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Workers, Talents and Leaders

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  • Workers, Talents and Leaders

    This is a list of some ideas gathered during Stella Polaris design:

    Social Engeneering
    SMAC was an innovative Civ game for many reasons: the use of 3D graphic, the differences between the factions, the possibility to modify/create factions and the Social Engeneering.
    The problem is that SE used in a SMAC-like way is few realistic and challenging: it's possible to change the whole Faction spending some money, without any problem. My idea is to reform SE under a new prospective:
    Social Engeneering is the sum of all values that the faction teach to his population.
    So if you change SE setting it will require time to teach to your people a new way of living and this can provoke problems.

    To reach this goal my idea was to link the presence of "Talents" to the values in SE, for example a lot of RESEARCH will allow more Researchers that are the only who can discover techs (so you cannot research simply "allocating energy"). An other idea was the unemployement: when a SE value decrease, also the need of talents related to this value decrease, generating unemployement. Uneployed talents tends to emigrate, but in case of vast unempoyement a part of them can become "Anti-Talents" and tend to damage the whole faction. (NOTE: AN ANTI-TALENT IS NOT A DRONE)
    • Workers:
      Linked SE value:none
      Need: Food, Salary
      Produce: Labor
      Unspecialized people that provide the work-force to harvest resources and produce goods and facilities.
    • Drone:
      Linked SE value:none
      Need: Food, Salary
      Produce: Labor
      Low education level can produce less efficient workers. Also if not dangerous, Drones tends to become unemployed (and unhappy) in case of lack of work.
    • Researcher:
      Linked SE value:RESEARCH
      Need: Food, Salary, Research Facilities
      Produce: Research
      People that provide techs to your faction.

      Anti-Talent:Mad Scientist
      Provoke the publication of stupid articles (like: "Discovered Banana-based Fusion") on the Planetary Gazette, decreasing Leader's relyability and sometime explosion of research labs (wrong experiment)

    • Economist:
      Linked SE value:ECONOMY
      Need: Food, Salary, Economy Facilities
      Provide:Energy-to-Currency conversion, Commerce
      People interested in the production of wealth.

      Decrease wealth and raise crime.
    • Entrepeneur:
      Linked SE value:INDUSTRY
      Need: Food, Labor, Industrial Facilities
      Provide:Employement and Luxory Goods
      People able in creating and managing businness.

      Decrease wealth and raise crime.
    • Policeman:
      Linked SE value:POLICE
      Need: Food, Salary
      Produce: Decrase crime and risk of rioting
      People that provide internal security to your faction.

      Decreasing Leader's relyability and base efficiency.
    • Base Militia:
      Linked SE value:MORAL
      Need: Food, Salary, Training Facilities
      Provide:Resistance against sneak attacks.
      Base Milizia are group of people that don't need a lot of training to become units, and can face a non-well organized invasion.

      Stole supplies and equipment and join Mercenaires Neutral Faction
    • Net Watcher:
      Linked SE value:PROBE
      Need: Food, Salary and Covert-Ops Facilities
      Provide:Net security, people trained for covert-ops
      People dedicated to the protection of networks and can become Spies.

      Stole techs and raise crime. Stolen techs are published on the common datalinks (all other faction gain a free tech)
    • PSI-Talents:
      Linked SE value:PLANET
      Need: Food, Salary and Xeno-frendly Facilities (also a PSI resource?)
      Provide:Xeno techs, Mindworms & Co.
      People linked to the Planet's Mind (or something similar)

      Attack non-ecofriendly terrain enhancements, try to stop non-ecofriendly research, can provoke problems in Diplomacy field.
    • Medics:
      Linked SE value:HEALTH
      Need: Food, Salary and Hospital Facilities
      Provide:Medecines, can stop plagues
      People dedicated to the other people's health. Can become also Field Surgeons and join an Army to raise effect of the medecines.

      No idea, suggestions will be welcome
    • Psych Chaplain:
      Linked SE value:SPIRITUALITY
      Need: Food, Salary and Spiritual Facilities
      Provide:Spiritual Techs, Happyness, Culture
      People dedicated to the other people's soul. Can become also Missionaries and convert enemy units and bases

      Try to stop research, high risk of problems in Diplomacy field.

    More later...
    Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
    In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
    Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer

  • #2
    Linked SE value:HEALTH
    Need: Food, Salary and Hospital Facilities
    Provide:Medecines, can stop plagues
    People dedicated to the other people's health. Can become also Field Surgeons and join an Army to raise effect of the medecines.

    No idea, suggestions will be welcome
    Anti talents could be another mad scientist.
    Or it should be a general fear of illness which leads to a general fear, thus decreasing moral and wasting credits for useless medical precautions.
    "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
    "I shall return and I shall be billions"


    • #3
      How about bioterrorist as the anti-medic?


      • #4
        i dont know the word for it right now but for anti-talent medic you can have those people that pretend to be medics and give potions and stuff that arent good for you but bad! they could decrease healty and money!
        Welcome to the DBTSverse!
        God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
        'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


        • #5
          First of all thanks for the cool suggestions. Keep on this way!

          An other interesting idea is "Leaders", that are "Super-Talents" :
          • It's possible to train only 1 Leader for each type.
          • To be trained the Leaders require a certain tech and a specific value (high) in SE settings (for example a PSI Leader need at least +3 PLANET to be trained)
          • Leaders are unique units that can be trained only in the base with the highest density of Talents of same type.
          • Leaders can be moved to over base/merged in a army.
          • Leaders' commission expires after 50 turns (Leader's retirement), but under certain conditions it's possible that the Leader train an other Leader of the same type.
          • If, in case of SE change, the specific value decrease under a certain minimum level the Leader will resign (see Leader's Firing & Resigning)

          Research Leader:+100% research at hosting base
          Economy Leader:+100% wealth at hosting base
          Industry Leader:-100% unemployement at hosting base
          Police Leader:-90% crime, -50% chance of rioting at host base
          Moral Leader:Army's Moral and Loyalty at the maximum (must be merged to an army to work)
          Probe Leader:+75% possibility of success of probe action
          Planet Leader:Same as Moral Leader, for MW&Co.
          Health Leader:Immunity against plagues at hosting base
          Spiritual Leader:Boost of commerce/immigration/culture at hosting base

          All Leaders produce a bonus of Culture/Reliability for the whole faction

          Leader's Capturing/Death
          Leaders can be captured and killed.
          In case of Leader's Capturing it's possible to free him from the enemy HQ's Punishment Sphere (- or cryocell, as you wish).
          Leader's killing is a causus belli: the first captured base of killer faction will be automaticaly renamed (as for SMAC PSI-Talent)

          Leader's Firing/Resignment
          When a Leader resign usaly don't provoke problems, simply the faction lose his services.
          It's possible to fire Leaders in case they are not completely loyal... in this case there is a risk of rioting between his followers (loss of talents of a certain type, troop deserting and similar) or a true revolution in case of diffused unhapiness.

          Other ideas will be welcome.
          Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
          In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
          Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


          • #6
            so probe team actions:
            *liberate leader
            *bribe leader
            *assasinate leader
            Welcome to the DBTSverse!
            God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
            'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


            • #7
              about bribing leaders...i was just thinking not the thread for it so sorry for the threadjack but in pax imperia every solar system gets a governer and you can subvert/bribe this governer....every governer have certain point in certain fields and the longer he is working the better he gets so he gets more +modifiers but when bribe he we get -modifiers. this way you can very easy find bribed governers but a better system as in PA we could you could bribe governers/ministers/directors/generals/what ever and they will work less good or give info on troop movement or give money from there region....just a idea....
              Welcome to the DBTSverse!
              God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
              'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


              • #8
                Interesting idea. Somewhere I had posted something about making research something that only comes by training and facilities. One thing about anti-talents, they should not be automatic. Many unemployed specialists merely take up low-paying jobs and keep hoping for new opportunities in their field, or even use their savings to get training in another field.

                Medic anti-talent: drug dealer
                Steals drugs and hospital supplies, makes and sells methamphetamines etc, provides medical services on the black market.
                I do like the idea of having leadership characters in charge of bases. Using a probe to gain control of a base means trying to subvert leaders. No probe actions should ever be automatic the way it is in Civ, SMAC, etc. You might be successful in gaining one leader, but another leader or an ordinary talent/worker might discover the betrayal and foil it. Military commanders might attempt to seize control, but leaders/subordinates might realize the betrayal and arrest/kill the traitor. Getting someone to pass on information is much easier.

                The same for stealing tech. For any research project there are enormous quantities of data and documents. Stealing tech should simply a number of research points towards the tech in question. Only a Research specialist can utilize the data, somewhat akin to linking an AA to a node. Stealing the same tech from two bases will likely duplicate much of the data already gained. Stealing the same tech from another faction is less likely to duplicate. In any case, diminishing of marginal returns should be steep.
                (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                • #9
                  this would be more realistic but if w are going to do it that way....we have to change our researching also
                  Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                  God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                  'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us

