#include "upper_thread"
Luxury Goods
Ok, once we have simplifed the model we can complicate it a bit more.
It's possible to produce non-essential goods that cost more than essential ones.
Synthesized Food:available since the beginning of the game this type is the result of the extraction of proteins needed for human survival from anything that is organic. Cost low.
Hydroponic Food:natural food, obtained with massive use of hydroponic greenhouses. Cost a lot of water.
Genetical Engeneered Food:Cost less than hydro-type, more then Synth. Risks: ecofriendly people don't want it, risk of massive loss of production, risk of genetic plagues
Refined Food:refining process that produce ultra-high quality food.
Cost: very high.
Player has no particulary reasons to produce Hydroponic or Refined Food, so he can decide to focus his attention on Syntesized and later on G.E. Food: low costs and high production, perfect combination to avoid famine.
But "Private" can decide to produce a these two luxory goods and can set the price that want, because people can choose between "Quality" and "Prize". If wealth stardard is high people will chose "Quality", if not, "Prize".
Wealth=Statal_Workers*Statal_Salary+Private_Worker s*Private_Salary
if (Luxory_Good_Price less than Statal_Salary)
all people will buy only the Luxory Good.
if (Luxory_Good_Price more than Statal_Salary), and if (Luxory_Good_Price less then Private_Salary)
only the rich will buy it
if (Luxory_Good_Price more than Private_Salary)
No one will buy it (for trade only)
If trade routes cost too much, other factions' people won't buy it.
Luxury Goods
Ok, once we have simplifed the model we can complicate it a bit more.
It's possible to produce non-essential goods that cost more than essential ones.
Synthesized Food:available since the beginning of the game this type is the result of the extraction of proteins needed for human survival from anything that is organic. Cost low.
Hydroponic Food:natural food, obtained with massive use of hydroponic greenhouses. Cost a lot of water.
Genetical Engeneered Food:Cost less than hydro-type, more then Synth. Risks: ecofriendly people don't want it, risk of massive loss of production, risk of genetic plagues
Refined Food:refining process that produce ultra-high quality food.
Cost: very high.
Player has no particulary reasons to produce Hydroponic or Refined Food, so he can decide to focus his attention on Syntesized and later on G.E. Food: low costs and high production, perfect combination to avoid famine.
But "Private" can decide to produce a these two luxory goods and can set the price that want, because people can choose between "Quality" and "Prize". If wealth stardard is high people will chose "Quality", if not, "Prize".
Wealth=Statal_Workers*Statal_Salary+Private_Worker s*Private_Salary
if (Luxory_Good_Price less than Statal_Salary)
all people will buy only the Luxory Good.
if (Luxory_Good_Price more than Statal_Salary), and if (Luxory_Good_Price less then Private_Salary)
only the rich will buy it
if (Luxory_Good_Price more than Private_Salary)
No one will buy it (for trade only)
If trade routes cost too much, other factions' people won't buy it.