Well, I'm getting real close to submitting my ModPack to apolyton. On the agenda is to finish a few civilopedia descriptions (I have done many already), then I will play through it once more myself, looking for bugs, and then submit it.
In the mean time if you guys could play through it and look for bugs that would be great. I've had a lot of great comments up to this point, which have helped me to change the ModPack a lot over months, so if you have major comments not just little bug fixes, you can send those, too.
What is available for download is now updated. A lot of tweaks are included since the last update as well as 3 new wonders, and changes to the terrain.
You can download it here : http://aspen.mine.nu/civ2/oldnew/
I took down the screenshots a couple months ago after I changed the terrain graphics, but after I play it again, I'll have some screen shots for you. If anyone takes their own screen-shots of something interesting happening in the game, I would love to have 'em
Just let me know, and i'll contact you and get them from you so I can post them on the site.
Well, I hope you like the ModPack. I know I do. It's a fun change of surroundings when the original game gets boring, and it plays a lot like the original game, too; so it's my second favorite way to play the game after the original.
In the mean time if you guys could play through it and look for bugs that would be great. I've had a lot of great comments up to this point, which have helped me to change the ModPack a lot over months, so if you have major comments not just little bug fixes, you can send those, too.
What is available for download is now updated. A lot of tweaks are included since the last update as well as 3 new wonders, and changes to the terrain.
You can download it here : http://aspen.mine.nu/civ2/oldnew/
I took down the screenshots a couple months ago after I changed the terrain graphics, but after I play it again, I'll have some screen shots for you. If anyone takes their own screen-shots of something interesting happening in the game, I would love to have 'em

Well, I hope you like the ModPack. I know I do. It's a fun change of surroundings when the original game gets boring, and it plays a lot like the original game, too; so it's my second favorite way to play the game after the original.