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Imperialism scn. 1904-1919/20

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  • Imperialism scn. 1904-1919/20

    At the moment i am creating a scenario about Imprialism in 20th century beginning with the Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905. Therefore I am seeking some units images showing Cavalry Guard and Cossack units of the early 20th century. It would be also helpfull if anybody has statistics about Russian Military strength in this time ...

    The nations included in this scenarion are:
    Russian Empire
    Japanese Empire
    German Empire
    British Empire
    French Republic
    United States of America

    Hail Emperor Nikolaj II. Zar of whole Russia
    "Für Gott, Zar und Vaterland."
    Attached Files
    "Et deus dixit fiat lux !"
    "Everything is proceeding as i have foreseen."
    "I love Democracy Ilove the Republic ..."

  • #2
    If I were you, I may want to reconsider the time period. So much changed in the world in 1914, and then again in 1919, that it would be very, very hard to simulate that well. As for Russian miilitary stats, this site should help you out. is a factbook of stats about the russo-japanese war.
    I refute it thus!
    "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


    • #3
      if you need some units or background info, you may ask me if you like ...


      • #4
        Damnit damnit damnit!

        Just now that I'm about to start work on a scenario on the Russo-Japanese War! Arrrrgh.

        I've drawn a few ships and units, but I'm afraid you can't use them until I release the scenario.

        In any case, good luck. If it looks good and play smooth sign me up for playtesting...


        • #5
          Why should you be surprised? It was a brilliant idea, posted right here on the SL forum.
          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


          • #6
            If have considered tihs time period because I wanted to show the instability of the peace during Imperialism. The starting time (1904) is choosed due to the importance of the Russian-Japanese War. Although the war had no major territorial consequenses for the Russian Empire, it was a great psychological shock for the europeans seeing an EUROPEAN WORLD POWER defeated by an Asian Nation.
            The most important factors which helped Japan to win the war were:
            1. Long resupply lines of Russia due to the concentration of their army and industry in the European parts of the Empire
            2. The Japanese troops have sneak attacked the russians and catched them unprepared (do I hear Pearl Harbour ?)
            3.Bad logistical situation for the Russian Army - Excellent logistical situation for the Japanese

            Do to this facts the Russian War Minister (was his name Kuropatkin ... ?) has worked out an defensive plan but the "Hofkamarillia" High officials and the Aristocracy forced him trying to free Pt. Arthur and fight great battles against Japanese forces instead of retreating and cut the Japanese supply lines off

            i will try to make an screenshot of my actual version of the scenarion and the units i have integrated untill yet (most of them from another Pre WW1 scn) the citys are already placed but i must consider which city should become which wonder. The British will definitivly become the Lighthouse (renamed to British Navy or something else) to improve their Navy perhaps i could use Magellans Voyage in the same way for the Japanese the Russians will recieve some wonders increasing happiness which will become obsolete by the russian revolution (if russian player isn't good enough).
            "Et deus dixit fiat lux !"
            "Everything is proceeding as i have foreseen."
            "I love Democracy Ilove the Republic ..."


            • #7
              Well concerning the timeframe the situation was very unstable as you said and therefore it's perfectly suited for the dynamic CivII-game engine.

              I would allow diplomacy and therefore give the players the chance to sharp the world around themselves as they like (AoW or History or the new Lebensraum are created that way). The alliances that were created in 1914 were only one option. France could have also fight against England as they were long and sworn enemies not long ago.

              I like this diplomacy-based scens where the players have the full responsibility if they go down or raise to the top.

              Hope you will continue and also finish your project
              Good Look neighbour

              Hope you don't mind if I show you something nice :


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jacques Rougeau
                ..The alliances that were created in 1914 were only one option. France could have also fight against England as they were long and sworn enemies not long ago.
                The entente cordiale between Britain and France was signed in 1904, not 1914. The rapid German expansion of her navy inevitably drew Britain into eventual confrontation with Germany and ensured an alliance with France. I would say an Anglo-French war would have been extremely unlikely in the timeframe of this scenario. If it was set in the late 19th Century you would be right, however.


                • #9
                  Kuropatkin was the RUssian minister of War at least in the opening years of the Russo Japanese War. Sukhomlinov in the opening of WWI.


                  • #10
                    The entente cordiale was the outcome of the Fashoda Incident. That incident, a standoff deep in Southern Sudan, very nearly led to war. The French backed down for a couple of reasons: at Fashoda they were decidedly at a disadvantage, their navy was in serious decline and felt to be no match for the RN, the Germans were a very real threat. Although you can encourage an Anglo-French alliance by duplicating these circumstances, the alliance need not be etched in stone. The freedom to choose would be more 'civilized'.
                    El Aurens v2 Beta!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Boco
                      Although you can encourage an Anglo-French alliance by duplicating these circumstances, the alliance need not be etched in stone. The freedom to choose would be more 'civilized'.
                      Jup, you're reading my mind
                      This way could be a very interesting scen


                      • #12
                        AFAIK, Britain and France never had any alliance... merely the entente, an understanding. There was definetly no documents, even in August 1914, compelling one to come to the defence of the other.


                        • #13
                          After weeks of (more or less) hard work I have finnaly the first screenshots ...
                          Attached Files
                          "Et deus dixit fiat lux !"
                          "Everything is proceeding as i have foreseen."
                          "I love Democracy Ilove the Republic ..."


                          • #14
                            looks like imperialsm 1870 from phoenix benton (soundwave) even the goody boxes...
                            Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                            • #15
                              *Ahem* Phenix Benton is Exile, not Soundwave *Ahem*
                              Last edited by yop73; March 1, 2003, 08:07.
                              Alexandr Yopov, Commander of the Murmansk front in the Red Front democracy game. Fighting for the glory of our marchal and the Rodina.

