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DICTATOR II MGE - Coming soon!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by jim panse
    I like your (?) new ship units!
    The big ones are all mine.
    The submarine, DD and Cruiser are upgraded versions of Nemo classics.


    • #47
      Palaiologos, In the scenario, would you recommend the Chi-ha being the 'super tank' upgrade for the Japanese?


      • #48

        The "Shinhoto Chi-ha"(improved version of the original Chi-ha) was the most common tank, so it would have to replace the original jap tank. The original Chi-ha was introduced in 1937, with the upgrade being developed around 1942.

        All original Chi-Has were outfited with the new Sinhoto turret after it was developed by the jap scientists. So it was not in a sense a new super tank.

        I would say either Chi-nu or Chi-to.

        As you can see from the info 166 Chi-Nu were built during the war and only 2 Chi-to. Depends on how historical you want your scenario to be. I mean, how many KoenigsTigers were built during the war?

        BTW i found the graphic i posted at the Graphics showcase thread.I think it is from ANZAC but am not too sure.
        "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

        All those who want to die, follow me!
        Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


        • #49
          Palaiologos, You are a military scholar, a gentleman and a great help!

          I will then replace the 'Type 1' with the Chi-ha, and have it upgrade to the Chi-nu.

          True the Tiger II was not built in large amounts, but this scenario give you the chance to change that.

          The same opportunity is now there with the Chi-nu.

          I will get onto making these graphics ASAP!
          The Japanese are going to be a blast to play!


          • #50
            It is true that the Japanese are often overlooked in WW2 scenarios.

            I really hope yours proves an excemption.

            Following your train of thought for the Tiger II, i then would recomend the Type 4 Chi-To as the heavy tank.
            It is just that the Chi-nu is at the "level" of Sherman, while the Chi-to at the "level" of Tiger I.

            But i think the Chi-nu would do just fine. Afterall the Japs were not renowed for their armor.

            You know there are many ways to make a WW2 scenario interesting. F.e if the Germans take Gibraltar, the Italian fleet could make its appearance in the Atlantic etc. Various "what if" scenarios could materialize.

            Hope i helped.
            "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

            All those who want to die, follow me!
            Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.


            • #51
              I am much indebted to your valuable data, Palaiologos!

              With your help, I will be able to make this scenario a bit more special than the norm.

              Certainly, I am going to restructure the events,
              so war progress will have more 'what if' situations!

              Thanks again!


              • #52

                Following your train of thought for the Tiger II, i then would recomend the Type 4 Chi-To as the heavy tank.
                It is just that the Chi-nu is at the "level" of Sherman, while the Chi-to at the "level" of Tiger I.

                But i think the Chi-nu would do just fine. Afterall the Japs were not renowed for their armor.
                WHAT EVER! I seriously doubt that even the best Japanese tank was a match for an armored car...


                • #53
                  Originally posted by DarthVeda

                  WHAT EVER! I seriously doubt that even the best Japanese tank was a match for an armored car...

                  Hmmm, I don't know about that DV,
                  I wouldn't fancy my chances against a high-velocity 75mm gun!

                  I'll take the Type 3 Chi-nu, you can have the armoured car!

                  Last edited by curtsibling; March 9, 2003, 07:50.


                  • #54
                    Oh I am sooo exited!!!

                    And about your Infantry: Graphics are really made well - they are good looking - the only thing I dont like about them is that they are looking forward not to the left or right (just wanted to explain my former comment).
                    Dont you want to use Multiple Infantry units???

                    Just one more question: What kind of map will you take? A Gigamap?
                    Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                    • #55
                      Hi, Cifer Almasy!

                      I might change the infantry thus;

                      Germans = Facing East
                      USA = Facing East
                      Brits = Facing East
                      Japan = Facing West
                      Soviet = Facing West

                      What do you think?

                      I am holding back mulit-units for World Wide War Scenario!
                      I have an idea for an 'Allied task force' and 'Axis Invasion force' unit!

                      The map is on the standard CIV2 extended world map.

                      Gigamaps are cool, but cause problems;
                      Like the 'too many units' and 'too many cities' message cropping up often!


                      • #56
                        Yeah! Imho thats a great idea - Soviets and Japanese forcing to the West (looking left) and all the others to the East! Perhaps they should look kinda more "aggressive" as the other Inf units just looked a little as if they had lost the battle yet.

                        Did I undesrtand rightly, that you are holding back one MORE scen?

                        Or just WWW Multi-Units? Id really like to see them.

                        About cities: I guess too many cities shouldnt be a Problem because otherwise you could pehaps build cities !

                        About units: cant say, yet i have no experiences with the limit.

                        About the map: I would recommend you another map than the original micropose map - cause this one really is crap!!!!!!!!!! its proportions are TOTALLY wrong and though more space in Europe is usefull its just unrealsitic imho!
                        I guess I wont change your decision but for such a nice scenario there should be a nice map used!
                        Here is one Id prefer: Its NOT a gigamap - but a realistic one!
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Cifer Almasy; March 9, 2003, 08:46.
                        Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                        • #57
                          Hi, Cifer Almasy!

                          Yep, glad you like the idea, I might make a few of the units in a 'running' stance, especially the SS and Soviet barrage troops.

                          About the WWW scenario? (featuring evolving units and rules sets!)
                          It is one of many sceanrios that are coming!

                          The limit was a real pain in the ToT version of Dictator, which used a giga map.

                          The World map I use is heavily upgraded,
                          And I agree, the standard Microprose Worldmap is crap.

                          I will give your map a whirl and see what it is like anyway!


                          • #58
                            Cifer Almasy, Very nice map indeed!

                            With your permission, I would love to use this for a future project, would that be OK?



                            • #59
                              Originally posted by curtsibling
                              Cifer Almasy, Very nice map indeed!

                              With your permission, I would love to use this for a future project, would that be OK?

                              Yeah, i am glad you like that map - though it is NOT my creation!

                              But i will give you my permission: So be it!

                              I am anxious (? i took that vocab from the dictionary ) to see your other projects!

                              PS: In the download section i just found "Dictator II" - is there any part I?

                              Greetings, Cifer
                              Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                              • #60
                                Dude, I am assuming you mean ToT Dictator II.

                                Yes, there was a part one, but it was so crap it has been archived.
                                ToT Dictator II was a clean-up and improvement over the first.
                                But I have a new standard for my scenarios and I may do ToT Dictator III in the future.
                                But so little people have ToT I wonder if it is worth it?

                                I have many scenarios in the production line.
                                Things I have lined up are:

                                Dictator II MGE -90% complete
                                Dictator Soviet Steel -50% complete
                                Dictator WWW -45% complete
                                Dictator Germania -10% complete
                                Cult Wars -50% complete

                                I plan to do a 'War on Terror' scenario.
                                A secret fantasy scenario is underway too.

                                This summer, I am going to be a busy bee!


