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Escort Fighters!

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  • Escort Fighters!

    I belive that we can make fighter escorts for bombers....

    Just go to the bombers and give them the carrier ability, this will both enable the bombers to 'carry' cruise missles, and for fighters to 'escort' bombers.

    Have the bombers make their attack and then park a fighter on top of it, then if the bomber is attacked, the fighters should defend.

    I think this should work, has anyone tried it?

  • #2
    Sorry, no can do. The carrier special ability only works if the unit it is on is a sea domain (naval) unit. Otherwise it just doesn't work (actually not quite true, it sort of works for land, but doesn't do anything for air).


    • #3
      hmmm i've another solution. make a "bomber-fighter": Bomber deplacement
      ability (2 turns) but with "can attack air unit" and "air superiority" AI role
      other option
      use "x2 on defense versus air" for all your fighters (and for your flying fortress)


      • #4

        Originally posted by Miner on 03-27-2001 02:17 PM
        Sorry, no can do. The carrier special ability only works if the unit it is on is a sea domain (naval) unit. Otherwise it just doesn't work (actually not quite true, it sort of works for land, but doesn't do anything for air).

        I tried it our, and it wooks, but the bombers can move only 1 square


        • #5
          I havn't tried this, but I always had a question about if an aerotransport plane can be made, which is can carry Armors etc. on the plane and land near another city ... tried to create a plane with transport ability, but it didn't work, any idea?


          • #6
            Captain Nemo devised a combination that came closest to what you have in mind. Make a ship with the capacity to transport ground units, then give it the paratroop flag. You can then parachute it onto a land square,then disembark the ground units it carries. If it lands on another city or airfield it will be able to jump again, but if it lands on a regular ground terrain square, it will be unable to move.
            Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



            • #7
              I once tried to make a flying Aircraft Carrier, with no success.

              You can't create trading ships or planes (which establish trade routes)

              you CAN give Bombers the sub flag, and make them 0 attack. Then create some missiles and you have a modern Stealth Bomber! Which you have to arm...
              Indifference is Bliss


              • #8

                you CAN give Bombers the sub flag, and make them 0 attack. Then create some missiles and you have a modern Stealth Bomber! Which you have to arm...

                Are you sure?

                I tried this and it didn't work. What role did you give the bomber? I gave mine the sub adv/dis, but then the only way to make it carry the missle unit was by making it a sea domain unit. By doing this, it couldn't move across the air anywhere to deliver its payload. Is there some combination I am overlooking?

                [This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited April 12, 2001).]

