What assumptions are going to be made about interstellar travel viz-a-viz communications?
Possibilities are (1) time delay is ignored entirely for gameplay, with both ships and communications being "simultaneous" (i.e., ignoring Einstein etc. -- which is fine!!) (2) a method, perhaps paired electron quantum spin, allows FTL communications but not FTL ship travel (3) "jump" technology (or whatever) allows FTL ship movement -- meaning the fastest communication point-to-point is via ship as opoosed to any "broadcast" medium (rather as in many of, e.g., C.J.Cherryh's books).
My hopefully intriguing point is as follows --
Any number of technology scenarios can be posited where orders should "realistically" be given to an interstellar unit N number of turns in advance, where N can be the distance from, say, a "stargate". It would also take N number of turns for new orders to reach that ship/fleet.
A premium would be placed on the stargate / nexus / whatever system,as these facilities would minimize orders' lag time.
Ships / fleets could also be given 1 of a limited menu of actions if the unexpected occurs -- attack; retreat to last position; etc.
Hopefully this isn't too abbreviated --
Possibilities are (1) time delay is ignored entirely for gameplay, with both ships and communications being "simultaneous" (i.e., ignoring Einstein etc. -- which is fine!!) (2) a method, perhaps paired electron quantum spin, allows FTL communications but not FTL ship travel (3) "jump" technology (or whatever) allows FTL ship movement -- meaning the fastest communication point-to-point is via ship as opoosed to any "broadcast" medium (rather as in many of, e.g., C.J.Cherryh's books).
My hopefully intriguing point is as follows --
Any number of technology scenarios can be posited where orders should "realistically" be given to an interstellar unit N number of turns in advance, where N can be the distance from, say, a "stargate". It would also take N number of turns for new orders to reach that ship/fleet.
A premium would be placed on the stargate / nexus / whatever system,as these facilities would minimize orders' lag time.
Ships / fleets could also be given 1 of a limited menu of actions if the unexpected occurs -- attack; retreat to last position; etc.
Hopefully this isn't too abbreviated --