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SLM November Issue

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  • #16
    Another fine issue!
    To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

    From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


    • #17
      Gotta say...another fine SLM issue.

      RE: Unit trends - My take on the 'multiple-figure' unit icons is this; I like them. The only thing that bothers me about them is when the 'single-figure' icon is normal sized. In many cases the perspective is all off. One huge dragoon attacking a squad of tiny musketeers just doesn't "look" right. I guess I'm just anal about those things.

      On the other hand, by using this perspective, one could create units of various sizes, thus giving the whole thing a more realistic look. For example, tanks and airplanes are much larger than soldiers. Goblins are ankle biters compared to men, etc. Could make for some interesting stuff.

      Great work.
      "you better shape up, tiger, or some hotshot jap pilot is gonna flame your ass!"


      • #18
        Wheeee-lah! I just noticed that I got a big mention in the SLM!! Thankyou thankyou Gothmog for my 15 minutes of fame

        Promotion time: the scenario you playtested is still unreleased, due pretty much to the obscene amount of time I had to spend studying for exams this month. But if my loyal fans are lucky (I know I have some somewhere) it may appear as an early Christmas present sometime next month.

        As for the units: thanks for the compliments Now I shall forever be remembered as the designer who came up with the multiple unit graphics (even though I originally got the idea from Vegard [author of the fine Casus Belli scenarios] and his work for John Ellis' Bonaparte update [which I helped playtest])

        My only innovation was figuring out how to easily manufacture these units from a single base graphic, rather than laboriously drawing them from scratch. Its not actually nearly as hard as it looks... perhaps I may take up your challenge and one day write an expose for a future issue of the SLM.
        Last edited by winterfritz; November 27, 2002, 23:55.


        • #19
          Had I known earlier I'd have submitted some sort of preview of my new scenario to the SM.
          When's the next one gonna be out (or what's planned?)
          Follow the masses!
          30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


          • #20
            January-ish? We won't mind publishing a full-page ad of your scenario if that's too late for a preview.
            Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at

