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Need Help with importing new Graphics..

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  • Need Help with importing new Graphics..

    Greetings all..

    I made a new Version of the Units, Graphics, People etc. gif´s

    Problem is the game wont accept any of my new graphic sets (not even the peoples gif where i only changed one face .. there is no difference to other mods)

    anyways i only get an error in the civ2.exe and that´s it

    i tried it with fantastic worlds as well with civ 2 v.2.42..

    would be most thankful if anyone knows help

  • #2
    If it still don´t work with BMP I think your pics have the wrong palette.
    Plesae, try this: take a new standard units.gif without changes, copy it to your scn folder. Then copy the units you made into it, save it as gif or bmp. Still no success?
    I don´t know the software you use, so I can´t say if it´s good, but normally every gfx software should be able to handle 8bit gifs/bmps with fixed palettes. Perhaps your programme saves it as 24bit Truecolor? Check the helpfile of the software, are there some notes about the save formats?

    Civ2000 hosted by CivII Universum


    • #3
      Probably wrong format or palette. Under FW or higher you can save the pics as BMP files, bigger filesizes, but easier to handle.
      Under 2.42 they have to be GIF. Whatever you use, they have to be 8bit=256 colors, and don´t change the palette. If you save them as GIFs, look out for save options like "Transparency", "Interlaced" or something like that - and DEactivate them...Hope this helps, there my be other reasons, but please try the things above first...

      Civ2000 hosted by CivII Universum


      • #4
        hmm i tried to change them in bmp but didnt help ..

        didnt change anything in the format also (at least so that i know)

        used MS Photo Editor for it btw.

        maybe wrong Program ?

        sucks to see a work of five days mainly without pause to be wasted


        • #5
          ok i changed the Program and now it works

          thx for the info and help.. only problem left is the cities and some terrains have some strange shadows but i will make that i hope

