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Big Huge War Thread V: March Madness

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  • In Western Kenya:
    Following the collapse of the Kenyan military and government to the Indian invaders, the Germans moved quickly to restore order to western Kenya. A German spearhead, consisting of one standard panzer division and reinforced with two colonial armored divisions and four colonial infantry divisions moved north across the Serengeti Plain to capture Nairobi. The armored spearhead drove northward, passing east of Lake Turkana and stopping near the border town of Moyale. The Kenyan government has signed a treaty placing the remainder of itself under German control. Western Kenya will be incorporated into German Africa.


    • OOC: Scott, read above, I captured Kenya. Usually when someone says that they have taken east Kenya and are continuing to move on to the west, in 2 weeks we'll have it, actually less.


      Recruitment up by 6%

      Given today by the military report was the wonderful news that the recruitment for just infantry has gone up 6%, and for the entire military, 15%. The people of India are going to fight for their nation, for Bharat has made their lives better.

      Business Plan Proposed

      Proposed today was a plan where the citizens of the Indian Communism will have better lives. They would be able to begin their own businesses, but still some of their money will go to the government, but some to them as well. The plan was passed two days later.
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      • OOC: Also, Scott, you are making me look like a bad guy here. Indian invaders? We are going to improve Kenyan life. And you are the one who has captured half of Europe, Africa, all of Greenland, and a country in South America.
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        • Headlines in Der Spiegel:
          Reichstag Attacked by Scandinavian-backed Polish terrorists:
          The Reichstag building fell victim to an attack by Scandinavian-backed Polish terrorists. Over a third of the Reichstag deputies, three imperial ministers, and numerous Reichstag staffers will killed in the attack. Fortunately, the German General Staff, the Kaiser, the Reichschancellor, the High Command, and all but three of the German imperial ministers were not present in the building at the time as was first thought. The Reichschancellor and the Kaiser have already appointed new imperial ministers and ordered emergency elections to replace the lost Reichstag deputies. The damage to the Reichstag building itself will be repaired within several months and the building will be able to be used for government functions after that. New defense plans have been drawn up to prevent attacks like this from ever again taking place in Berlin or any other German city. The German leadership are now in unknown and certainly well defended locations for security purposes.
          -Germany occupies Western Kenya.
          -Swedish Army crushed at Karlskrona.
          -Attempted Scandinavian landings repulsed.

          Stuff that would not appear in a newspaper (and that you do not know about):
          -Further trials of Sino-German tank continue, should prove to be successful.
          -Trials of Sino-German fighter end, several modifications needed and production will begin within two weeks.
          -Design planning begins for German long range strategic bombers.

          Over Scandinavia:
          German fighters continued to maul the battered remnants of the Scandinavian air forces. Virtual air superiority has allowed the Germans to hammer and weaken the Scandinavian army with almost continuous bombings. Bombing raids have begun on Oslo, Stockholm, and Helsinki.
          The remaining Scandinavian forces one the island that have been putting up resistance have been brutally crushed. Iceland is now under complete German control.
          On the Scandinavian mainland:
          With enemy armies now forced to fight both the Germans and the Russians, the German advance has reached the outskirts of both Oslo and Stockholm. Despite the Scandinavian policy of scorched earth, their forces have been given precious little chance to cause much further destruction, given the speed of the German advance and the fact that many Scandinavian forces have been sent to fight the Russians in Finland.
          The last remnants of the Polish forces in Ireland have been destroyed. The captured survivors have been Germany to be put on trial. German forces have begun to withdraw from Ireland. Ireland has been compensated to the sum of $80 million for the trouble caused by the presence of German forces.
          In Western Kenya:
          The German government has withdrawn its forces behind a line from Nairobi to Moyale. Behind this line German troops are digging in and await the arrival of reinforcements of more colonial infantry and armor divisions. Areas east of this line have been given to over to Indian control. The city of Nairobi remains under contention, however.

          Foreign Office Dispatches;
          To all nations:
          The German Empire has had its fill of the terrorism of the Poles and their numerous crimes. A bounty of a half a billion Reichsmarks (each) will be offered for the former president of Poland and the former chief of Polish intelligence. A bounty of one billion Reichsmarks will be offered for Colonel Jonas Weiss, the architect of the terrorist attack on Berlin. One million Reichsmarks will be paid for every LMF operative that is transferred to German government control by foreign powers.
          To China:
          It would appear that our first two joint projects have nearly reached completion. We are willing to join you and the CW in your submarine program. We have dispatched several teams of engineers to continue work on our joint space and undersea mining programs.
          To CRME:
          We must confer with our Chinese allies regarding your offer. The Sino-German fighter has nearly been completed, however. We are glad to confirm our alliance.
          To Iraniaq and Greater Arabia:
          We propose an alliance system between your our nations similar to our arrangement with the CRME.
          To India:
          We are willing to discuss the exact location of the border between German and Indian controlled Kenya. (OOC: Unless you were invading, you would not encounter resistance and would not be under fire, would you? As for the many acquisitions worldwide, a checking of the old threads will show that they were mostly acquired without fighting.) History will note that the German government has invested much to improve the quality of life in Africa. (check the past threads, the Reichstag allotted funds for it several times.)


          • OOC: Scott, I am still not a bad guy here...
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            • Corps III-V are staying in east Kenya. (I agreed to Scott having the west.)

              Corps VI-XIV have been moved into east Kenya.
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              • Corps VI-XIV are allowed to pass through German African territory as of now. The destination for these corps is still unknown. Relations between India and the Germans is beginning to grow as well.
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                • Because of the help given to the Republic, Ireland has offered 40,000 recruits to aid Germany in any ground campaign Scandinavia, as both a help to the Germans and a training experience to the recruits.

                  With a much larger army, Ireland sees sending recruits to a war as a way of training without using the crowded training systems here.

                  Victory celebrations have ended, and now the work to rebuild the North begins. The special forces have found a large cache of loyalist guns in Belfast, and have been attributed to the main loyalist group still here after the Reunification.


                  • Corps VI-XIV have been spotted in north Zaire. Greater India assures all that Zaire will be left alone in peace.
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                    • Attack Launched on Central African Republic

                      Earlier today, Bharat announced the movement of Corps VI-XIV into north Zaire. In the early afternoon of a few days ago the first tank shell was heard. Corps VI and VII were able to sieze Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic. Troops marched on to Bambari, Possel, and Berberati. Corps VIII experienced some forces near the Bomu river, but they were quickly taken care of. Corps IX-XII were able to sieze the center of the country, taking small towns, with no civilian casulties. Four military bases were raided and the men taken as prisoners. The mechanized/motorized divisions of XIII and XIV were able to take all of the land near the Chari river.

                      The Central African Republic collapsed, but funds from India have been directed toward the country.

                      Bharat Speaks of Africa!

                      A speach today was given by Bharat:

                      Greater India, with expansion in overseas territories, is getting larger and stronger by the day. I am informing all citizens of the African nations that India will direct funding towards making their lives better. In Central Africa we are going to first improve some of the hospitals, then schools, and eventually create a large amount of hydroelectric power on the Bomu and Chari rivers. In Kenya we will do the same, but we own east Kenya, so it should be an easier task to improve it...

                      The speach also remarked that the only land left in the Central African Republic that Greater India did not sieze was west, bordering Cameroon. However, the left over land of the country has voluntarily joined Indian land, so therefore Greater India now owns the entire Central African Republic. Corps VII went to west Central African Republic today as well.
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                      • Afrikan Colonial Alliance Forms

                        With the recent imperialism acts of Germany and Greater India, the two powerful nations signed an alliance pertaining to African territories. It is labeled as the Afrikan Colonial Alliance, or the ACA. Greater India and Germany's relations are now at an all-time high. The alliance is a defense alliance, economical alliance, and trade alliance. The alliance shall prove useful to both nations.
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                        • To: German Empire
                          From: Imperial Chinese Empire

                          You will hear no objection from us in working with the Seawolf-class submarine, you are welcome to join. Also, our first Kilo-class submarine has been completed and is going under water near the coast to scout out possible lcoations for a mining base. With the first two projects completed, would you care to start another? Such as a strategic bomber perhaps?
                          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                          • The Polynesian Coalition requests the the Union of Scandinavian Socialist Republics transfers any Polish rebels to Germany. We don't like to see a civilized country like you in flames, but we also understand the German point. So, please give them what they want. Those Polish are doomed anyway, so by keeping them you risk the lives of your people.
                            Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


                            • Polaris made a typo.. those guns are 125mm on the tanks...


                              • General_BT is right, I told him to correct it for me. Thanks BT.
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