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What exactly IS Stella Polaris?
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Stella Polaris (StP) is a turn-based strategy game that is based on a variety of games such as Alpha Centauri, Civilization, Master of Orion, as well as various other games. But mostly the game is based on brand new ideas and concepts. Made with the programming language of C++, it is developed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is therefore open source. An advantage of GPL is that it makes this game completely free. It will be divided in sub-programs for example, if a download is too large, the user will be able to download the movies and/or any other thing separately. Another bonus being that the user is able to decide whether or not he/she desires to install the movies at all. It is made the users prerogative. Formerly, this game was known as FreeAC. However, the project members decided on a newer, more unique name. It became Stella Polaris. The game takes place in the future where humanity is making way to begin a new life because of a catastrophe that is about to happen. Humanity is going to colonize a new world because Earth is doomed for destruction. This riveting game gives new meaning to the phrase “survival of the fittest.” You, the user, control one faction among several. As you discover new resources and new domains you will find rivals of every sort. Anything from people like you and I to beings that are different than anything you or anyone else has ever encountered. The factions will be divided by ideology. There will be various ways to acquire victory. There are diplomatic victories, economic victories, technological victories, as well as victories made by conquering rival factions. You will be able to discover a wide variety of technologies that will help you pave the road to victory for your faction. Are you are brave enough?
“Jeremy Buloch”"Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver
Well, according to the latest ideas by Blake, the current code manager, the game will not be limited to one planet. He described his ideas in the Multiple Worlds design thread. It is a bit lengthy, but contains quite a bit of information.
Well, no one actually knows. An unknown entity from another galaxy gave us orders and info on a need-to-know basis.?
Wait... so, will this be a game of galactic domination, against aliens and such too, or is it limited to a single planet?
The planets will be "bigger" (in some sense) and each individual planet will be much more valuable than in other games, likewise it will be harder to capture a planet, destroying the orbital defense will only be half the battle, the population below will put up quite a resistence.
Also StP will not be a game just about fighting, with detailed society and economy models that will allow a fair amount of tweaking, additionally many of the game decisions I've made are aimed at making a game where diplomacy will thrive (because I find games where you make friends are more interesting multiplayer than those about making war....)...
Hopefully that kinda makes sense
What is Stella Polaris? Short answer: It is our idea of what a turn based strategy should be, based on other games we like including but certainly not limited to Alpha Centuri. Long answer: see Rasbey's post.It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value --Arthur C. Clarke
OK, I have reallywierd idea. It's idea about billion-stars universe in the game.
Once upon a time, here was game called Elite. Among other great things, this game used static random generator for its map, including, but not limited to, solar system properties, planet description/properties, map layout etc. Ranom seed for all of these was 6-bytes wide. Are you still breathing freely?
OK, that means 2^48 distinct galaxies (in fact 2^51 as single seed value was used to generate 8 "ringed" galaxies connected via one-time expensive "Galaxy Hyperdrive"). Just imagine it...
So we can, in fact, introduce HUGE universe to visit and look at. Even with generated aliens. But number of colonies per player must be keept reasonable low, something around 10-50. The best way of doing this seems do not impose deliberate limit but use more clever ways, such is exponential growth or "administrative cost", rebellions in too big empires, epidemias and other things Nature uses for keeping to fast breeding kinds at bay.
Still very wierd idea, tough, but how exciting!If you don't see my avatar, your monitor is incapable to display 128 bit colors.
Stella Polaris Development Team, ex-Graphics Manager
Actually, you can download Elite remake called "Elite: The New Kind" from here. The remake is faithful to the original, so by today's standards it's a pretty simple game (hey, at that time 32 kilobytes of RAM was the norm...), but still worth a look.
As for the idea of huge "random" galaxy and a small subset of actual colonies, I am a bit skeptical if it'll work... it's always easier to colonize and empty system than to attack your neighbour, so all the players will aim at the maximum number of colonies first and avoid confrontation in early game. Not fun.
IMHO, early confrontation is silly. Later, you need fight anyway, in order to win.
BTW, we may create very limited subset of "great" world to colonize and others humble or impose other sites of interest and constant battles.
In every strategy game, I always wondering that is happening outside of map borders. This approach may present to player _HUGE_ universe full of wonders and feats...If you don't see my avatar, your monitor is incapable to display 128 bit colors.
Stella Polaris Development Team, ex-Graphics Manager
OK, we may do as Nature did: lots of star systems but very little with habitable worlds. Along with maximum colonies limit it may provoke early skirmishes you fond of. These habitable worlds may be detected at great distances (or at least systems capable of sustaining of habitable wolds). Anyone of course may colonize unhospitable worlds but when [s]he eventualy will be hindered with food and pop problems.
but when we need some really fast propulsion system...If you don't see my avatar, your monitor is incapable to display 128 bit colors.
Stella Polaris Development Team, ex-Graphics Manager
What is Stella Polaris? Short answer: It is our idea of what a turn based strategy should be, based on other games we like including but certainly not limited to Alpha Centuri. Long answer: see Rasbey's post.Also it specifies in the summary that it is also based on a variety of other games. Not only Alpha Centauri.
-J.B.-Naval Imperia Designer