staznes- From the Dawn of Time
Yes I can support 3 NES's, Ill be updating more reguarly now that i have even more time. Hopefully every 2 days.
Welcome to my fourth NES!
This NES, as you probably have guessed, is based off of Jason’s (stjnes4) Skilord’s (Absolution) and Naervod’s (stnanes). It is story, and ill try to update every two days. It is also winnable.
There are restrictions in military size:
1. None
2. tiny
3. small
4. medium
5. large
6. very large
7. gigantic
8. Imperial
You can mobilize your army for a bonus in attacking. To mobilize a size three army (medium) and below, it takes 1 turn. For every size going up it increases a turn (Large would be 2 turns, Very Large would be 3 turns). You must one wait turn after your army finishes mobilizing to have the effect (so if I have a medium army and say mobilize in my orders, I can't attack with mobilized army the same turn)
To Increase your economy, you must do something first - build roads, decrease taxes, do something. If you want to increase economy, that is the only thing you can increase in a turn. It takes one turn.
Economy Sizes:
Confidence in leader is usually determined by how often you write stories and can give good bonuses
You can make wonders, and say what they do. I will then determine the amount of turns it takes.
You cant upgrade military and economy at the same turn.
Ugrading miltary tech level costs one economy and decreases whatever branch your upgrading.
I will determine when each person advances an age. Education helps. And confidence helps slightly.
Education Levels:
1. backwards
2. poor
3. illiterate
4. literate* (limit until industrial age)
5. bright
6. intelligent
7. very intelligent
You may have UU's that you make. You can only have one per nation per age. You make it and describe it, but don’t make it to extravagant!
You may create your own civ. Here is the Template:
Nation Name
Government: (only despotism or tribal, or religious)
Army: (small or tiny or medium without a navy)
Navy: (small or tiny)
Age: Stone Age
Education: Poor
Confidence in Leader: Medium
Also include at the bottom a little indication of where the civ is located.
Hope i didnt copy too much of your stuff jason
Stone Age- current age
Copper Age
Barbarian Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Classical Age
Dark Age
Colonial Age
Imperial Age
Industrial Age
Pre Modern Age
Modern Age
Stone Age
Yes I can support 3 NES's, Ill be updating more reguarly now that i have even more time. Hopefully every 2 days.
Welcome to my fourth NES!
This NES, as you probably have guessed, is based off of Jason’s (stjnes4) Skilord’s (Absolution) and Naervod’s (stnanes). It is story, and ill try to update every two days. It is also winnable.
There are restrictions in military size:
1. None
2. tiny
3. small
4. medium
5. large
6. very large
7. gigantic
8. Imperial
You can mobilize your army for a bonus in attacking. To mobilize a size three army (medium) and below, it takes 1 turn. For every size going up it increases a turn (Large would be 2 turns, Very Large would be 3 turns). You must one wait turn after your army finishes mobilizing to have the effect (so if I have a medium army and say mobilize in my orders, I can't attack with mobilized army the same turn)
To Increase your economy, you must do something first - build roads, decrease taxes, do something. If you want to increase economy, that is the only thing you can increase in a turn. It takes one turn.
Economy Sizes:
Confidence in leader is usually determined by how often you write stories and can give good bonuses
You can make wonders, and say what they do. I will then determine the amount of turns it takes.
You cant upgrade military and economy at the same turn.
Ugrading miltary tech level costs one economy and decreases whatever branch your upgrading.
I will determine when each person advances an age. Education helps. And confidence helps slightly.
Education Levels:
1. backwards
2. poor
3. illiterate
4. literate* (limit until industrial age)
5. bright
6. intelligent
7. very intelligent
You may have UU's that you make. You can only have one per nation per age. You make it and describe it, but don’t make it to extravagant!
You may create your own civ. Here is the Template:
Nation Name
Government: (only despotism or tribal, or religious)
Army: (small or tiny or medium without a navy)
Navy: (small or tiny)
Age: Stone Age
Education: Poor
Confidence in Leader: Medium
Also include at the bottom a little indication of where the civ is located.
Hope i didnt copy too much of your stuff jason

Stone Age- current age
Copper Age
Barbarian Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Classical Age
Dark Age
Colonial Age
Imperial Age
Industrial Age
Pre Modern Age
Modern Age
Stone Age