Economy: As of the Start of this turn, purchases unsubtracted.
District Income Turn Incorporated South Korea 11 Capitail North Korea 6 Bank 0 Total Treasury: 17
1 Infantry: S. Korea
1 Armored Division: N. Korea
1 Close Air Support: N. Korea
1 Aegis Cruiser: Yellow Sea
Military History
Nuclear Capabilities: Pending
Government Type: Republic
Head of State President Hung Laik Horse
Diplomatic Agreements None
Unique Units None
Turn: 1
Treasury: 8
Purchases: Infantry; Armored Division
Costs: 3; 5
Bank: 0
Turn: 2
Treasury: 11
Purchases: Factory (N. Korea)
Cost: 11
Bank: 0
Turn: 3
Treasury: 14
Purchases: Factory (S. Korea)
Cost: 14
Bank: 0
Turn: 4
Treasury: 17
Purchases: Aegis Cruiser
Cost: 15
Bank: 2