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Multiple Worlds design

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  • Multiple Worlds design

    I'm back. Now that the pleasantries have been dispensed with, on to business

    I want to discuss the ideas of multiple worlds, for numerous reasons it is better to have multiple planets in the game universe, things like space battles and launching planetary invasions. But also realism and more strategic depth.

    Designing such a game is a different matter, but I think/hope I have worked out a viable framework.

    The game is basically divided into two levels:
    Planet Level: Where you can affect a single planet directly, things like founding new cities, moving armies, building improvements.
    Space Level: This is a view much like MOO I/II/III or Stars!, the interface between planet level and space level has to be quite well defined, iow the external effect a planet has on the universe has to be reduced to a few variables. For example the planet would devote a certain amount of resources to space operations, produce a certain amount of research, it would have a certain capacity for building space ships (space dock, space station, space elevator etc) and some sorts of collective stockpiles of resources like food and metals.

    First important concept:
    Avatar. You have an avatar in the game universe, you have a fine flagship built by some kind hearted aliens (or alternatively must be built before you can go out and do stuff in the big wide universe), at the start your flagship is small and weak, but it can be upgraded with better hulls, cargo capacity, engines and of course an assload of weapons. And what would a flagship be without a fleet to go with it (lonely?). When your flagship is destroyed, either the game will end, or you’ll escape in an escape pod, depending if the setting is regicide or not.
    The important thing is due to stuff like the speed of light, you only have precise control over the planet you are in orbit of, if it's a friendly planet you can plan new cities and change terraforming objectives and ordinances, if it is infested with enemy you will be coordinating an invasion or maintaining a blockade. Some worlds will be cohabitated by two factions, which would make things tense if they aren’t too friendly.
    You will have some control over other worlds, but only at the space level, and if there’s a space job to be done, but you’re busy elsewhere, you'll have to send off a fleet and pray the captain doesn't mess things up.
    The point of the avatar is to reduce the potentional for micromanagement, even if you have 50 worlds, you will only be able to micro one of them each turn, just like every other player in the game.

    The planet level in detail:
    How I envisage it is something like this, visually the map of a planet would be a large rectangle, much like civ games, however the word "tile" will not be mentioned, the primary reason for this is it allows circular, variable, radius on cities and units.
    An army would be surrounded by a circle indicating it's area of influence, large armies could cover a lot of ground, an armies units can considered to be anywhere inside it's area of effect, so if you send a big ass army into an area densely packed with many cities, it will attack and (try to) conquer all of the cities inside it's area of effect, meaning you don’t need to split it up. Basically a large army will act like a steamroller.

    Armies will move at realistic speeds, meaning they can be mobilized to any point on the globe, provided an open route is available, speed wont really be an attribute of units, rather things like mobility matter. Send infantry into the mountains and tanks onto the plains, or just nuke everything from orbit, that works too.

    Naval power may or may not be present

    Terraforming and natives:
    Worlds should have a great amount of variety in this, some planets should be covered with vast tracts of jungle, swarming with hostile native beasts. If you found a colony in the festering jungle you could get messages every turn about how the terrible native beasts are killing off the colonists, until you become sufficiently intrigued to mosey over in your flagship to greet the natives with some nukes from orbit. Now that’s what I call terraforming.
    Different worlds should have different challenges, jungles could host dangerous natives, barren worlds would be good mining, but cities would grow slowly and at great expense, frozen worlds would attract only the hardiest colonists, some worlds could feature alien relics which can be claimed by the adventurous explorers.

    Cities and Improvements:
    As has been pointed out numerous times, cities don’t need a large amount of land, as such it would be my inclination to ditch all farm and mining type improvements, and while we are at it lose the roads too, with high mobility units wont need them and the colonists will build them anyway between cities, the advantage of losing the roads is also the map looks a lot cleaner and draws faster.

    Most improvements would therefore be military or space related, things like defense clusters (shoot at spacecraft) and space ports (build spaceships, receive trade), space elevators, fortification lines (slows down armies), and terraforming, thermal condensers, boreholes.

    The reason for these being separate to cities is they are fairly dangerous or undesirable neighbors; everyone loves ion cannons scorching the sky above them, space craft crash landing on their house or being under a 40000km tall terrorist target. Being fairly sizable they would have their own towns attached and so use some population.

    Because players cannot be at every planet, control must be left to competent governor. Rather than having the governor magically determine what the player wants, I believe a "task queue" would work better, some tasks could be very specific, for example laying down "shadows" of cities and/or improvements that will be built by the population as resources become available. If you are not at the planet you can still revise the governor settings, which could look something like this
    ---------------- Task List -----------------------------------
    1) Found 5 new cities.
    2) Build 10 new Dragon IV cruisers.
    3) Acquire 50% of the planets surface.
    4) Develop research infrastructure.
    ------------------ Settings --------------------------------
    [x] Use military force.
    [ ] Rush build
    [ ] Emphasis growth
    [x] Emphasis research
    [ ] Emphasis economy
    [x] Emphasis military
    [ ] Emphasis space
    ------------------------- Misc -------------------------------
    Empire Tax: 15%
    Verbose setting: Chatty

    The task list ordering would act as priorities rather than a strict order of tasks. The task list should update to indicate progress, ie "Build 10 Dragon IV cruisers" might change to "Build 9 Dragon IV cruisers" after 1 has been built, or it might just have a progress indicator.

    Tick boxes would allow traditional governor control and tweaking, to prevent the governor doing things you don’t want them to.

    Finally settings for things like tax rate (how much production is devoted to the empire), the verbose setting would be how many messages the governor sends you, chatty might be sending you a progress report every year, but you could also just have them send messages when something exceptional happens, like the task list running out, or a natural disaster.

    Summary of planet level:
    Try to make it as close to real life as possible, in terms of movement rates, population models, resources models etc. Minimize menial micromanagement, most player actions should have a fairly significant impact on the game.
    Primary player actions involve building/planning cities/improvements, social engineering, economic policy and planetary engineering aka terraforming.
    Visually map should be relatively uncluttered.
    Governor should be based on more than a magical intuition of what the player wants. Primarily because magic doesn't exist.

    Space level:

    This is where you fly from planet to planet in your flagship, the most important thing is to have multiple play styles:
    Divides time between a few high quality planets, tweaking the social engineering, optimizing trade and generally ensuring a high growth and profit from all worlds. May have a few outpost worlds for early warning. The governors are most likely quite bored.
    Leaves the empire in the hands of trusty governors and generals, and goes off adventuring, it is important that there be rewards for such exploration, things like alien relics and rewarding places to build research colonies.
    War Monger:
    Attacks everyone, planets are used to churn out warships and conquered planets are used to churn out more warships doesn't bother much with building because too busy coordinating planetary invasions.
    It may even be possible to take a role where planetary operations are completely neglected (other than a source of income), and trading stuff (including information) between players, this would probably also revolve around upgrading your flagship and fleet to be very powerful.

    And of course the Diplomat / Mastermind and other manipulative types.

    Also there will be space combat, probably in a combat simulator. How exactly this works remains to be seen, Newtonian physics would be nice, although possibly in 2D rather than 3D to make things easier and less confusing….


    The planet level will ideally be a 3D real-time rendered landscape (not like SMAC… I mean with proper blending and stuff), to look good it’ll probably need to use OpenGL (although because the camera always points the same direction, a software renderer, perhaps voxel based, would be equally viable). The big advantage of OpenGL is it makes stuff easier especially stuff like zooming (I feel smooth zooming is quite important).
    Cities will probably be something like sprites, perhaps with suggestions of urbanization radiating out from larger cities (the terrain texture changes to look like a sprawling city…). The other thing is circles suggesting the radius of influence of cities and/or armies, just like in many RTS games, but most notably those with 3D engines (like Warcraft3 and Dune3000)

    What about the terraforming?
    What about it? While formers and stuff were part of the fun in SMAC, that model also resulted in 2+ hour long turns later in the game. It’s really rather pointless too.
    It is my opinion that a terraforming game would be much better done in Simcity style, where you could have all sorts of fun stuff like laying water pipes and building solar panels.
    The really short answer is that having a detailed terraforming model adds no real strategic depth.

    Long, I know.
    And ofcourse I'd love some feedback

  • #2
    Wellcome back, Blake!

    Okay, feedback:

    So, is this still the same game we are talking about?
    Your post is so long, and my time is short, so I'll make it short, okay?

    - planet/space levels: this game is getting big, right?
    - army influence area:
    - terraforming&natives: I agree, nuke is the ultimate terraformer. Definitely different planet types with huge differences
    - planetary governor: There will propably be some 150 choises in the endgame... or maybe not. minor
    - space level: I don't know what to think about this. Does this happen only when you are changing the planet you are dealing with? Or did I miss something completely.
    - Graphics: If it becomes OpenGL (or any other 3D-stuff), then I need a lot of help (for my part) . I know absolutely nothing about these.

    Nothing helpful, I'm afraid....
    I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


    • #3
      I need to read your long post when I have time, Blake. But one quick comment. I noticed that Warcraft III seems to have influenced you somewhat when it comes to the graphics.

      I know absolutely nothing about these.

      Welcome to the club.
      "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


      • #4
        First of all, welcome back Blake.

        Some of your "Space Level" ideas reminds me also Black Nova Trader game (can be found here on Poly).
        I'm not sure that will be usefull have a Warcraft 3-like graphic for a TBS game , a SMAC-like will be sufficent...

        During your absence I've opened two design threads:Worker, Talents and Leaders and Weather Design, where I've gathered the ideas from old Forums. I desire to know the opinion of the whole SPDT before proceding with some coding.

        NOTE:For the graphic stuff: next version of Map Builder will be 2D (release date: first days of 2003), but I've found a library for texture that can implement a 3D map w/o OpenGL (no camera problem...)
        Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
        In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
        Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


        • #5
          i have read a little but this is not a smac kind of game this is more a Pax imperia/imperium galatica/MoO game.....what is this game going to be? i want to know because then i know how much time i want to spend on the project?\!
          Welcome to the DBTSverse!
          God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
          'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


          • #6
            I've found this ideas very interesting. I think Blake ideas are very good, specially the idea of having an avatar in the game in one flagship.

            I agree in the division that he makes of the two levels of play (space and planet).

            The idea of having governors to the city is also very good (perhaps something more configurable than MoO2) and I've found also great the idea of the "Task List" where we can build more than one thing at a time, not one thing after another.

            I'm thinking in the idea of space in the game. I don't know how we are goint to make it, but I want some of you to look at one sourceforge project. It is called "Celestia" and is a virtual planetary where you can travel to many stars of the galaxy. I wonder if we can build something similar to build one custom galaxy, or to generate random galaxy . Perhaps, we can use this as the space environment. At least I've found it very interesting

            Greetings to all of SpDT!!!


            • #7
              Welcome Back Blake! Long time no see.

              The Ideas that you have included sound very good indeed. This game is getting more and more large as we go. But I like it.
              I didn't have time to read all of it, I will get back when I have some spare time.
              The Factions on the other planets sound very cool.
              Well I'll be back sooner or later.
              Naval Imperia Designer


              • #8
                I fear game may degenerate into simple hunt for flagship.
                If you don't see my avatar, your monitor is incapable to display 128 bit colors.
                Stella Polaris Development Team, ex-Graphics Manager


                • #9
                  if we are using this kind of space interface then we will neglect the planetary managment and bring that back to simple order giving. I had the impression that we would have a big planet manegement but this sound like most action will be in space...if we are trying to do both...then we will have a very complicating game and very big
                  Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                  God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                  'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                  • #10
                    Is that a problem?

                    Ok, the way I see it. If we compare StP with civ-games, space will be the 'world' and planets will be the 'cities'. Though maybe with a lot more detail... Tell me if I'm wrong.

                    It would be cool to have big planet-management AND big space-management, but as you said, it would make the game complicated.
                    Michiel Helvensteijn
                    SPDT Member: Helpmate


                    • #11
                      yes and that is my problem every body sees the game differently some see it as you see it but some see it as a planet is a world and space is extra....I want to know what kind of game this is going to be...will it be both or will it be what michiel said....Or will it be that we will have a 'world' for every planet
                      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                      • #12
                        I know i've said it before, don't know if anyone listened bac kthen, but now that i read till "first important concept" i'll say it again.
                        Take a look at a game called Emperor of the Fading Suns (get it from the underdogs). It's not the perfect game regarding multiple planets, but it does give you pretty good idea regarding micromanagement, and overall structure.
                        Last edited by Lemmy; December 6, 2002, 17:41.
                        <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
                        Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


                        • #13
                          Alright, some more details.
                          There will be very little (prefferably nothing) in the way of planetary micromanagment. What will be available are things like:
                          Social Engineering: Tweaking your factions goverment, values etc.
                          Ordinances: Tweak a particular planet.
                          Terraforming: This is planetary level terraforming, things like solar shades and melting icecaps. Also adjusting the atmosphere density (obviously not directely). The primary things you'll be able to do is make the planet hotter or cooler.
                          Dangerous natives: Some planets will be infested with Aliens or starship trooper style beasties. Most planets will have some challenges.
                          Research: Will be very important. Moving the game into space gives a lot more scope for fantastic (while still plausible) technologies. On a planet a lot plausibility is lost at high technologies, primarly because the factions are still *on* the planet, while they clearly have the technology to leave
                          Economic Engineering: The in game economy will use a supply/demand model and you'll be able to adjust prices through the use of taxes and subsidies, encouraging the production of different resources or services, it will not be possible to do something like taking a worker from a mine and putting him on a farm, but economic engineering will allow the same thing to be done, but on a planetwide or empire wide level.
                          Trade: the civilian populations of factions will trade between each other, you'll be able to manipulate the trade through the use of economic engineering, adding tariffs and the like to either increase your profits or meddle with your neighbours economy, through the use of flooding and (later) trade denial.
                          Note that the default state of things for economic engineering will be a free market, which has little in the way of taxes, subsidies or trade barriers. This will mean the economy will automatically run very smoothly. Unlike social engineering, increased economic engineering will generally move the economy into a less optimal state (So why do it? Usually to increase your tax income, deny your neighbours trade, or just because you can)
                          I fear game may degenerate into simple hunt for flagship.
                          I dont see that, for a start killing the flagship would only eliminate the player in certain game modes (ie regicide), in other modes the player just gets a new one.
                          Finding the flagship wont nessecary automatically allow you to kill it, for a start they'll be able to armed to the teeth, and secondly players will probably bring a sizable escort consisting of no less than a half of their military force.

                          If you want a parallel with Civ, the
                          Civ ::::: StP
                          The Planet = The Universe
                          City = Planet
                          Facility = City (cities specialize to a degree, and can be targetted and stuff)

                          Most things you can do will be relatively more important than in SMAC or Civ, if you can do an action, that action will have some noticable effect on the game, compare to SMAC, where building or destroying a single forest really has very little impact (unless it's in the first 20 turns...)...
                          if that makes any sense at all.


                          • #14
                            As for the size of the campaign if we would go for good planetary management and space conquest, it could be well done by having two different game modes. One with the system Blake has now suggested (which sounds good indeed, but it turns up more as a space conquest (I assume I have the same opinion as Targon basically)) and one with only one planet and maybe space trade and colonisation (you simply send away ships, but you don't control them). This would mean you could choose between a larger game with the space included too, or a more Civ and SMAC styled game on one planet. But going only for something MoO styled is something I questionise, unless the victory models are flexible enough so that you don't have to explore the rest of the galaxy so heavily.

                            Most things you can do will be relatively more important than in SMAC or Civ, if you can do an action, that action will have some noticable effect on the game, compare to SMAC, where building or destroying a single forest really has very little impact (unless it's in the first 20 turns...)... if that makes any sense at all.

                            Some of us want a little bit more micromanagement for e.g. the cities. Only giving a very streamlined order to do X or Z that will have very great impact on the game sounds very simplified (i.e. no depth in city management IMHO). Maybe we should concider more seriously having two different game modes or adding some better city management and also get down to the planetary level abit more from space.
                            "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                            • #15
                              It would be cool to have big planet-management AND big space-management, but as you said, it would make the game complicated.

                              So my (actually Blake suggested something like this previously) suggestion that could solve the problem is to have the 2 different game modes, unless we simply skip one of the concepts and leave it for secondary priority.
                              "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

