Now as the new website and Stella Polaris Forums have been online for several days and people have had the chance to settle down, it's time for the first official opinion poll regarding the new website and fora. I'm not asking for your general impression (more detailed suggestions and feedback are welcome on the SPF) after these few days. Are you pleased? Modestly pleased? Or dissatisfied?
No announcement yet.
Your verdiction of the new website and fora
Your verdiction of the new website and fora
12I think it's absolutely mind blowing!33.33%4Yes, looks nice.50.00%6Modestly good.0.00%0Maybe not that good after all.8.33%1I've seen much better sites before.8.33%1I don't know, despite I have been to the website.0.00%0I don't know as I haven't been to the website yet.0.00%0"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - SolverTags: None
I voted for "looks nice". Easy to understand and simple to use, as it should be.
Minor issues from a former web developer: Could probably add some headers and footers on the news comments cgi to bring their appearance into line with the rest of the page. Also, the background with the spherical planets is just slightly too dark for my taste.
Very good site, and I look forward to visiting there in the future.
Kudos!"We are living in the future, I'll tell you how I know, I read it in the paper, Fifteen years ago" - John Prine
I've voted "looks nice"; forum is good, but website still needs more content.If you don't see my avatar, your monitor is incapable to display 128 bit colors.
Stella Polaris Development Team, ex-Graphics Manager