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Sheep's NES- Canada

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  • Sheep's NES- Canada

    Federal Republic of Canada

    Canada was originally a French fur-trapping colony. After the 7 Years War it became part of British North America. After the American Revolution it Became a refuge of British Loyalists evading US patriots. In 1812 British Canada was invaded by the US as a reaction to Britian's distain to US and French naval vessels, But the British repulsed the invasion and sacked the American capital. The war ended in a stalemate. During the late 1800's Canada expanded to the Pacific. In the early 1900's Canada became politically independant, it's only connection to Britain being the British monarch as ceremonial head of state. Despte it's low population density, it is an economic powerhouse, and the most liberal country in North America.

    Head of State and Government: Prime Minister Taylor Selseth

    Factories: 2

    Per turn GDP: $16 Trillion

    Army of the Republic
    1st Mech. Inf. Division

    1st Armoured Division

    1st Artillery Division
    2nd Artillery Division

    Navy of the Republic

    Air Force of the Republic

    Treaties and Alliances
    Millitary Alliances
    -United Kingdom
    -United States of America

    -International Treaty of Nations

  • #2
    The Rusian Federation would like to invite Canada into the ITN.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jack_www
      The Rusian Federation would like to invite Canada into the ITN.
      Thank you for the invitation.


      • #4
        edit, sorry mistake ignor


        • #5
          Originally posted by AmoneRed
          edit, sorry mistake ignor
          Wrong building my Italian friend.


          • #6
            Message from the British Consulate in Toronto


            We wish to sign a bi-lateral military alliance with our Canadian friends. Please reply to our suggestion in our thread.


            • #7
              In reply to the message left at the British Consulate on Monday July 14th 2003


              Very well. We shall name it the "Anglo-Canadian Alliance".


              • #8
                To Canada
                From United States

                We welcome you to the world power seat of Canada! As your southern neighbors, we would like to secure an alliance, individual of the ITN, so that we will always remain friends. I will also vote for your acceptance in ITN.
                "Your a Mod not a God" - AnarchyRulz
                MOD of StJNES4, JNES: The War of the World
                JNESIV: Some Things Should Never Die


                • #9
                  Treasury Report:

                  Turn 1: 7-5=2
                  Mech Infantry (1)

                  Turn 2: (7+2)-(3*2)=3
                  Artillery (2)

                  Turn 3: (7+3)-(7+3)=0

                  Projection for Turn 4: 10



                  • #10
                    News of the Nation

                    No More Monarchy!!!
                    The people of Canada have voted today to reject the Monarchy and become a Republic 68% to 32% today. The Prime Minister will now also be the head of state until the next parlimentary elections when a President will be voted in. The president will be the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.


                    • #11
                      I warn you, Italy! do not mess with the Swiss Confederation!!! Such a move will recive the ire of the ITN, who has much higher standing than you insolent THUGS of an alliance!!!.
                      Have you no idea to whom you are speaking with?We'll not heed any warnings from you...In fact we could only wish you'd bring something Canadian to the Ionian Sea in which for us to kill because of your loud mouth.Besides the swiss haven't had any trouble ffrom us for a while now...So shut up.

                      EDIT-For grammar

