Crisis of 1820, Federales and Unitarios
After Argentina achieved its independence officially in 1816, a series of failed government succeeded themselves in Buenos Aires. Unrest in the provinces of the interior started as the organisation of the country was argued. While Buenos Aires sought to establish a strong central government with right of rule over the interior, the 'caudillos' in the interior demanded autonomy, and refused outright rule from Buenos Aires. Additionally, tax moneies from the customs house in Buenos Aires was demanded as to be shared as national income, which Buenos Aires refused.
In 1820 tensions peaked and open warfare began between the different provinces. The Northwestern provinces, Cordoba, the 'Litoral' in the northeast, Buenos Aires. Additionally, Chile remained isolated, but War would soon loom over Buenos Aires against Brazil over the issue of Uruguay, which would soon come in 1826. Soon, a civil war of 32 years ensued, drawing to an end when Buenos Aires was finally defeated, and a Federalist constitution and government was created with its seat in Buenos Aires.
Screenshot 1: The 1st Regiment 'Patricios' from Buenos Aires holds the line against the Patagonian indians, who unceasently raid to loot and pillage.
After Argentina achieved its independence officially in 1816, a series of failed government succeeded themselves in Buenos Aires. Unrest in the provinces of the interior started as the organisation of the country was argued. While Buenos Aires sought to establish a strong central government with right of rule over the interior, the 'caudillos' in the interior demanded autonomy, and refused outright rule from Buenos Aires. Additionally, tax moneies from the customs house in Buenos Aires was demanded as to be shared as national income, which Buenos Aires refused.
In 1820 tensions peaked and open warfare began between the different provinces. The Northwestern provinces, Cordoba, the 'Litoral' in the northeast, Buenos Aires. Additionally, Chile remained isolated, but War would soon loom over Buenos Aires against Brazil over the issue of Uruguay, which would soon come in 1826. Soon, a civil war of 32 years ensued, drawing to an end when Buenos Aires was finally defeated, and a Federalist constitution and government was created with its seat in Buenos Aires.
Screenshot 1: The 1st Regiment 'Patricios' from Buenos Aires holds the line against the Patagonian indians, who unceasently raid to loot and pillage.