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SMNES What has the world come to? Signup for Skilord and Metaliturtles NES

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  • #31
    to all nations:

    Your leaders are invited to the secure island of Sylvannia to discuss the future of our world. We need plan now unless we fail in the test of time.

    Join Count Vlad von Carstein and his wife Countess Isabella, in the holiday resort in the highlands of the Sylvannian mountains. We could always use fresh blood around here.

    Manfred von Carstein
    Foreign Affaris Minister of the Grand Duchy of Sylvannia.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • #32
      Kingdom of Aksum:
      Ruler King Eon I
      Defensive, Expansionists
      A people best known for the severe defenses of their lands. While the offensive power of the nation is poor, Any invading nation suffers extreme damage.


      • #33
        Your leaders are invited to the secure island of Sylvannia to discuss the future of our world. We need plan now unless we fail in the test of time.
        The kingdom of crud will dispatch an emmisary immeadietly. We are close here in Crud, so he will be able to speak for me personaly. He will go bearing gifts, as well as gaurds for the gifts. so please do not take the armed men as a hostile gesture.


        • #34
          Further info on Brunei:
          The Imperial Sultanate has declared itself the protector of all Muslim and other non-Pagan (I almost accidentally wrote panag!) peoples and the enemy of the pagans that summon evil beasts to do their bidding.


          • #35
            [ooc] Are we going to start off as if we are a brand spanking new kingdom and are made of one town at first? or are we going to pretend that we are large well established kingdoms?[/ooc]


            • #36
              Hi! Finally got my account going again, I had to get it activated again, for some reason. If the game isn't full yet, I would like to join.

              The United Kindom Of Bachma.

              The people of Bachma are Industrious and Militaristic.

              The people of Bachma are prone to war, thus have become accustomed with Iron working, producing fine weapons (axes/swords/Maces).


              • #37
                Letter sent via diplomatic messenger(who had to run for three days straight through some of the most hostile territory he has ever seen, and appearently on arrival, from what we've heard, collapsed from fear and exauhstion) :

                Adressed; To the Grand Ruler of the Kingdom of Bachma
                (royal seal of the crossed pick and shovel stamped in gold)

                The people of Crud would like to extend thier hands in friendship to the Kingdom of Bachma, we believe our elaborate defenses and your warlike nature could benifit from each other. As such we invite you to share our living space! We can garuantee food and shelter for all of your people, and as much iron, copper, and Dirtrium* as you need to craft your weapons and armour!

                Signed; Your Brothers, The Crud'ites

                *Dirtrium is a lightweight metal that is slightly weaker than Iron, and stronger than bronze or copper, yet more flexible(than iron), making it ideal for certain tpes of armour.

                [ooc] is making up my own metal a tad bit too much? [/ooc]


                • #38
                  I think so, Space, I'd wait until we have the ability to do that via alchemy.


                  • #39
                    Letter Sent to the Great Ruler of the Crud'ites:

                    We welcome the hand of the Crud'ites in friendship. Please, accept my gift of fifty of our finest Swords (who have been carried to your land by 5 horses, and should be arriving soon), arm your best with them.

                    I have dispatched five scouts to your land, following the Directions your messanger gave us. They will scout your metal-rich land for spots were we could set up a type of production centre. With your metal and knowladge of defensive warfare, combined with our skilled iron workers, I believe we could equip both of our armies to defend any attack. Please consider my proposition.

                    Your Friends, The Bachaians.

                    ooc: Bachaians is pronounced Bak-A-Ans.


                    • #40
                      To all nations: We would like to know your religious beliefs.


                      • #41
                        Already diplomacy?!
                        The game havn't even started!



                        • #42
                          [ooc]Nothing dealing with the shifting of boarders, exploration, scientific advances, etc. merely setting the stage for what is to come. Think of it as the political history of the game we're about to play
                          Also there is a small circle of old NES players here at apolyton with absolutely no patience whatsoever [/ooc]

                          Letter adressed to the Imperial Sultanate of Brunei:

                          The Crud'ites worship one god, The Ming. However they also believe that he has an evil twin brother, The Ming, who is the cause of all evil in the world. We have many religious customs and rituals that would take too many sheep to write about. However, we can assure you that we do not raise the dead, sacrafice cute puppies or kittens, nor do we hang goats from thier hind legs before letting them plunge thousands of feet the thier inevitable deaths.

                          We hope this answers your question.


                          • #43
                            Letter Adressed to the Brunei:

                            The people of Bachma worship Metali, the god of Metal. He provides us with food, water, and other basic survival nessecities. Yearly scacrfices of 3 goats take place at the summit of mount Skile, the highest point in all our fair land.


                            • #44
                              woah woah woah!!

                              lol you guys don't automatically get contact with each other... Trickey, regardless of how many goats you sacrifice, you cannot claim that your god provides you all the resources you need. (although the name was alright :-) )
                              First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                              Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                              • #45
                                ooc: Yeah, that is a pretty spiffy name, isnt it

                                By "all the reasources we need", I only meant the bascis such as food/water/shelter and stuff. Ill go change it now though, it does sound a bit unfair

