Hi, for those who don't know me, I am the "andrew" from "allard and andrew's site", which was the predecessor to "csc". I have created 2 scenarios (a few years ago): Indian Wars and the Spanish-American War. I'd like to get back into scenario-making, but I have an idea. I think it'd be a good idea to form a scenario-making team. This would be the best way to make scenarios I think because it could pool talent in a unique way that hasn't been seen before in scenario-making. If you are interested in joining the team, please send me a private message.
No announcement yet.
Call to Scenario Makers
I guess you can say I am a rookie when it comes to scenario making...
My freshman effort is completed so far (after I become good at it I will go back and remake it because I like this idea for a scenario) and it is the Thirty Years' War Scenario, you can dl it by clicking this link...
If that link doesn't work (which it won't anyway until I get home around five or six) just gimme a hollar here and I'll fix it or send it to you directly.
I am very interested in joining your scenario group, and have begun working on an Italian Unification Scenario, which I think should be a good one."Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
I would help a scenario-making team specifically in the area of artwork, but with certain limitations:
I will make modern "machine" units (Vehicles, planes, ships, tanks etc...)which I consider my strong suit.
I want to make sure the effort is real and committed. I have made a few units for 5-6 scenario-makers and have yet to see one of the scenarios be released.
I would be willing to offer any help that I could. I am somewhat new to trying to make scenarios, so I don't know how much help I would be."I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
"Guinness sucks!" -- Me
Hi guys,
I'd be down for being with a team of designers, but I am all kinds of tied up with the scenario I'm doing right now. Plus, I am certainly a rookie. This is my first try and I am learing a whole lot 'bout the inner-workings of the game that I never thought about before. And sadly, my knowledge of history goes back to about WWII and thats it!
Originally posted by Captain Nemo on 03-21-2001 02:49 PM
I want to make sure the effort is real and committed. I have made a few units for 5-6 scenario-makers and have yet to see one of the scenarios be released.
Captain, you've not made anything for Stalingrad yet?I could use some of your talents, and yes...it will be released! Though its my fist real attempt,I have pledged to myself to get it done.
[This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited April 12, 2001).]
I'm in...
I'm much of a perfectionist, and have a bunch of scenarios being worked upon. One about a war in South america, working on the sixth version of the map, is the most advanced, i have the map (nearly), the civs, woders, improvements, terrain graphics, some unit graphics, a cool idea for bombers, etc..
I'm good at maps, and also at editing units (I got a nice self-propeled artillery and i also put the Frigates' sails on the Merchantman once. Great outcome)Indifference is Bliss
I made this:
Judge for yourself. Not a very good map, quite accurate on the historical aspect. Very playable as any nation as well. It is my pride and joy.
(Europe in Crisis that is)
I know, a deficient title and synopsis as well.