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Western Hemisphere NES

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  • Western Hemisphere NES

    Western Hemisphere NES

    January 11, 2004 10:44 AM EST

    A most peculiar thing happened. All the landmass of the Eastern Hemisphere has disappeared. Subsequent satellite footage analysis indicated no apparent cause, catastrophic or otherwise. Eurasia, Africa, Australia, and all their attendant islands simply all simultaneously disappeared. Hasty submarine examination shows only normal-looking subsea basins and ridges, with a few stray atolls the only apparent remnants of the once mighty continents. North and South America (and Antarctica) stand alone, surrounded by a vast and empty ocean.

    In the ensuing disorganization most of the remaining countries have broken up. Now is your chance to turn your now feeble and shaky state into an unstoppable dominating war machine. Or sneaky, grasping, mercantilist powerhouse. Or idyllic and nurturing utopia. Or weak and desperate sycophantic tributary-state to one of the former. Whatever suits your fancy.

    Despite unusual weather patterns in some areas, no major climactic changes have occurred as a result of the missing continents…so far . But in a world that has shown itself to be unhesitatingly inconsistent-more changes may come.

    Start date in NES world will be June 2004, continuing at 6 months/day. Real start date will be January 11 or when there are at least 4 players, whichever comes first.

    The plan is for this to be a low moderation, self updated NES. To avoid intervention, KEEP IT REALISTIC (or at least entertainingly unlikely).

    Map will be posted when there is something to put on it. If anyone wants to volunteer to take care of the map, you are welcome to it.

    Post a moderate claim for your initial territory, with similarly modest starting stats, in the format as follows:

    Current territorial extent…
    Air Force:

    Using these charts…

    Military levels :

    None, Infinitesimal, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Very Large, Huge, Enormous, Outrageous

    Economy (Average commercial health) :

    Primitive, Backwards, Poor, Struggling, Average, Good, Thriving, Exceptional, Glorious, Awe Inspiring

    Discontent (Amount of unhappiness) :

    Insignificant, Minor, Some, Significant, Worrisome, Open Revolt

    Population (Base on actual current pop figures. As progression is 6 months/day, natural growth WILL BE SMALL)

    Numbers for total pop., e.g. 10.5 million

    Social Infrastructure/Education/Economic “foundation”-conglomerate (Basically how “modern” your nation is, socially progressive, opportunities and availability of goods and services for the common person) :

    Percentage base, 1% (poor) through 100% (good).

    Government/Society :

    Blurb, e.g. “Absolute despotism enforced by a merciless secret police force. Despite this, the population is annoyingly upbeat and optimistic” etc.
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.

  • #2
    I shall claim a nation:

    Name: Cascade Republic
    Current territorial extent: Oregon and Washington
    Army: Tiny
    Navy: Infinitesimal
    Air Force: Infinitesimal
    Economy: Struggling
    Discontent: Minor
    Population: 9.5 million
    Social Infrastructure/Modernity: 65 %
    Government/Society: Straightforward republic. No major policies as of yet, currently concerned with security and general well-being of population.
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • #3
      I'll join, even though it looks like it may already be dead...

      Name: Atlantic Empire
      Current territorial extent: New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia
      Army: Tiny
      Navy: Tiny
      Air Force: Infinitesimal
      Economy: Struggling
      Discontent: Minor
      Population: 4.2 million
      Social Infrastructure/Modernity: 60%
      Government/Society: Constitutional Monarchy, similar to that of the UK, but the King has slightly more power when it comes to the legislation of laws. The government's main concern as of now is protecting the people from outside threats and guarding the nation's coastline, as many of these people make their living from the sea.


      • #4
        I will play. I will claim my lnand latter.
        My conutry, I am planing on having California, Nevada, Organ, and Arizona
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • #5
          I'm down too

          Name The People Overestimate Our Pickles (The POOP)
          Current territorial extent: The states that touch the Mississippi
          Army: Large
          Navy: Huge
          Air Force: Infintis... that one
          Economy: Good
          Discontent: Some
          Population: To be determined
          Infrastructure/Modernity: 75% except in Arkansas where it's 35%
          Government/Society: The POOP is a Capitalistic Fundamentalism. It was founded when a woman in Milwaukee got on national news with a pickle that had predicted the loss of half the world... 2 days BEFORE it happened. This formed a weird religion centered around pickle worship that has spread like wildfire down the Mississippi River.
          Currently the maker of the pickles, Ryan Naidl has stepped up as the leader of this nation, urging his citizens to arm and/or join the army so as to best serve the pickle. For those too young, old, or whatever who cannot be in the military, he has asked that they work as hard as they can to bring money to the economy. All this hard work has led to the discontent.

          but I gotta get off the computer now... laters
          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


          • #6
            well i'm looking for a map, no luck so far, if anyone knows of one you can post or send me the link.

            Jack are you going to take Oregon?
            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


            • #7
              The Republic of Huronia

              Territory: Minnesota (IT'S MINE, META! my home will not be a slave to capitalism!) northern Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario, North Dakota, South Dakota

              Capital: Toronto

              Army: Medium

              Navy: Tiny

              Air Force: Medium

              Economy: Thriving

              Discontent: Some (Pickle-haters in Minnesota and Wisconsin )

              Population: 26,368,000

              Social Infrastructure: 75%

              Government: Parlimentary Democracy


              • #8

                NAME: Great New Republic (Commonly referred to as "The Republic" or "The New Republic", as its referred to on the flag)
                TERRITORIAL EXTENT: Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jeresey, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio
                TERRITORIAL CLAIMS: Ibid, Virginia, Michigan, Maine, New Hampshire,
                Army: Small
                Navy: Small
                Air Force: Medium

                Economy: Struggling
                Discontent: Some
                Population: 71,163,489
                Infrastructure/Modernity: 75%
                ---Education: 80% (Great education facilities, but even before they were underfunded)
                ---Social Infrastructure: 92% (HIGHLY developed cities, caring people)
                ---Economic Foundation: 59% (Shattered by economic collapses)
                ------Religion: All religions allowed, state officially secular.
                ------Speech: Free speech protected by constitutional law
                ------Press: Free press completly allowed
                ---Economy: Socialist Capitalism.
                ---Government Structure: President elected for indefinite term unless 2/3 of the ENTIRE governmental structure vote to oust.
                ---Society Values: Education, Equality

                More information:
                Dating System: Now uses a new type of dating system, the "New Era". 2004 is 0 (NE). Dates before 2004 are referred to as normal.
                Weather Reports: All normal.
                Previous historical records have been classified and immigration has been put to a halt while government rebuilds itself.

                CURRENT HEAD OF STATE: Emergency President Tassadar
                Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                • #9
                  No way dude, I got it first, you can have minn but my homestate is mine!(WI)
                  First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                  Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                  • #10
                    okay go ahead and start.

                    I will post map when i find one.

                    Territory resolutions:

                    Odin gets Minnesota, Metaliturtle gets Wisconsin, Jonny gets Maine and New Hampshire
                    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                    • #11

                      The New Republican News

                      Invitation to Join the Republic
                      Emergency President Tassadar, elected by a 90-10 vote, announced today that he would be inviting several former states and provinces including Quebec, Ontario, Maryland, Virginia, Michigan, Ohio, Maine, Utah, and Ohio.
                      "We would be greatly joyed if these former US States would accept this proposal to join with the Republic." Tassadar said.

                      Tassadar offers gift to God

                      Tassadar asks for Defense, Trade Treaty with Atlantic Empire
                      "Our nations are nations very similar to each other. Both our economies have been shattered, and our defense forces have collapsed, not to mention that our peoples are culturally similar and have great respsect for each other. So why then should we look across the border fearing that an attack may happen at any moment?
                      I believe that we should not. To this end, I wish to propose a defense treaty with the Atlantic Empire. If we are attacked by any nation or any organized group of peoples, we shall both actively seek to neutralize the threat.
                      I also believe that both our economise could do very well. You desire Republican goods, we desire Atlantic goods....So why not trade? To this end, I am proposing a trade pact with the Atlantic Empire." Emergency President Tassadar said Monday in a video transmission to the Atlantic Empire.
                      The Republican Party of the New Republic has critisized this however:
                      "What? They have TROOPS in territories that WE CLAIM. The solution is NOT to give them more money but to declare war immediatetly and slaughter all their peoples." Republican Leader Gyorj Boosh said almost immediately after the speech.
                      However President Tassadar was quick to fire back:
                      "Well, no offense to my friends in the Republican party, however Gyorj Boosh is a crazy. Not only are we not in any position to be starting wars, the Atlantic Empire and its people are our friends. Why would we ever EVER declare war on them?"

                      President Tassadar Recognizes States, Territorial Claims
                      Emergency President Tassadar today recognized several states as being self-governing and also recognized other states territoral claims on the New Empire.
                      "The Republic is willing to recognize the existence of the Republic of Huronia, the state of People Overestimate our Pickles, the Atlantic Empire, the Cascade Republic, and is willing to recognize that the citizens of New Hampshire are a part of the Atlantic Empire."

                      President Tassadar proposes Trade admist critisicm from Republicans
                      "We would like to trade with your nation, the Republic of Huronia, so that both our nations may prosper." Tassadar told the Huronian president Wednesday.
                      "What the HELL is he doing? Huronia also has troops in one of OUR territories. That, quite frankly, is a declaration of war against the Republic and we should be gearing up for a full invasion." Said Gyorj Boosh. The Presidents office only had this to say: "He can go fick himself for all I care."
                      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                      • #12
                        NAME: Greater Quebec
                        TERRITORIAL EXTENT: Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba
                        TERRITORIAL CLAIMS: Louisiana
                        Army: Small
                        Navy: Tiny
                        Air Force: Small
                        Economy: Backwards
                        Discontent: Minor
                        Population: 20,887,002
                        Infrastructure/Modernity: 90%
                        ---Education: 85%
                        ---Social Infrastructure: 95%
                        ---Economic Foundation: 74%
                        ------Religion: All religions allowed, state officially catholic.
                        ------Speech: Free speech protected by constitutional law
                        ------Press: Free press completly allowed
                        ---Economy: A king with an elected court.
                        ---Society Values: Education, Religion

                        More information:
                        Dating System: Now uses a new type of dating system, the "New Era". 2004 is 0 (NE). Dates before 2004 are referred to as normal.
                        CURRENT HEAD OF STATE: King Nuclear


                        • #13
                          Nuclear Master, Ontario has been claimed

                          Ohio and Maryland have agreed to join the New Republic.

                          (Credit to the New Republic for their cartographic skills )

                          This is how things currently stand, pending adjustment (plus south america but nothing has happened there yet) :
                          (EDIT--the new map...or not. eh, will be fixed later)
                          Attached Files
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • #14

                            The New Republican News

                            Population Increases as Maryland, Ohio join New Republic in year 0
                            "I can confirm that our former population estimate of 54,217,137 is now outdated. The Republic is pleased to announce that the total population is now 71,161,844. As well as this, we can also confirm that the flag will be changed to reflect the two new states." Census Minister Rassadar told reporters Monday.

                            Russian Airliner carrying 102 Passengers lands in New York!!
                            The citizens of New York City were surprised today when an Aeroloft airplane was discovered in the New York City Republican Airport Thursday.
                            "It was a shock, but a good one! I mean, these people are natives to their nations which have disappeared...Its great to know that they can have a home here in the New Republic." Said Mary Brinswick.
                            Our sources can confirm that the airliner was en route to Madrid after having been refueled in Frankfurt.
                            "This is a great oppritunity not only to help preseve the outside cultures but to also learn what exactly happend on that fateful day, and hopefully there will be more airplanes making it over to land." Said President Tassadar. However, the passangers had much more to say:
                            "It is quite simple, but I know you Americans are not intelligent so I will attempt to make it clearer. We fly from Moscow (the capital of Russia, my country. It is at least ten times bigger than America.) and we go to Frankfurt (in a nation called Germany. It's in Europe) for some Seleen Dyyon concert. Well, we refuel, and take off again to go to some economic summit in Madrid (the capital of Spain. Eh...Spain is like Mexico.). Well we take off, and just minutes later we hear a huge splash below us! I mean really big...Eh...(what can these Americans relate to?) it was as big as the big apple! There! So we look out the window, and the land! It is gone! Where has it gone? Nobody knows. So we just kept flying until we saw land...We landed in your (pathetic) airport." Said Boris Putin as he was coming out of the New York airport.
                            The passangers are now being interviewed by government officials, and data from the aircraft is being looked at.

                            The Republic announces new "Cultural Preservation Program", to be based in Boston
                            "The cultures around the world are rich and diverse, however now that the new era has begun, they are no more. So I announce today that a cultural preservation center will be established in Boston. We shall construct a large, architectually diverse building to house legends, lore, food...The cultures of the civilizations. In addition to this we will also have live plays, and fully staffed "Culture rooms" for each culture that we encounter and gather data on. The starting cultures will be: French, German, Russian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern, African, and Egyptian.
                            The computer that will house these cultures will be a top of the line supercomputer with many terabytes worth of space. It is estimated that this will cost around one billion dollars, and we would appreciate any international aid that could be given. In the meantime, funding will be withheld for the Reagan national monuments scattered around here. Sorry." Announced Yosef Shalen, spokseperson for the Tassadar administration.
                            Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                            Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                            • #15
                              The Atlantic News Journal
                              The Official Paper of the Atlantic Empire Since Forever

                              Emperor Jonny Welcomes Peace with The Republic
                              In a videobrodcast transmission late Monday night, the Atlantic Emperor announced that he was "more than willing" to sign a defensive pact with the Atlantics' friends in the Republic, effective immediately. "A guarantee of peace now," the emperor said, "will hopefully lead to greater cooperation between our very similar cultures later on in the future." The Emperor was also quite enthusiastic about the signing of a trade agreement between the two nations: "Economic cooperation with The Republic will lead to financial windfalls for both nations."

                              Emperor Announces Greater Army Investments
                              Emperor Jonny's Military Secretary has announced that the Atlantic Empire will increase funding to its army. "The formation of Greater Quebec," he explained, "which has a larger army than ours, has forced us to enlargen our army in order to ensure the defense and protection of our people and to ensure regional stability." (OOC: begin increasing army size to small)

