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SDC 4 Results!

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  • #16
    files copied on apolyton

    Click to download Asiento!

    Click to dowload Little Ice Age

    Click to download T.R.O.N.

    Click to download Sengoku
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


    • #17
      so, who wants to play a sdc pbem? how about TRON?

      Congrats on winning Kob


      • #18
        Congratulations to all the contestants and the people who made the contest possible! I look forward to playing all the entries!
        STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by H Tower
          so, who wants to play a sdc pbem? how about TRON?

          Congrats on winning Kob
          thanks a lot to you and everybody else. wait for the patch.....
          This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


          • #20
            Patch? Well, I could make it even harder by giving Habsburgs free galleons. They do tend to build a killer navy very fast, but this would make the life of the Tudors and the Ottomans even harder. Otherwise, an updated readme is all that I'm going to add.
            Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


            • #21
              Congtatulations to all

              Four new scenarios by top designers!


              • #22
                Wow, a sengoku scenario ! Brilliant idea Darth! I've always loved feudal Japan, (I wrote a history paper on it god dammit!), and was hoping someone could do it justice, will d/l ASAP!!!!

                And congrats to the other winners, I'm sure they're great scenario's, but I hope you understand that I need to play Darth's first.
                "The cost of living hasn't affected it's popularity." - Anonymous
                "I must confess, I was born at a very early age." - Groucho Marx
                "Time is the best teacher. Unfortunatley, it kills all it's pupils." -Hector-Luis Berloiz


                • #23
                  Oh well, i was afraid not all of the sides were playable, but they are, so that's the most valuable and important thing. Congrats, Koby!!!!!!
                  Nice scens, eh eh... this contest for sure will be to remember.

                  PS I'll update this scen soon, be sure all of you.
                  Last edited by Prometeus; January 16, 2003, 13:42.
                  "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
                  "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
                  "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


                  • #24
                    The version hosted on apolyton is not patched. The version I posted in the forum is.


                    • #25
                      I noticed it...
                      "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
                      "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
                      "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


                      • #26
                        Sengoku (patched)
                        The Little Big Ice Age that Could (patched)

                        Prometeus and Kobayashi, I'll put up an official page once you get me the patched versions of your scenarios. My email is [mail][/mail].
                        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                        • #27
                          Why isn't this in the 'Poly news?
                          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                          • #28
                            what do you think i'm writing right now?
                            Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                            Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                   my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                            • #29
                              A letter to the King of the United States of America about there being too many states these days and which ones of those should be eliminated?
                              Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                              • #30
                                North Dakota should go first. Everyone knows South Dakota is soooo much better.
                                "The cost of living hasn't affected it's popularity." - Anonymous
                                "I must confess, I was born at a very early age." - Groucho Marx
                                "Time is the best teacher. Unfortunatley, it kills all it's pupils." -Hector-Luis Berloiz

