARCHING!!! Already 5 men were killed and he was surrounded by guns. Why hadn't the alarm system worked? Then he remebered the strange crew that serviced it yesterday. They had a strange Portugese accent but so many did these days with Brazil being the prime location for education. They were NSR Agents, and they must of disabled the alarms. But how? They were tested? That was the Captains last thought as a 20-year old Brazilian put a round through his left eye. This was the first battle of the Liberation War. This was but a nuisance. The main border patrols would prove more.
After the border stations were taken out the signal was given and the armor rolled across the ground toward their destination, Sante Fe and Rosario. 800 Predators, 750 T-82s, and 750 T-90s strolled across the border of Argentina from Uraguay. It was a force to be reckoned with, the crew that would clean up the mess. It took them 8 hours to reach the destinations, they met no resistance surprisingly. Intelligence reports that they will meet half the Argentinian army at Rosario though, and thats why the planes started their runs, bringing death and havoc to the Argentinian camps...
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep
What is this thread?
It is like a civilization play by mail?
In that case, may I join?
have screwed up diplomacy with AI in you
Fix it!
(I will sign with this as long as the problem is not solved)
Laszlo, what part of BA do you live in?
Me and HsFB are from BA too.
Yes, you can join by picking a country that is uncontrolled.
We welcome McDonalds to our nation.
WE, as a socialist democratic country, shall attend your conference.
Your accusations are unfounded!
We are appaled!
Yesterday, socialist party led by Lagos won 45/75 seats in the senate, conservatives took 25 and the rest were taken by minor parties.
And the elctions were completely clean.
Chile only seeks worldwide peace and democracy has been fully restored now to our great nation.
We request help for Argentina which has been brutally invaded by Brazil!
Argentina and Chile are trying to regain political stability and have declared themselves peaceful nations.
We do not wish to harm anyone.
Please retreat and negotiate with Argentina a peaceful solution.
[This message has been edited by Hodad (edited March 26, 2000).]