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Alternate History NES (Thread 2)

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  • Russia - Orders
    • Start work on an oil pipeline From Krasnovodsk to Lahore.
    • build four new steelworks in Ural mountains; Increase industrial usage of the rich timber ressources; Build new refineries in Kasakhstan to maximize petrol output
    • Finish two-year-plans, realize them immediately to get social planned economy up and running

    • Use the Indish materials to equip troops on the German-Russian border.
    • increase efforts to support underground militias in German conquered territories (Eastern Europe)
    • Move Black Sea Fleet towards Bosporus, do not cross it yet, but defend against opposing forces
    • reinforce Latvia Army east of Estonia/Latvia, supply them with petrol and ammunition, enough for three months (hide the preparations!!!)
    • Finish repairing the fleet, order the last ships to join the flottillas
    • Baltic Sea Fleet shall bombard German fortifications along the coast from Tallinn/Reval down to Riga
    • Increase number of AAs along the border. Stick at least one Communist Agent to each military unit to "maintain morale"
    • set attractive bounties for captured/killed Germans, especially for vehicles and planes
    • Increase Army; start building military transport ships and destroyers


    Even more secret orders sent by pm
    Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
    Let me eat your yummy brain!
    "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


    • Japan to Germany : Your end is near - the Allies will crush you without our help. You were a worth adversary.

      To China : Your nation will soon be crushed - Germany cannot support you (secret)surrender to the Japanese instead of the others - we'll promise to give you full rights as Citizens of the Japanese Empire(/secret)

      To Britain : We're stationing some troops in British China incase the Germans capture England, there will still be a safe place for the British Monarchy to live. The chinese will not recapture one small village from us.

      To Italy : Be careful - Mighty Germany is your neighbour - attack cautiously, if you can (secret)They're probably going to be surprised actually - so go for it(/secret)

      To Thailand : sorry

      To Russia : We are already strectched to the limit, we cannot send anymore equpment to you at the moment, just our moral support. (secret)feel free to move all your forces to the European front - China will not be a threat any longer.

      To Argentina : We seek no warfare against your nation. Please do not attack our holdings, and we will do likewise to yours.

      To Israel : Good luck. Hold out a bit longer - help is on its way.

      To India (secret)Want to make a deal?(/secret)

      Orders sent by PM to beat the German spies

      -Emperor Jamshikoto
      1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
      That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
      Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
      Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


      • Originally posted by Micha
        From Russia
        To Finland
        Withdraw from the British territory that you have occupied, and we will recognize our both countries borderlines. Continue serving the German ursurpers and you will become a Soviet Republic. The choise is yours.
        We are still awaiting a reply...
        Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
        Let me eat your yummy brain!
        "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


        • Italy - Diplomacy

          To Allies: I'm glad we could work out a deal. Germany doesn't have long to live.
          Italy - Orders

          Attack Germany!
          -Send forces from our African territories to capture German Algeria.
          -Also, liberate Egypt and return it to Israel.
          -In Europe, strike north into France and Switzerland.
          -Also, launch a marine assault onto the Azores, and then send forces to help liberate Britain.
          (These German areas are probably lightly defended, as most of their military action has been in the east, and because they probably didn't station many forces on their *former* ally's border.)
          Italy - Projects
          -Institute a draft, which will immediately upgrade the army to Large.
          -Continue upgrading Air Force to Average.
          -Finish cleaning up the nuclear goo around Rome.
          -Begin the transition to a democratic government.
          -Grant Portugal independence.
          -Return our controlled areas of Britain and India back to their rightful owners.
          Italy - Stats
          Capital: Naples
          Army: above average
          Navy: above average
          Air Force: small
          Economy: stable
          Government: Military Regime (transitioning to Democracy)


          • To: Italy
            From: Britain
            (extremely secret)
            We are glad to hear the Italian people have joined us in the war against the Axis (which now consists of only Germany, Finland, China and the Americas minus CNA), we are ready to send some men in the British areas previously occupied by your troops, good luck in your future battles. (/extremely secret)

            PMing them
            "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
            The trick is the doing something else."
            — Leonardo da Vinci
            "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
            "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


            • To Allies (secret): We will hold out as long as we can, but we cannot do so for long alone. We have sacrificed all the territory and population we have left to give, and unless you can stop the Germans now, we fear that we will die before the Germans. We give promise you this, though; if we must die, we will sell our lives dearly.


              • starting update, if it seems to take hours its because i didnt have enough time and had to finish offline and will be done in the morning. Just so you know.


                • hurry. methril. please hurry.

                  in 3 hours from now i will leave for the weekend. I need to get the next orders finished...

                  go go go
                  Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                  Let me eat your yummy brain!
                  "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                  • ok, ok, trying to finish. Its hard to interpret 100 posts and their subiliminal PM"s!!!

                    imm gggggggooooooooinnnngggggg


                    • Update!!!

                      World War 3


                      Nukes are detonated all over the world!! Thousands of cities and towns lay in ruins across many continents as the Japlite nukes are set off. Entire German government melts away in Vienna! The world is very close to Global Warming now.


                      In China, the last Chinese resistance fell to the advancing Japanese, Thai, Russian, and British Armies. The government has fled to neutral Afghanistan.

                      In Iran, Iraqi newly drafted conscripts took over the Mashhad region.

                      In the Middle East, Israel is almost totally gone and the nuking of most of the countryside by the Japlite detonations, haven’t helped. The stall moves have definitely hurt the Germans though.

                      Thailand switches sides!!! Just as China was done with, the Thai have turned their attention towards India and Britain!!! The magnitude of the surprise has won them much land!!

                      With the added pressure of the Thai, India is near collapse. The Germans have captured much of southern India, and what the Italians had after the retreated.

                      Oil pipeline from Krasnoyarsk to Lahore cancelled, seeing as how Lahore was captured by Thai forces.

                      In Turkey, a sizeable Russian force has captured Trabzon and is building defenses to keep it. A few hundred pieces of artillery and some planes are captured.


                      In the Australian Mainland, Brazilian and Argentine forces have taken over the continent. Tough guerrilla fighting is occurring, though, in Sydney and Melbourne. Most of the remaining government and armed forces have retreated to New Zealand.

                      North America

                      Taking advantage of the detonation of nukes in Toronto and Vancouver, the KA troops have decimated the Western Army of Canada and pushed them back to Canada itself.

                      In the USM, all advances stopped as Japan focused all their attention on it, diverting most of the armed forces to fight them (including whole air force). The fighting has been totally in Japan’s favor, as Hawaii, the Marians, and almost half of Mexico falls to them.

                      As the Finns continue to advance, KA forces finally arrived and a huge battle seems near.


                      Italy joins Allies!! Takes all of Northern Africa as tribute!! They have taken over Algeria and have returned Egypt to Israel! Even though Germany still controls the Suez Canal. (I divided best that I could, but if it looks weird or is wrong, tell me)

                      AU pushes Brazil out of Africa, even as millions mourn the deaths all over the Union. They vow to destroy Japan.


                      As Italy attacked along the German front, they also assaulted the Azores using marines and installing a valuable base their.

                      Portugal granted independence!!!! Millions dance in the street!!

                      Another new nation was created as Dutch and other Allied representatives formally recognized Benelux as a free and sovereign nation.

                      Sweden erupts into huge riots and has declared itself independent from Germany.

                      In the Eastern Front, surprisingly no advances were made in large fashion against the Finns. The Germans, though, have been pushed remarkably well.

                      In a marvelous campaign of skill and talent, British General Nicholas Brown has driven the entire Finnish Army in Scotland out. But in England, a bug push by the Germans ahs captured London!! Most of England now lay in foreign hands. The capture of London was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of mankind. Maybe the bloodiest.

                      In Ireland, attempts to beef up security have failed as British ships sink many of the transports.


                      • To Israel : We are sorry about the devastaion caused to your country by the Japlight weapons, but were hoping to ensure that it remains YOUR country.

                        To the South Americans : Will you agree a ceasefire in return for the reuturn of all prisoners on both sides? we wanted to establish a buffer zone between the warinng Axis and Allies in the Mexican nation. BTW, we did attack your enemies the AU as a sign of friendship with you.

                        To Thailand : We suspected you were up to no good, and we are glad of the destruction our weapons have caused to your armies (secret)although it wasn't so bad as it could have been - perhaps we can come to a peaceful situation in China?(/secret)

                        To Britain : We are occupying British China to protect it against the Thai forces. British China is to be considered part of the Japanese Empire - an attack on British China is an attack against Japan.

                        To the African Union : Consider this a punishment for your stupidity in allowing the Italians to take more than half your territory. We consider the AU to be part of the Axis from now on.

                        Orders : Spread propaganda through all of China promoting Japan as the great protector against the Thai and the British. Occupy all British China - take British forces under Japanese command, and if they refuse send them to Australia to fight for the British there.
                        Dig entrechments and fortresses in Mexico to defend current postitions, leave only a defensive force there with some air support and move the rest back to occupy British China.
                        Recuit Chinese to fight in Mexico and Mexicans to fight in China - the poor people of these war torn countries will be happy to be fed, clothed and housed by the benevolent Everliving Emperor.
                        Expand army to huge
                        Keep those factories going ! Expand airforce even further to Enormous size.

                        Holy Emperor Jamshikoto
                        1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                        That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                        Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                        Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                        • to japan
                          yes we can come to a solution in china, we will regonnise your claims on british china and not invade your lands , if you dont help india.
                          we will even give you singapore if u accept
                          do you accept?

                          increase army
                          To Britain
                          from Japan : If you do decide to be reasonable, could your soldiers in Japan please help me catch all these dammed mutant clones running around in Tokyo?
                          alternate history nes


                          • *Dead secret* Yes - this sounds great to us - we promise to totally abandon our Indian allies and we promise also not to invade Thailand. We make this promise on the Holy Soul of the Everliving Emperor Jamshikoto. In return we accept the return of Singapore to the Japanese people, and your recognition of Japanese China *End Dead Secret*

                            Orders : Paratroopers to land in Singapore and restore it to the Japansese Empire.

                            1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                            That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                            Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                            Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                            • to japan
                              *very dead secret*
                              we are pleased to know that the thailand empire is safe
                              To Britain
                              from Japan : If you do decide to be reasonable, could your soldiers in Japan please help me catch all these dammed mutant clones running around in Tokyo?
                              alternate history nes


                              • to Russia
                                from Thailand
                                we will hand over the trading center you wanted, if you agree not to help india?
                                we do not want any of Russia's lands, so you have no reason to suspect anything.

                                some more orders PM'd
                                To Britain
                                from Japan : If you do decide to be reasonable, could your soldiers in Japan please help me catch all these dammed mutant clones running around in Tokyo?
                                alternate history nes

