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Ai terrain improvement...

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  • Ai terrain improvement...

    While editing the buildings in a barbarian city I discovered this (I don't know if it is allready known, but I haven't seen it in any guide so here we go ), when I gave improvements to the forementioned city irrigation whit road started to pop up around it! For every improvement I created an undeveloped square was given roads and irrigation, the squares allready developed (in this case whit irrigation only) wheren't affected at all. If nothing else this is strange and shows another way that the ai cheats (the Ai controlled players probably get the same bonus).
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!

  • #2
    You can't modify your opponent's terrain assignment, Henrik... that's why it popped all around...

    PS Barbarians starts as despotism, i think, so what you should have to do is to set it to Despotism level...
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    "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


    • #3
      Yes, well the barbarian city in question had no settlers around, I know, 'cuz I created the city it switching to barabarians (if it wasn't clear before I'm making a scenario) and I also had the reaveal entire map on.
      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


      • #4
        Wait a sec, did you "switch to barbarians"? I didn't think that was possible.


        • #5
          Cheat menu; Reveal map: entire map, set human player: no human player, reveal map no special view, end turn.
          Voila you are barbarian!
          Atleast in MGE
          Very usefull for creating barbarian cities, but there has to be a barbarian unit on the map.
          I have the mac version of MGE but I don't think that this differs, I don't have problems whit switching barbarian production either (as long as I make the units require no tech (nil)).
          [This message has been edited by Henrik (edited February 17, 2001).]
          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


          • #6
            Works in ToT, too.
            Rome rules


            • #7
              That's pretty cool. So that explains how the AI gets developed land without settlers. I wish that would work for humans

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              She turned me into a newt...well I got better- Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

              How many boards could the Mongols horde, if the Mongol hordes got bored?- jcarkey


              • #8

                Originally posted by jcarkey on 02-18-2001 10:01 AM
                That's pretty cool. So that explains how the AI gets developed land without settlers. I wish that would work for humans

                Humans are bright enough to do their own terrain improvement, the AI isn't.
                Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure

