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Alternative History Scenario - What if Nazi Germany Won WWII?

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  • Alternative History Scenario - What if Nazi Germany Won WWII?

    I've always been intrested in an alternative history scenario where the nazis won WWII. What weapons would they have developed? Would the swastika flag be flying on the moon instead of the stars & stripes? What would the political and social map of the world be like? Would there be a new alternative cold war between the Third Reich and the US?

    It would be intresting if we could come up with an alternative history timeline, from which one could build a scenario from.

    I would love to read your opinions, ideas or thoughts.
    "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
    -Kaiser Willhem II

  • #2
    Define "won". If a war is won by a side, it is over. But even if the western allies would have been defeated by the nazis, the war in the USSR would have lasted forever, as indicated by the book "Fatherland" (sorry, I forgot the author, but it is a famous book, and a decent movie has been made out of it).
    Follow the masses!
    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


    • #3
      perhaps the term 'survived' should best be applied.

      The war with the west is over, but the war in the east continues.
      "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
      -Kaiser Willhem II


      • #4
        use perhaps that timeline:
        top secret documents have shown that the soviet union has been just one step before a capitulation (thats a fact - i saw it in a tv- documetary) i guess thats been about 1942(???) when the nazis had been near moscow.
        imagine soviets had capitulated then the germans would have had a bigger chance to defend allied invasions.
        Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


        • #5
          The timeline in Fatherland, although intresting doesn't directly give a reason as to why Germany won. Also it is more of a backdrop for a detective story, rather than a story of life under nazi controlled europe.
          "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
          -Kaiser Willhem II


          • #6

            Possible political map of Europe.
            "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
            -Kaiser Willhem II


            • #7
              Interesting, especially with Romania now posessing parts of the Soviet Union. But what about Hungary? It had some territorial expansion istself, and whatever else, I don't think it would have been part of Germany.
              Also, I think that Germany would soon have been interested in Syria and Iraq because of the oil reserves (possibly also Iran).
              Follow the masses!
              30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


              • #8
                that would be indeed interesting because there would be no interest for Germany as they may use the oil fields of Maikop and Baku. The only reason would be that no-one else should ever get this oil.

                and what about the US?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Willhelm II

                  Possible political map of Europe.
                  i canot agree...
                  Something Complains... in WWII,at Finland also At with Nazi... And Spanish Is must bee Green!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Stefan Härtel
                    Interesting, especially with Romania now posessing parts of the Soviet Union. But what about Hungary? It had some territorial expansion istself, and whatever else, I don't think it would have been part of Germany.
                    Also, I think that Germany would soon have been interested in Syria and Iraq because of the oil reserves (possibly also Iran).
                    Perhaps Hungary may have been given a piece of Yugoslavia by Germany? Or their own seperate piece of land in the East?

                    I do agree with the idea of germany being intrested in Middle Eastern Oil.

                    Currently making another map...
                    "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
                    -Kaiser Willhem II


                    • #11
                      How about a scenario where Germany and Japan have both succeded in their territorial ambitions and are now facing off against each other? The convenient alliance is no longer valid as Hitler wishes to complete his new world order. Dictators such as Hitler never intend to conquer the whole world, just the parts that touch their land, then the parts that touch that, then the parts that touch that, then the......and so on.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Caspian
                        How about a scenario where Germany and Japan have both succeded in their territorial ambitions and are now facing off against each other? The convenient alliance is no longer valid as Hitler wishes to complete his new world order. Dictators such as Hitler never intend to conquer the whole world, just the parts that touch their land, then the parts that touch that, then the parts that touch that, then the......and so on.
                        I believe that should be a seperate scenario after this one, since I believe that although Hitler did intend Germany to finally attack Japan, this would have been decades after (Hitler probably would have been dead by then). Germany, after the war with Russia, would require to re-build herself and re-settle the new conqoured lands in the east with 'pure Aryan Germanic blood'.

                        And after that? Why not a scenario based far into the future, where nazism has ruled the earth and now seeks to expand its evil self to other planets to abosorb new minerals and enslave entire planets of different alien races.

                        We could have a trilogy forming here... lol
                        "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
                        -Kaiser Willhem II


                        • #13
                          LoL. And Hitler could still be alive but by this stage "he's more machine than man now" Only George Lucas would sue us for stealing his ideas.


                          • #14
                            The only problem I see with this whole thing is that the Americans would have nuked Berlin, or the industrial cities on the Rhine. With America's lead in atomic weapons I don't see how they ever could have "lost". The only way would have been if Germany had taken control of Britain, Iceland, and Greenland. That way the Americans would have no way to deliver the atomic weapons.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Pap1723
                              The only problem I see with this whole thing is that the Americans would have nuked Berlin, or the industrial cities on the Rhine. With America's lead in atomic weapons I don't see how they ever could have "lost". The only way would have been if Germany had taken control of Britain, Iceland, and Greenland. That way the Americans would have no way to deliver the atomic weapons.

                              What if the Americans pull out of the war? What if they decided that it was lost in Europe, but continued their efforts in Asia instead? Perhaps during this time Germany could have developed a Nuclear device, and with their advanced Rocket program they would be deemed even more dangerous.

                              America drops the Bomb on Japan, and the war is over in the pacific - but Nazi germany still controlls most of Europe, and as a result of having even more advanced weapons and rockets, a cold war develops between the two new super powers.
                              "bear yourselves as Huns of Attila"
                              -Kaiser Willhem II

