At the moment i am creating a scenario about Imprialism in 20th century beginning with the Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905. Therefore I am seeking some units images showing Cavalry Guard and Cossack units of the early 20th century. It would be also helpfull if anybody has statistics about Russian Military strength in this time ...
The nations included in this scenarion are:
Russian Empire
Japanese Empire
German Empire
British Empire
French Republic
United States of America
Hail Emperor Nikolaj II. Zar of whole Russia
"Für Gott, Zar und Vaterland."
The nations included in this scenarion are:
Russian Empire
Japanese Empire
German Empire
British Empire
French Republic
United States of America
Hail Emperor Nikolaj II. Zar of whole Russia
"Für Gott, Zar und Vaterland."